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Sess. No.

172-[July 10.] Rubber Industry


1V. 393

Bill to provide for the collection of a contribution by
rubber manufacturers in Great Britain and Northern
Ireland to the funds of the Research Association
of British Rubber Manufacturers; and for other pur-
poses connected therewith (as amended by Standing
Committee B).

173-[July 11.] Coroners Act (1887)


Bill to amend the Coroners Act, 1887. [NOT

174-[July 11.] Naval Prize


Bill to make provision for winding up the Naval
Prize Fund and the dissolution of the tribunal estab-
lished under the Naval Prize Act, 1918.

175-[July 11.] Solicitors Bill

Lords Amendments.

176-[July 16.] Poor Prisoners' Defence

Bill to make further and better provision for the
defence of poor persons, and to amend the law
relating to appeals from courts of summary juris-

177-[July 17.] Registration (Births, Deaths and Marriages)
Bill to amend the Births and Deaths Registration Acts,
1836 to 1926, and the Marriage Acts, 1811 to 1898 (as
amended by Standing Committee A).

178-[July 17.] Child Destruction [H.L.]




Bill intituled an Act to amend the law with regard to
the destruction of children at or before birth.

179-[July 18.] Educational Endowments (Scotland) [H.L.]
Bill intituled an Act to make further provision for the
re-organisation of Educational and other endow-
ments in Scotland (as amended by the Standing Com-
mittee on Scottish Bills).

180-[July 18.] Theatrical Employers Registration (Amend

[blocks in formation]

Bill intituled an Act to amend the Theatrica. Em-
ployers Registration Act, 1925.

181-[July 19.] Administration of Justice Bill [H.L.]

Lords Consequential Amendments.

182-[July 20.] Representation of the People (University of

Reading) Bill

Lords Amendment.

183-[July 20.] Post Office and Telegraph (Money)


Bill to provide for raising further money for the
development of the postal, telegraphic and tele-
phonic systems.

184-[July 23.] Slaughter of Animals (Scotland) Bill
Lords Amendment.

1. 637

111. 627

IV. 481

IV. 117

IV. 289

I. 265

II. 53

IV. 495

I. 55

IV. 361

IV. 125

IV. 471 Sess. No.

185-[July 23.] Finance

II. 307

Bill to grant certain duties of Customs and Inland
Revenue (including Excise), to alter other duties,
and to amend the law relating to Customs and
Inland Revenue (including Excise) and the National
Debt, and to make further provision in connection
with finance. (As amended in Committee and on

186-[July 24.] Food and Drugs (Adulteration) [H.L.]

187-[July 24.] Betting Overseas (Prohibition)

Bill to prohibit the making with book-makers of bets
on events to be determined in Great Britain unless
the bets are made in Great Britain.

II. 351

Bill intituled an Act to consolidate the Sale of Food
and Drugs Acts.

I. 191

188-[July 24.] Public Defender

IV. 167


Bill to make better provision for the defence of poor

189-[July 24.] Criminal Law Amendment

I. 643

Bill to amend the law with respect to offences against
persons under the age of sixteen.

190-[July 24.] Petroleum (Consolidation) [H.L.]

IV. 65

Bill intituled an Act to consolidate the enactments
relating to petroleum and to petroleum spirit.

191-[July 25.] Isle of Man (Customs)

II. 487

Bill to amend the law with respect to Customs in
the Isle of Man.

193-[July 26.] Merchant

192-[July 25.] Shops (Hours of Closing) Bill

Lords Amendments.


Bill to make provision for a line-throwing appliance
on certain ships. (As amended by Standing
Committee C.)

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

195-[July 27.] Re-organisation of Offices (Scotland) Bill

Lords Amendment.

196-[July 30.] Agricultural Credits (Scotland)

Bill to secure in Scotland, by means of the formation
of a company and the assistance thereof out of public
funds, the making of loans for agricultural pur-
poses on favourable terms, and to facilitate the
borrowing of money by co-operative agricultural
societies in Scotland; and for purposes connected

197-[July 31.] Workmen's Compensation (Amendment)
Bill to amend the law relating to workmen's compen-

198-[Aug. 1.] Consolidated Fund (Appropriation)

II. 23

IV. 325

I. 115

IV. 515

I. 581

Bill to apply a sum out the Consolidated Fund to the
service of the year ending on the thirty-first day of
March, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-nine,
and to appropriate the Supplies granted in this

Session of Parliament.



