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CLASS VII continued.



TOTAL EXPENDITURE from the Vote for "Temporary Commissions," on Temporary Commissions and Committees appointed prior to 1905-1906, on account of which Payments were made during the year 1905-1906.

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(a) This Board was originally constituted in 1888, and re-constituted in 1891. Prior to 1891-92 the administrative expenses of the Board were included in a Special Vote.

CLASS VII continued.


EXPLANATION of the Causes of Variation between Expenditure and Grant.

A. The excess is due to the number of collections of MSS., which it was necessary to examine and return to the owners within a limited time.

A 1 and A 2.-Casual differences.

A 3.-The Inspector was unable, owing to pressure of other duties, to make as much progress with the Catalogue as had been anticipated.

B and B 1.-The amount of expenditure that would be necessary under these Sub Heads could not be foreseen when the Estimate was framed.

C, C2, C3, C 4.-Casual differences.

C 1.-Could not be accurately estimated.

D.-The expenditure on typewriting and on messengers' wages was below the Estimate.

D 1.-The provision made for visits by the Commissioners to places abroad was not required.

D 2.-No necessity arose for the employment of a shorthand-writer.

D 3 and D 4.-Casual variations.

E to E 4.-Casual variations.

F.-Provision was made for six months' expenditure, but the Commission was unable to conclude its labours within that period.

F 1.-It was found unnecessary to visit certain places which the Commissioners had originally intended to visit.

F 2.-- It was not thought that any enquiries involving the employment of a shorthand-writer would be


F 3.-The amount of the expenditure under this Sub-Head could not be foreseen.
G.-The provision for clerical assistance, &c., was in excess of requirements.

G 1 to G 3.-The Commissioners ceased to take evidence much earlier than had been anticipated.

H and H 1.—It was difficult to foresee what expenditure would be necessary in respect of the remuneration and travelling expenses of medical men employed on special enquiries, nearly all of which were carried out after the Supplementary Estimate was framed.

H 2 and H 3.-Could not be accurately estimated.

J. Excess due to the payment of a gratuity to the Secretary, for which no provision had been made, and to the prolongation of the work of the Commission beyond the date originally contemplated.

J 1. It was found possible to dispense with visits to foreign countries, for the expenses of which pro

vision had been made.

J 2.-It was not found necessary to take as much evidence as had been anticipated.

J 3.-The expenditure under this head could not be foreseen when the estimate was framed. K.-The supplementary provision on this Sub-Head was required mainly for the expenses of the War Stores Commission, which could not be estimated with exactitude, especially as part of the expenditure was being incurred in South Africa.


Amount realised in 1905-6 and paid into Exchequer :

Tuberculosis Commission: Sale of Carcases, Manure, &c., 501.
Epizootic Abortion Committee: Sale of Carcases, 307. 18s. 6d.


HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS COMMISSION. One of the Inspectors was employed as Editor of a Calendar of State Papers in the Public Record Office.

FEEBLE-MINDED (CARE AND CONTROL) COMMISSION. The Secretary received salary as Secretary to the Trade Disputes Commission until the completion of the work of that Commission in January 1906.

POOR LAWS COMMISSION. The Secretary received salary as Assistant Inspector under the Local Government Board; the Assistant Secretary received salary as a Clerk in the Local Government Board (Scotland); and the Secretary to the Statistical Committee of the Commission received salary as a Clerk in the Customs.

The Surplus of 4,118l. 7s. 2d., shown on the Account of the Vote "Temporary Commissions," for the year ended 31st March 1905, has been surrendered.



29 November 1906.)

W. Blain,

Accounting Officer.

I certify that this Account has been examined under my directions, and is correct.

W. M. Martin.

John A. Kempe, Comptroller and Auditor General.


4 A

CLASS VII continued.




Poor Law


1. EXPENDITURE in excess of the Estimate has taken place under Sub-Heads A, A2, C2, E, F, H1, H3, and J.

2. EXPENDITURE has also taken place under Sub-Head F2 on account of Shorthand Reform Writing for the Poor Law Reform (Ireland) Commission, for which no provision was (Ireland) made in the Estimates for the year. Commission.

War Stores

Distribution 3. Of the Total Grant of 68,8041., 30,9541. was for Commissions and Committees of Grant. specified in the Estimate, and 37,850l. for Commissions and Committees not specifically provided for. Of this latter amount 30,850l. was taken on a Supplementary Estimate, the chief item of which was 30,000l. to meet expenditure on the War Stores Commission. 4. The actual Expenditure during the year on the War Stores Commission was Commission. 27,5031. 4s. 10d., of which amount 22,650l. represented payments to Messrs. Annan, Kirby, Dexter & Co., Chartered Accountants, for work performed at home and in South Africa, under instructions from the Royal Commission, in connection with an investigation into the value and amount of the stock of supplies on charge in South Africa at the date of the Declaration of Peace, the quantities subsequently taken on charge, the manner in which they were disposed of and the amount realised by their sale or otherwise for the period ending 31st March 1904.


5. The Net Surplus to be Surrendered is, as shown by the Account, 4,055l. 10s. 4d,

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Killarney and Saltcoats



6. The Account of the Receipts and Expenditure for the year ended 31st March 1906 shows a balance of 2,451l. 14s. 7d., of which 1,2971. 18. 4d, was at the Bank of Montreal and 1,154l. 138. 3d. in the hands of the Royal Trust Company, which, under Treasury sanction, is acting as Agent for the Board.

Killarney (Canada).-The remaining homestead referred to in paragraph 4 of my Report of last year has now been sold. The loss on the homestead was 251. 188. 8d., and this amount has, with the sanction of the Treasury, been written off as irrecoverable. The Accounts of the Killarney Settlement have thus been closed.

Saltcoats. During the year under review the Saltcoats properties, to the extent of 8,288 acres, have been sold by the Royal Trust Company to the Charles W. Sexton Company. From the terms of the Agreement, a copy of which was forwarded for my inspection by the Secretary for Scotland, it appears that the price realised was 4 dollars an acre, which was the minimum sale price fixed by the Treasury in their Letter of 14 June 1905 (10618). A cash payment of 8,288 dollars (about 1,7037.) has been made, and the balance is to be paid in three annual instalments of the same amount, together with interest on the principal unpaid at the rate of six per cent. per annum.

In the Fifteenth Report of the Colonisation Commissioners, issued in August 1906, it is stated that for all practical purposes the labours of the Commission had terminated at that date; but that it would be necessary for it to continue in operation until the payment of the final instalments of the purchase price of the land at Saltcoats.

John A. Kempe,

Comptroller and Auditor General.

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ACCOUNT of the Sum Expended, compared with the Sum Granted, to pay certain MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES, in the Year ended 31st March 1906, showing the Surplus or Deficit upon each Sub-Head of the Vote.

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