REVENUE DEPARTMENTS, AND POST OFFICE PACKET AND TELEGRAPH SERVICES. VOTE 5.-POST OFFICE TELEGRAPHS-continued. involving an increase of staff, was submitted to the Treasury on the 31st October 1904, who postponed its consideration pending the settlement of the question of abolishing District Depôts, and this again stands over owing to the difficulty of obtaining a suitable site at Birmingham. Pending the introduction of this proposed system of cross-check, I would point out that the Post Office appear to lack a valuable safeguard against frauds or irregularities. Fire at 10. With reference to a sum of 1471. 10s. --d., written off, with the consent of the Telephone Treasury, in respect of Telephone Apparatus destroyed by fire at Tottenham, it appears, Apparatus from the Schedule of Losses for the quarter ended 31st December 1905, that a claim for destroyed by the value of the Apparatus was made upon the Renters, who, however, declined to pay, Tottenham. and the Postmaster-General was advised that as the Private Wire Agreement contained no provision expressly providing for such a contingency, the claim could not be enforced. It is understood that a clause, rendering the Renters liable for any damage that the Lines or the Apparatus may sustain by fire on their premises, will be inserted in the new Form of Agreement to be prepared by the Department. REVENUE. 11. A test examination of the Account of Telegraph Revenue has been made at the Examina Chief Offices in London, Dublin, and Edinburgh. The results have proved generally tion of satisfactory, and the Post Office and the Treasury have been so informed. John A. Kempe, Revenue POST OFFICE TELEGRAPHS (TELEPHONIC SYSTEM). An Account of the Receipts and Payments by the Postmaster General under the Telegraph Acts, 1892, 1896, 1898, 1899, and 1904. No of Vote. REVENUE DEPARTMENTS, AND POST OFFICE PACKET AND TELEGRAPH SERVICES-continued. REVENUE DEPARTMENTS. THE subjoined Summary compares the Gross Expenditure for the Services of the Revenue Departments with the Gross Grants for the Year 1905-6; and also shows the variation between the Sums Estimated and Realised as Appropriations in Aid, together with other Extra Receipts, payable to the Excheque::. 1 CUSTOMS 4 POST OFFICE PACKET SERVICE 954,665 849,442 14 3 105,222 5 9 16,554 5 5 510 103,953 2 6 17,474 5 7 10,541 10 94,680 15 9 6,888 1 8 |