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" Government, in order to evince its desire of strengthening the friendly relations between the two countries and of making satisfactory provision for the future, agrees that in deciding the questions between the two countries arising out of those claims,... "
International Law - Page 402
by George Grafton Wilson, George Fox Tucker - 1901 - 459 pages
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The Annual Register

Edmund Burke - History - 1872 - 814 pages
...provision for the future, agreed that in deciding the questions arising out of the claims, the arbitrator should assume that her Majesty's Government had undertaken to act upon the principles set forth in the rules proposed by the American Commissioners. These rules were those adopted finally as a part...
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The American Annual Cyclopędia and Register of Important Events ..., Volume 11

Encyclopedias and dictionaries - 1872 - 850 pages which were in force at the time when the Alabama claims arose, bnt that her Majesty's Government, in order to evince its desire of strengthening the friendly relations between the two countries, and to make satisfactory provision for the future, agreed that, in deciding th« questions between the...
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The American Annual Cyclopędia and Register of Important Events ...

Encyclopedias and dictionaries - 1872 - 840 pages which were in force at the time when tho Alabama claims arose, but that her Majesty's Government, in order to evince its desire of strengthening the friendly relations between the two countries, and to make satisfactory provision for the future, agreed that, in deciding tha questions between the two...
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Appletons' Annual Cyclopaedia and Register of Important Events: Embracing ...

Encyclopedias and dictionaries - 1872 - 844 pages which were in force at the time when the Alabama claims arose, but that her Majesty's Government, in order to evince its desire of strengthening the friendly relations between the two countries, and to make satisfactory provision for the future, agreed that, in deciding the questions between the two...
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Geneva arbitration

United States. Department of State - Alabama claims - 1872 - 874 pages
...friendly relations between the two countries, and of making satisfactory provision for the. future, agreed that, in deciding the questions between the two countries arising out of those claims, the Arbitrator should assume that Her Majesty's Government had undertaken to act upon the principles set...
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Washington arbitration and general appendix containing the report of Robert ...

United States. Department of State - Alabama claims - 1874 - 440 pages
...friendly relations between the two countries and of making satisfactory provision for the future, agreed that in deciding the questions between the two countries arising out of those claims, the Arbitrator should assume that Her Majesty's Government had undertaken to act upon the principles set...
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Gli arbitrati internazionali e il trattato di Washington

Augusto Pierantoni - Alabama claims - 1872 - 142 pages
...countries arising out of those claims, the Arbitrators should assumer that Her Majesty 's Governemnt had undertaken to act upon the principles set forth in these rules. And the Hing Contracting Parties agree to observe these rules as between themselves in future, and to bring...
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A Handbook of Politics for 1872: Being a Record of Important Political ...

Edward McPherson - United States - 1872 - 248 pages
...Majesty's ! Government, in order to evince its desire of strengthening the friendly relations betwecn the two countries, and of making satisfactory provision for the future, agrees that in de ciding the questions between the two countries arising out of those claims the arbitrators should...
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Appletons' Annual Cyclopędia and Register of Important Events of ..., Volume 11

Encyclopedias and dictionaries - 1872 - 842 pages which in force at the time when the Alabama arose, but that her Majesty's Government, in onlor to evince its desire of strengthening the friendly relations between the two countries, and to make satisfactory provision : T the future, agreed. that, in deciding estions between the two countries...
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Alabama Claims: Supplement to the London Gazette of Friday, the 20th ...

1872 - 356 pages
...time when the aims mentioned in Article I arose, but that Her Majesty's Government, in order to rince its desire of strengthening the friendly relations between the two countries, and ? making satisfactory provision for the future, agrees that, in deciding the questions jtAveen the...
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