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of Committees on Bills.

And the Report of the Committee shall be printed, and shall be circulated with the Votes.


Agreement to be annexed to Bill.

Copy of Letters
Patent to be

174. WHERE it is sought by any Bill to give Parliamentary sanction to any Agreement, such Agreement shall be annexed to the Bill as a Schedule thereto, and shall be printed in extenso therewith.

Letters Patent.

175. WHEN any Bill shall be brought into the House for restoring any annexed to the Bill. Letters Patent, there shall be a true Copy of such Letters Patent annexed to the Bill, and the total amount of fees (including the prescribed fee for enlargement under Section 17 of "The Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks Act, 1883"), due and to become due on the patent, shall be deposited with the Comptroller General of Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks, before the meeting of the Committee on the Bill, and such deposit proved before the Committee.

Notices and

Inclosure Bills.

Drainage Bills.

Clause for leaving open Space for exercise and recreation.

Inclosure and Drainage Bills.

176, IN the case of any Bill for inclosing Lands, the Committee may admit proof of the Notices required by the Standing Orders, and of the Allegations in the Preamble of such Bill, by Affidavit taken and authenticated, according to the form prescribed in the Schedule to the General Inclosure Act (41 Geo. 3, c. 109), unless such Committee shall otherwise


177. THE Committee on every Bill for inclosing Lands shall in the first place require the Agent for the same to deliver into the Committee a printed copy of the Bill, signed by the Lord of the Manor (in cases where the Lord of the Manor has any interest as such in the lands to be inclosed), and by such Owners of Property within the Parish to which the Bill relates as shall have assented thereto; but the Parties, if they shall think fit, shall be permitted to deliver in different copies of the Bill, separately signed by the several Parties hereinbefore mentioned, instead of one copy, signed by all of them collectively; together with a List of all the Owners of Property within such Parish, showing the value according to the Poor Rate or Land Tax Assessment of each Owner's Property therein, and distinguishing which of them have assented, dissented, or are neuter in respect thereto.

178. THE Committee on every Bill for draining Lands shall in the first place require the Agent for the same to deliver in to the Committee a printed copy of the Bill, signed by such Owners and Occupiers of Property within the drainage district to which the Bill relates as shall have assented thereto; but the Parties, if they shall think fit, shall be permitted to deliver in different copies of the Bill, separately signed by the several Parties hereinbefore mentioned, instead of one copy, signed by all of them collectively; together with a List of all the Owners of Property within such district, showing the value according to the Poor Rate or Land Tax Assessment of each Owner's Property therein, or the extent in acres, roods, and perches, and distinguishing which of them have assented, dissented, or are neuter in respect thereto.

179. In every Bill for inclosing Lands, provision shall be made for leaving an open space in the most appropriate situation, sufficient for purposes of exercise and recreation of the neighbouring population; and the Committee on the Bill shall have before them the number of acres proposed to be inclosed, as also of the population in the parishes or places in which the land to be inclosed is situate: and also shall see that provision is made for the efficient fencing of the allotment, for the investment of the same in the Churchwardens and Overseers of the parish in which such open space is reserved, and for the efficient making and permanent maintenance of the



fences by such parish; and in any case where the information hereby Proceedings required is not given, and the required provisions are not made in the of Committees on Bill, the Committee on the same shall report specially to The House the Reasons for not complying with such Order.

Commissioners, &c.

180. In every Bill for inclosing Lands, the names of the Commissioners Consent Bill to proposed to be appointed, and the Compensation intended for the Lord of contain Names of the Manor, and the Owners of Tithes, in lieu of their respective Rights, and also the Compensation intended to be made for the enfranchisement of Copyholds, where any Bargains or Agreements have been made for such compensations, shall be inserted in the copy of the Bill presented to The House: And all Copies of such Bills which shall be sent to any of the Persons interested in the said Manor, Tithes, Lands or Commons, for their Consent, shall contain the Names of such proposed Commissioners, and also the Compensations so bargained or agreed for.


181. No Person shall be named in any Bill for inclosing Lands as a Com- Disqualification of missioner, Umpire, Surveyor, or Valuer, who shail be interested in the certain Persons as Inclosure to be made by virtue of such Bill: or the Agent ordinarily Surveyors, &c. intrusted with the care, superintendence or management of the Estate of any Person so interested.

182. In every Bill for inclosing, draining or improving Lands, there shall be inserted a Clause, providing what sum of Money in the whole, or by the day, shall be paid to each of the Commissioners to be appointed by such Bill, in satisfaction of the expense and trouble which he shall incur in the execution of the powers thereby given; and also a Clause, providing that the Account of such Commissioner or Commissioners, containing a true statement of all Sums by him or them received and expended or due to him or them for their own trouble or expenses, shall, at least once in every year, from the date of the passing of the Act till such Accounts shall be finally allowed, together with the Vouchers relating to the same, be examined by some Person or Persons to be appointed by the Bill, and the Balance by him or them stated in the Book of Accounts required to be kept in the Office of the Clerk of such Commissioners; and that no charge or item in such Accounts shall be binding on the Parties concerned, or be valid in law, unless the same shall be duly allowed by such Person or Persons.

Provisions for

settling Pay of



183. WHENEVER a Private Bill contains any provisions relating to the Inclosure of Land, which might be comprised in a Provisional Order, under the Acts for the Inclosure and Improvement of Land, the Committee to make a Special Report thereon to The House.

Houses of the Working Classes in Scotland or Ireland.

