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Fruit-growing Stations.--There is a fruit-growing station in the county, at Droitwich, about two acres in extent, and partly devoted to experiments and demonstrations in fruit culture. The county also contributes to the National Fruit and Cider Institute, see page

Training of Elementary School Teachers.-Scholarships were granted to female teachers to attend courses in nature study at Swanley.

County Staff.

See Leeds University (page 7).

Organisation.-The agricultural education work of this county is conducted entirely through the staff of the Agricultural Department of Leeds University, by means of the Joint Agricultural Council for the three Ridings.

School or College. The Agricultural Department of Leeds University is, with the exception of the grant received from the Board of Agriculture, entirely maintained by the Joint Agricul tural Council.

Agriculture.-Lectures in this subject were given to farmers' clubs, agricultural societies, &c. A courses of six lectures was given at one centre, of five lectures at each of four other centres, whilst one lecture was given at five other centres. The average attendance at all of these lectures was 28.

Field Experiments.-These were carried out on nine farms and were chiefly on the manurial requirements of meadow hay, potatoes, barley, swedes and pasture. There was also one variety test with potatoes, and one test on the nationality of clover. Six of the lectures enumerated under the previous heading were specially explanatory of the results of these experiments.

Experimental Farm.-The three Ridings support between them, through the Joint Agricultural Council, the experimental farm at Garforth in the West Riding (see West Riding, page 173).

Dairying. The three Ridings also maintain a fixed dairy school at Garforth. Three courses of six weeks' duration each are usually held during the season, and instruction is given in the making of butter and soft cheese. The number of pupils from this county who attended each course during the year was two.

Poultry Keeping.-Lectures in this subject are given to the dairy students at Garforth. In addition courses of five lectures each were given at four centres, whilst one lecture was given at

one other centre to an average attendance of 58. Special reference to the progress this work is making in Yorkshire will be found in the report on Leeds University (page 12).

Bee Keeping.

Farm Hygiene.-

Manual Processes.

Horticulture.-Instruction is given in this subject by means of lectures and demonstrations. A course of ten lectures was given. at one centre, of five lectures each at four other centres, whilst one lecture was given at one other centre. The average attendance was 45. Practical demonstrations were given at an Evening school garden, and also at two educational gardens.

School or other Gardens.-There were two gardens attached to Elementary Day schools in this county. Both were worked on the individual plot system, and the total number of pupils who received instruction was 38. One of these gardens, when inspected, was found to be a model of neatness and good cultivation, although when first taken over it was said to have been a wilderness. There was also one Evening school garden at which 19 pupils received instruction. In addition to these there were six (thus named) educational gardens in this Riding with an average acreage of about one-third of an acre. These are not attached to any school and are used for the purpose of giving instruction to lads.

Fruit-growing Stations.-At two places in this Riding fruit trees have been provided for the benefit of local classes in connection with educational gardens.

Training of Elementary School Teachers.-A Saturday class was conducted at Garforth, from September to May, and teachers were trained in horticulture and experimental plant physiology. Three teachers from this county attended the whole course, and one attended a part of the course.

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Organisation. The agricultural education work of this county is conducted through the agency of the University of Leeds by meaus of the Joint Agricultural Council for the three Ridings

of Yorkshire, but as regards dairying through the above county staff instructor.

School or College.-The Agricultural Department of Leeds University is maintained by the Joint Agricultural Council.

Agriculture.-Lectures on agricultural subjects are given to farmers' clubs, agricultural societies, and various centres in the county. At 12 centres five lectures each, and at 14 other centres single lectures were given. The average attendance at all these lectures was 30.

Field Experiments.

Experimental Farm.-The experimental work on the farm attached to Leeds University is carried out for the benefit of this as well as the other two Ridings of Yorkshire. The farm is situated in the West Riding.

Dairying. This Riding assists, together with the other Ridings of Yorkshire, in maintaining a fixed dairy school at Garforth. Three courses, each of six weeks' duration, are held there during the summer months, and instruction is given in butter and soft-cheese making. Two pupils from this Riding attended each of the above courses. In addition, the Riding maintains an instructor in dairying, who pays visits to various centres and farms, and gives instruction and advice in both butter and cheese making, using the plant on the premises to do so. During the year 66 farms in all were visited, and visits varying in length from one to ten days paid to them.

