Emptying ashpits, &c., sweeping chimneys, and allowances for cleaning offices Washing and repair of Barrack bedding, and of hospital clothing and Lime and other contingent expenses E. CONVEYANCE OF TROOPS BY LAND AND COASTWISE: (2.) Travelling expenses (including travelling allowance and conveyance of baggage) of Officers and others travelling under authority other than Routes; also Horse-hire for Officers (3.) Movement of Militia 26,000 40,000 (a) 66,000 50,000 £. 65,000 TOTAL, Hired Transport for Conveyance of Troops, United Kingdom £. HIRED TRANSPORT OF TROOPS, ABROAD: (4.) Travelling expenses, Travelling allowances, and miscellaneous expenditure 2,800 Pay, Wages, &c., of Crews of Vessels, and other Water Transport Subor- 37,700 (a) Appendix No. 9, p. 198, shows the sum allotted to Stations Abroad. (b) This officer receives an allowance of 150l. per annum from the Customs Vote for services rendered to that Department. (e) For distribution by Commands, see Appendix No. 8, p. 197. Vote 6.-QUARTERING, TRANSPORT, AND REMOUNTS-continued. L.-PAY, WAGES, &c., OF ARMY SERVICE CORPS SUBORDINATE Pay of Civilian and Pensioner Clerks O. -APPROPRIATIONS-IN-AID (CONNECTED WITH SUB-HEADS Vote 7. SUPPLIES AND CLOTHING, I. AN ESTIMATE of the Sum which will be required in the Year ending 31st March 1908, to defray the Expense of SUPPLIES and CLOTHING. (a) Includes 3,0007., for British Officers of Native Indian troops, formerly provided under Vote 1, Subhead W. III. Vote 7.-SUPPLIES AND CLOTHING-continued. DETAILS of the foregoing. [A Statement showing the allotment of the money under Sub-heads A. to G. to Stations abroad is given in Appendix No. 9, p. 198.] ESTIMATE, ESTIMATE, 1907-8. 1906-07. Allowances to Wives and Children of Soldiers when separated from them AA.-SOUTH AFRICAN WAR STORES: Amount required to meet sums reported by the Public Accounts Committee £. 4,326 B.-COST OF FORAGE AND ALLOWANCES IN LIEU, AND PAILLASSE STRAW: C.-COST OF FUEL AND LIGHT, AND ALLOWANCES IN LIEU, including Fuel and Light of Clothing Establishments, and supplies, to the value of 6007., to barrack rooms for the use of the Army Temperance Association D.-COLONIAL ALLOWANCES: £. Allowances in aid of the special expenses incurred at certain Stations abroad (a) £. G.-APPROPRIATIONS IN AID CONNECTED WITH THE FOREGOING SUB-HEADS: |