(a) Pay of 1 Superintending Clerk provided under Vote 1, Subhead A, the remainder under Vote 10. (b) Pay of 12 Superintending Clerks and 23 Engineer Clerks, provided under Vote 13. (c) Pay of 2 Serjeant-Majors (1 Storekeeper and 1 Mechanist) is provided under Vote 9, Sub-Head H (2). (f) Pay of 29 Quartermaster-Serjeants provided under Vote 1, Sub-Head M. (g) Pay of 7 of these Clerks is provided under Vote 1, Sub-Head M., and pay of the other under Vote 9, Sub-Head F. (h) Pay of one serjeant and two corporals provided under Vote 11. Additional Pay of Adjutants, and difference between minimum and higher rates of 249 10 7 91,327 13 6 3,065 5 6,607 1 6 (a) The numbers of Royal Engineer Officers of the ranks below that of Lieutenant Colonel fluctuate between British and Indian Establishments. (b) The normal establishment is here shown, without the variations occasioned by time promotion. (c) The pay of 23 Officers is provided under Vote 1, Sub-Head M; 4 under Vote 1, Sub-Head B; 1 under Vote 1, Sub-Head N; 22 under Vote 5, Sub-Head A; 1 under Vote 9, Sub-Head A; 2 under Vote 9, Sub-Head H; 1 under Vote 9, Sub Head E; 8 under Vote 11, Sub-Head A; 1 under Vote 11, Sub-Head B; 1 under Vote 11, Sub-Head C ; 33 under Vote 13, Sub-Head A; 3 under the Ordnance Factories Vote; and 65 are employed and paid by other Departments and Governments. Total, 165 officers. (a) The Colonel Commanding the Rifle Depôt is also an Officer in charge of Records. His pay is provided for under Vote 1 B. See p. 27. 291 1,878 16 6,780 3 8,658 19 Quartermaster Serjeants. Serjeant Drummers, &c. Serjeants. Orderly-room Clerks. TOTAL Serjeants. Drummers, &c. Corporals. Privates. 327 10,933 15 124 Orderly-room Clerks added to Depôt Establishments to replace Orderly-room Serjeants of Militia Battalions Pay of Staff of Mounted Infantry, Egypt (2 Officers, 4 Serjeants, and 7 lower Ranks) - 449 378 5,289 8,578 Additional Pay of Mounted Infantry, South Africa and Egypt, other than Staff above Difference between minimum and higher rates of Pay, &c., and for Pay of Officers for For Pay of supernumerary Officers, &c., including young Officers awaiting embarka tion to India, Students at Staff College, Officers studying Japanese, 10 Officers on Reconnaissance duty, &c. 57,700 Pay of drafts on passage to India, and Pay of Men returning from India as invalids or for discharge, &c. 25,000 Deduct, £. 545,841 1,819,261 For Vacancies on Establishment, Hospital Stoppages, Fines and Pay forfeited by |