Poultry Keeping.-A course of five lectures was given at each of four centres to an average attendance of 40.

Bee Keeping.

Farm Hygiene.

Farriery. Instruction was given by an itinerant teacher at one centre for 21 weeks. All the surrounding villages were visited, and the total attendance at the classes was 19. The class consisted of one hour's lecture and two hours' practical work each day.

Manual Processes.

Horticulture. At each of five centres ten lectures were given, and at each of 13 other centres five lectures were given, to an average attendance of 35.

School or other Gardens.-Gardens were attached to 19 Elementary Day schools in this Riding, and instruction was given to about 250 pupils.

Fruit-growing Stations.-At two centres in this Riding, some attempt has been made to grow fruit for the use of those living at the particular centres.

Training of Elementary School Teachers.


County Staff.

See University of Leeds (page 7).

Organisation. The agricultural education work of this county is conducted entirely through the Agricultural Department of Leeds University, by means of the Joint Agricultural Council for the three Ridings.

School or College.-The Agricultural Department of Leeds University is maintained by the above mentioned Agricultural Council.

Agriculture.-Lectures on this subject were given to farmers' clubs and agricultural societies, and in the rural districts. Five lectures were given at each of seven centres, at another centre two lectures were given, while a single lecture was given at eight other centres. The average attendance at all of these lectures was 32. A course of five lectures was also given within the administrative area of the borough of Bradford to an average attendance of 25.

Field Experiments.-These were conducted on 16 farms and consisted of manurial experiments on meadow hay, potatoes, swedes, and pasture. At four of these farms two sets of experiments were carried out. Ten of the lectures enumerated under the previous heading were specially explanatory of the results of these experiments.

Experimental Farm.-This is situated at Garforth. It comprises 150 acres of pasture land and 145 acres of arable. The experimental work carried out on this farm is for the benefit of the three Ridings.

Dairying. There is a fixed dairy school inaintained at the above farm. Three courses, lasting six weeks each, were held in butter-making, soft cheese-making, &c. Instruction was also given in dairy chemistry, pasteurising, milking, and also poultrykeeping. Twelve pupils from this Riding attended these courses. The dairy instructress at Garforth also gives demonstrations on butter-making at selected centres in the interval between the courses at the school. A lecture and demonstration, lasting about three hours, were given at each of 14 centres to an average attendance of 54.

Poultry Keeping.-Instruction in this subject forms part of the dairy courses held at Garforth. In addition, lectures were given at 15 centres. At one centre six lectures were given, at 13 centres five lectures each, and at another centre a single lecture was given. The average attendance was 63. In the area of the borough of Bradford a course of five lectures was given to an verage attendance of 167,

Bee Keeping.-Lectures were given in this subject at 12 centres. At most of these centres a single lecture only was given, but at others two lectures were given. The average attendance was 80. Visits to apiaries were also made for the purpose of demonstration. Farm Hygiene.-A single lecture was given at one centre to an attendance of 89.

Farriery. Instruction is given in this subject by an itinerant teacher. Three centres were visited during the year, lectures being given and practical work done. Each centre was visited during a period extending from 29 to 34 weeks, and 88 pupils came under instruction.

Manual Processes.

Horticulture.-A course of nine lectures was given at one centre, and courses of five lectures each were given at 29 centres, while a single lecture was given at another centre to an average attendance of 44. Out-door demonstrations were given at seven of the above centres.

School or other Gardens.-There was one garden attached to an Elementary Day school. It was worked on the individual plot system, and instruction was given to 14 pupils. There were also 14 Evening school gardens, at which 323 pupils received instruction. In addition, there were six educational gardens for young men. Each garden is about one-third of an acre in extent, and is worked on the collective plot system. Great interest is taken in all this work.

Fruit-growing Station.-At one of the above-named educational gardens an area of about one-quarter of an acre is devoted to fruit growing.

Training of Elementary School Teachers.-A Saturday course in horticulture and experimental plant physiology was held at the farm at Garforth. The course lasted 32 weeks, and consisted of four hours lecture and practical work each time the class met. The course was attended by 27 teachers from the Riding.



County Staff.

See University College of North Wales, Bangor (page 1).

Organisation. The agricultural education work of this county is conducted entirely through the Agricultural Department of the University College of North Wales, Bangor,

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