... uncle, My father's brother, but no more like my father Than I to Hercules: within a month, Ere yet the salt of most unrighteous tears Had left the flushing in her galled eyes, She married. Hamlet, Prince of Denmark: A Tragedy - Page 2by William Shakespeare - 1770 - 207 pagesFull view - About this book
| William Shakespeare - 1765 - 540 pages
...dexterity to inceftuous fbeets \ •• ' T fi-1 She married.—Oh, moft wicked fpeed, to poft >'' It is not, nor it cannot come to Good. But break, my heart, for I muft hold <my'tongue. SCEN W "W:" > 'feriter Horatio, Bernardo,.andMarcellusť Her. Hail to your Lordfhip] \... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1766 - 620 pages
...I to Hercules, within a month, Ere yet the fait of moft vnrighteous teares Had left the flu filing in her gauled eyes She married oh ! moft wicked fpeed ; to poft With fuch dexterity to inceftious fheetes, It is not, nor it cannot come to good, But breake my heart for I muft hold my tongue.... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1768 - 462 pages
...gauled eyes. With fuch dexterity to inccftuous meets ! She married. Oh, moll wicked fpeed, to poft It is not, nor it cannot come to Good. But break,...my tongue. SCENE IV. Enter Horatio, Bernardo, and Marcellus, Hor. T_J AIL to your lordfhip. ; JL JL Ham. I am glad to fee you well ; Horatio, or I do... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1771 - 382 pages
...wicked fpeed, to poft With fuch dexterity * to inceftuous fheets ! * itxHriy, for Juhkaefs fimj ly. It is not, nor it cannot come to good. But break,...my tongue." SCENE IV. Enter Horatio, Bernardo, and Marcellus. If or. Hail to your Lordfhip ! Ham. I am glad to fee you well ; Horatio,— or I do forget... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1772 - 370 pages
...to Hercules. Within a month ! — Ere yet the fait of mod unrighteous tear* ' Had left the fluffing in her gauled eyes, She married —Oh, moft wicked fpeed, to poft With fuch dexterity to inceftuous llicets ! It is not, nor it cannot come to good. But break my heart, for I muft hold my tongue. Enter... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1773 - 476 pages
...Stakcffearc, when he declar'don<hefideof^rjiV'lhemiftich, aithe ftarpeit fatire he bad met with, " It is not, nor it cannot come to good. But break, my heart, for I muft hold my tongue. Enter Horatio, Bernardo, and Marcell us. t Hor. Hail to your lordfhipt Ham. I am glad to fee you well... | |
| English essays - 1709 - 388 pages
...gauled eyes, She married — O moft wicked fpeed, to poft With fuch dexterity to inceftuous flieets t It is not, nor it cannot come to good, But break my heart ; for I mull hold my tongue. Thefeveral emotions of mind, and breaks of paffion, in this fpeech, arc admirable.... | |
| Joseph Priestley - Criticism - 1777 - 348 pages
...month 7 and, at laft, . . Ere yet the fait of mod unrighteous tears Had left the flufhing of her galled eyes, She married Oh moft wicked fpeed, to poft With fuch dexterity to inceftuous fheets. Act I. Scene i. Nearly allied to this laft obfervation is the following, that all ftrong paffions and... | |
| William Enfield - Elocution - 1785 - 460 pages
...her galled eyes, She married Oh, moft wicked fpeed, to poft With fuch dexterity toinceftuous meets ! It is not, nor it cannot come to good. But break, my heart, for I muft hold my tongue. SHAKEsPEAR. CHA P. XXIX. HAMLET AND GHOST. HAM. ANGELS and minifters of grace defend us ! •*• •*-... | |
| Lord Henry Home Kames - Criticism - 1788 - 548 pages
...Than I to Hercules. Within a month ! Ere yet the fait of moft unrighteous tears Had left the flufhing in her gauled eyes, She married Oh, moft wicked fpeed, to poft With fuch dexterity to inccftuous fheets ! It is not, nor it cannot come to good. But break, my heart, for I muft hold my... | |
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