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the Parish, and offering me a salary of One Thousand Dollars per annum, together with the use of the parsonage, has received my most careful and deliberate consideration. The thought of what is justly to be expected of the Rector of so large and influential a Parish, occupying from its relation to the Bishop and educational institutions of the Diocese, actually the position of a Cathedral Church, as well as the reluctance which I feel to sundering the tie which binds me to a faithful, beloved, and united congregation, has made me hesitate thus long before assuming the cares and responsibilities which a favourable reply to your call involves. Receiving, however, as it does the entire approval of the spiritual head of the diocese, and of those whose judgment I am bound to respect, I am led to believe that it is a call from the Divine Master to work in your portion of His vineyard, and relying on His guidance and blessing, I must ask you to convey to the Vestry of St. Mary's Parish my acceptance of its Rectorship.

"I have only to add that I shall be prepared to enter on my duties as soon as I can effect the removal of my family, which I suppose will be about the middle of next month,† and to thank you for your cordial expressions of kindness to myself personally, and assurances of hearty co-operation on the part of the Vestry in all plans for the prosperity of the Parish.

"With the highest consideration, I am Gentlemen, your most obedient servant,


"Burlington, N. J., July 1, 1863.

"Island Managers, (bond and mortgage,)..

[blocks in formation]

$10,100 00

1,600 00

800 00

[blocks in formation]

The Rev. Mr. Hoffman was instituted into the Rectorship of St. Mary's Parish, by Bishop Odenheimer, June 29th, 1863.

[blocks in formation]

Island Managers, interest due July 1, 1863..

100 00


"The above is a correct statement of the liabilities of the Church."

$19,399 72


"July 20, 1863.-An adjourned meeting of the Vestry was held this evening.

"The committee appointed by the Vestry to inquire into the relationship existing between 'St. Barnabas Mission Chapel' and this parish, respectfully report, that they have carefully investigated the title of the property and find that it is vested in the corporation of 'St. Mary's Parish ;' and that it is free from all encumbrances, with the exception of a mortgage of Fifteen Hundred Dollars, which is a portion of the debt of ten thousand one hundred dollars, resting on all of the Church property, due the Island Managers.

"The committee recommend that the Vestry take immediate possession of the Chapel, School House and grounds attached, which will place it in charge of the Rector, to make arrangements for such services as he may from time to time deem expedient and practicable.


"E. A. HOFFMAN, Rector,

"J. HOWARD Pugh,


Burlington, N. J., 15th July, A. D. 1863.”


November 9th, 1863.-At a stated meeting of the Vestry, held this evening, the Committee on Schools reported as follows: "Resolved, That the Vestry assume the control of the Parish Schools, and that a Standing Committee of two be appointed, whose duty it shall be, in connection with the Rector, to take charge of the same, to employ suitable teachers, to receive and disburse whatever income may be obtained for the support of the school, and to make a full report of their doings to the Vestry at the close of each school year.

"On motion, J. H. Pugh, M. D., and E. B. Grubb were appointed the Standing Committee on Parish Schools.

"On motion of Dr. Pugh—

"WHEREAS, The sum of four hundred dollars has been subscribed by certain parties in the Parish towards the payment of an Assistant Minister-therefore,

"Resolved, That the Rector be authorized to employ an Assistant Minister, at a salary not exceeding five hundred dollars per annum.†


St. Mary's Vestry Room, January 1st, 1864.-A Special Meeting of the Vestry was held this evening.

"The Rector stated that he had called the Vestry together to lay before them a liberal offer which he had received from a friend of the Parish to subscribe $5000 towards paying the judgment of the Board of Island Managers, provided the balance could be raised.

"On motion of Dr. Pugh, the Rector and Treasurer were directed to print the circular, a draft of which was presented, and send it to the members of the congregation.

"On motion, the Rector, Mr. Grubb, Mr. Rogers, Dr. Gauntt and Dr. Pugh were appointed a Committee to solicit subscriptions in agreement to the circular issued. The Committee were directed to address a suitable letter in behalf of the Vestry, to the party making the above liberal offer."

+ December 14th, 1863.- At a meeting of the Vestry, the Rector stated that he had employed, in accordance with the resolution of the Vestry, the Rev. Ephraim DePuy, as Assistant Minister of the Parish for one year, from December 1st, 1863.


"To the Congregation of St. Mary's Church, Burlington, N. J. DEAR BRETHREN :

"A short time since, a gentleman from Philadelphia called upon us to communicate the gratifying intelligence, that a friend of the parish was prepared to give the large sum of $5000, towards paying its debts, provided a sufficient amount to liquidate the balance of the indebtedness should be subscribed for that purpose. It was the first light which either of us had seen in the dark cloud of debt which has for years hung over the Church, interfering with its prosperity, and crippling it every way—and we felt that it was an opportunity Providentially afforded to the parishioners to extricate their Church from its pecuniary embarrassments, which ought not to be lost. But how to raise so large a sum as the balance required, was the difficulty. The debts amounted to a little more than $19,000, and we were satisfied, after careful reflection, and consultation with some of the members of the parish, that this sum was too large to be raised by cash subscriptions, even with the aid of the liberal offer which had been made, and we determined to again confer with the party who had made the offer, in order, if pos sible, to get it put in a shape which could and ought to be complied with by the congregation. After a protracted interview the offer was finally renewed in the following form:

"To make it clear, we must first explain the position of the Church's debts. They consist of a judgment obtained by the Board of Island Managers against the Wardens and Vestry for $10,100, loaned to the parish, on Bond and Mortgage, in the year 1852, and a number of outstanding claims, amounting to a little more than $9000, for moneys borrowed from divers parties at different periods, during the erection of the new Church. The position of the judgment is such, execution having been issued and a levy having been made upon everything the Church possesses, that not only must the interest be promptly paid, but the property of the parish may at any moment be exposed at sheriff's sale, unless the amount called for by the judgment can be paid on demand. The removal of this judgment, which holds

everything in its iron grasp, must, therefore, be the first step towards relieving the parish from its embarrassments. And when this is once accomplished, we feel that there will be but little difficulty, with the aid of some of the Church's landed property, in liquidating the balance of the debts.

"In this view of the case, we obtained a renewal of the offer of the $5000, with the condition that it should be paid as soon as the additional sum of $5100 was subscribed to cancel the the judgment, and that the Vestry should then use every effort to liquidate the remainder of the indebtedness as early as practicable.

"In addition to this, we are also enabled now to add, that a few members of the parish, to whom the matter has been mentioned, in order that it may avail itself of the above liberal offer, have subscribed on the same conditions, an additional sum of a little more than $2000, leaving a balance of less than $3000 to be raised by the congregation, to free the parish, as we believe, forever from its difficulties.

"We therefore lay the case before the congregation, with the earnest appeal, that every member of it will contribute liberally according to his or her ability, to avail themselves of the Providential opportunity, which if neglected now, may not occur again in years, to place the parish in an independent position. To show the importance of immediate effort, we need only state, that the interest on the judgment referred to, annually absorbs $600 of the income of the church, and that since the original amount of $10,100 was borrowed, more than $6000 have already been paid for interest alone; while the property which it covers is rendered almost useless to the parish. The present moment is, therefore, a crisis in the history of the parish, which must settle the question whether it is to be free from its pecuniary embarrassments, or go on, probably for years, struggling with a debt that may at any moment involve it in utter ruin. And we cannot believe that any who are interested in its welfare, will hesitate, as soon as the case is fairly before them, as to their duty in the matter. The Vestry have, therefore, directed this circular to be addressed to the congregation, and appointed a committee to solicit the required subscriptions, and they earnestly

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