184. In the case of every Bill which gives, revives, or extends power to take land in Scotland or Ireland compulsorily or by agreement, Clauses shall be inserted :

(1.) Providing that the promoters shall not, in the exercise of such power, purchase or acquire, in any local area any house or houses, occupied either wholly or partially by thirty or more persons belonging to the working class, as tenants or lodgers, unless and until

(a.) They shall have obtained the approval of the Central Authority to a scheme for providing new dwellings for the persons residing in such houses, or for such number or proportion of such persons as the Central Authority shall, after inquiry, deem necessary, having regard to the number of persons residing in the houses liable to be taken and working within one mile therefrom, and to the amount of vacant suitable accommodation in the immediate neighbourhood of the



Committee on any Private Bill visions relating containing pro

to the Inclosure of Land in certain cases to make a

Special Report.

Provisions with respect to houses

occupied by working class in Scotland or Ireland.


of Committees on Bills.


Clause for Qualifi


the houses liable to be taken, or to the place of employment of such persons, and all the other circumstances of the case; and

(b.) They shall have given security to the satisfaction of the Central Authority for the carrying out of the scheme;

(2.) Imposing adequate penalties on the promoters in the event of houses being acquired or appropriated for the purposes of the Bill in contravention of the foregoing provisions;

(3.) Providing that the expenses or any part of the expenses incurred by the Central Authority under this Order shall be defrayed by the promoters of the Bill, or out of moneys to be raised under the Bill; and

(4.) Conferring on the promoters and on the Central Authority respectively any powers that may be necessary to enable full effect to be given to the said scheme.

Expressions defined in Order 38 have the same meanings in this Order.


185. In the case of every Bill whereby it is proposed to impound the whole or any part of the water of any river or stream, and to give a flow of water in compensation for the water so impounded, the Committee on the Bill shall inquire into the expediency of making provision, so far as may be practicable, that the whole or a minimum amount of such compensation water shall be given in a continuous flow throughout the twenty-four hours of every day, and shall report to The House accordingly.

Turnpike Roads (Ireland).

186. In every Bill for making a Turnpike Road in Ireland, or for the cation of Commis- continuing or amending any Act passed for that purpose, or for the increase or alteration of the existing Tolls, Rates or Duties upon any such road, or for widening or diverting any such Road, a Clause shall be inserted, to prevent any person who shall be nominated a Commissioner from acting or voting in the business of the said Turnpike, unless he shall be possessed of an Estate in Land, or of a Personal Estate, to such certain value as shall be specified in such Bills; and such Qualification shall be extended to the Heirs apparent of Persons possessed of an Estate in Land to a certain value to be specified.

Clause for defining

Burial Ground, or
Gas Works, &c.

Burial Grounds, Cemeteries, Gas Works, and Electricity.

187. In every Bill for making or constructing Gas Works or Sewage limits of Cemetery, Works, or Works for the manufacture or conversion of the residual products of Gas or Sewage, or for making or constructing, altering, or enlarging any Sewage Farm, Cemetery, Burial Ground, Crematorium, Destructor, or Hospital for infectious disease, there shall be inserted a Clause defining the lands in or upon which such Gas Works, Sewage Works, Farm, Cemetery, Burial Ground, Crematorium, Destructor, or Hospital, may be made or constructed,

Gas or Water

tional Capital).

In the case of a Bill authorizing the generation, supply, or use of electricity there shall be inserted either a Clause defining the lands in or upon which any Station for generating electricity may be constructed or a Clause to the effect that the undertakers shall not be exonerated from any indictment, action, or other proceeding for nuisance in the event of any nuisance being caused or permitted by them on the lands on which any such generating station may be constructed.

188. In every Bill by which an existing Gas or Water Company is Companies (Addi- anthorized to raise additional Capital, provision shall be made for the offer of such capital by public auction or tender at the best price which can be obtained, unless the Committee on the Bill shall report that such provision ought not to be required, with the reasons on which their opinion is founded.

In the case of every such Gas Bill it shall be competent to the Committee so to regulate the price of the Gas to be charged to consumers that any reduction of an authorized standard price shall entitle the Company to make a proportionate increase of the authorized dividend, and that any increase above the standard price shall involve a proportionate decrease of dividend.

Estate Bills.


of Committees on


report specially

188a. In the case of any Estate Bill, the Committee on the Bill shall Committee on report specially to The House if the Bill contains provisions extending either Estate Bills to the term or the area of any Settlement of Land, and the Report of the in certain cases. Committee shall be printed and circulated with the Votes.


Divorce Bills.

189. THERE shall be a Committee, to be designated "The Select Committee Committee on on Divorce Bills," to consist of Nine Members, who shall be nominated at the commencement of every Session, of whom Three shall be a Quorum.


190. THE Select Committee on Divorce Bills shall require evidence to be Evidence to be given before them that an action for damages has been brought in one of given in Divorce His Majesty's Courts of Record at Westminster, or in one of His Majesty's Courts of Record in Dublin, or in one of His Majesty's Supreme Courts of Judicature of the Presidencies of Calcutta, Madras, Bombay, or the Island of Ceylon, respectively, against the persons supposed to have been guilty of Adultery, and judgment for the Plaintiff had thereupon; or sufficient cause to be shown to the satisfaction of the said Committee why such action was not brought, or such judgment was not obtained.

191. THE Select Committee on Divorce Bills shall, in all cases in which Petitioner for the Petitioner for the Bill has attended the House of Lords upon the Second Bill to attend Reading of the Bill, require him to attend before them to answer any questions they may think fit that he should answer.


192. THE Select Committee on Divorce Bills shall report every such Bill Committee to to The House, whether such Committee shall or shall not have agreed to the report Bill in all Preamble, or gone through the several Clauses, or any of them.


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