Sess. No.

PAPERS, 1928.

1-[Feb. 7.] Civil Estimates (Supplementary Estimate,

[blocks in formation]

..XVII. 107

By Command.
Estimate of a further sum required to be voted for
the year ending 31st March, 1928.

2-[Feb. 7.] Public Accounts (Navy Votes, 1926)


XV. 745

Treasury Minute, 20th December, 1927, under Section 4
of the Appropriation Act, 1926, authorising the
temporary application of surpluses on certain Navy
Votes for the year 1926 to meet excesses on other
Navy Votes for the same year.

[blocks in formation]

Appropriation Accounts for Civil Services for the year
ended 31st March, 1927, together with the Report of
the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon, and
upon certain Store Accounts. (In continuation of
No. 8 of 1927.)

4-[Feb. 7.] Revenue Departments (Appropriation Ac-
counts, 1926-27)

By Act.

...XVII. 713

Appropriation Accounts for Revenue Departments
for the year ended 31st March, 1927; with the Report
of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon
and upon Revenue and certain Store Accounts. (In
continuation of No. 9 of 1927.)

5-[Feb. 7.] Unemployment Insurance Acts, 1920-1926 ...XIX. 1107 By Act.

Account of the Unemployment Fund established pur-
suant to Section 14 (1) of the Unemployment
Insurance Act, 1920, showing the Receipts and Pay-
ments during the period 5th July, 1926, to 31st March,
1927; with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor
General thereon. (In continuation of No. 40 of

6-[Feb. 7.] Merchant Shipping Acts, 1894-1925 (Dispensing

By Act.

Report by the Board of Trade of the cases in which
they have exercised their powers under Section 78
of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1906, during the
year 1927. (In continuation of No. 3 of 1927.)

7-[Feb. 7.] China Indemnity Fund

By Act.

Account of the China Indemnity Fund established pur-
suant to Section 1 (4) of the China Indemnity
(Application) Act, 1925, showing the Receipts and
Payments in the year ended 31st March, 1927; with
the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General
thereon. (In continuation of No. 160 of 1926.)

ΧΙ. 673

XIII. 99

[blocks in formation]

Order, 28th January, 1928, amending the Order of
25th September, 1921, for the Retired Pay of Officers
(Air Force) Disabled, and for the Pensions of the
Families and Relatives of Officers Deceased, and for
the Pensions of Nurses Disabled, and of the Relatives
of Nurses Deceased, in consequence of the Great

9-[Feb. 8.] Air Ministry

By Act.


Order, 28th January, 1928, amending the Orders of the
11th May, 1920, and the 26th June, 1925, for the
Pensions of Airmen Disabled, and of the Families
and Dependants of Airmen Deceased, in consequence
of the Great War.

10-[Feb. 8.] Public Departments: Gross and Net Cost,

Mr. Arthur Michael Samuel.

Statement showing the Gross and Net Total Cost of
the Civil Services and Revenue Departments and the
Navy, Army, and Air Services for the year ended
the 31st day of March, 1927.

11-[Feb. 8.] Trade and Navigation
Sir Philip Cunliffe-Lister.


Accounts relating to Trade and Navigation of the
United Kingdom, for each month during the year

12-[Feb. 10.] Civil Contingencies Fund, 1926-27

XIV. 387.

XIII. 307


XIII. 103

Mr. Arthur Michael Samuel.

Accounts of the Civil Contingencies Fund, 1926, show-
ing the Receipts and Payments in connection with
the Fund in the year ended the 31st day of March,
1927; and the Distribution of the Capital of the
Fund at the commencement and close of the year;
with Copy of the Correspondence with the Comp-
troller and Auditor General thereon.

XIII. 121

13-[Feb. 13] Consolidated Fund

By Act.

Abstract Account, showing the Issues made from the
Consolidated Fund of the United Kingdom, in the
year ended 31st March, 1927, for the Interest and
Management of the Debt, for the Civil List, and all
other Issues in the Financial Year for Services
charged directly on the said Fund; with the Report
of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon.
(In continuation of No. 14 of 1927.)

14-[Feb. 13.] Road Fund

By Act.


Abstract Account of the Receipts into, and Payments
out of, the Road Fund in the year ended 31st March,
1927; with the Report of the Comptroller and
Auditor General thereon. (In continuation of No.
15 of 1927.)

XIII. 335

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