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sacrifice of the interests of the public to the convenience of the judge was profession. And when he was startled to receive a request to take the chair unknown. It could no longer be said


"The hungry judges soon the sentence sign,

And wretches hang, that jurymen may dine."

The work of the bench was done conscientiously, and the solicitors had this satisfaction, whether they gained their clients' causes or whether they lost them, they knew that those causes had been faithfully, truly, and honestly decided. It was very remarkable that no charges were brought against the judges when it was considered that for every cause decided there must be someone who was discontented, and one-half the litigants must be glad to get hold of any excuse for impeaching the integrity of the judges. He was speaking not only of the judges of the superior courts, but of the judges as a whole, including the county court judges. He thought he was justified in saying that the bench of county court judges commanded the esteem of the profession and of the public, and this was manifested by the bills that were brought into Parliament year after year adding to their duties and saddling them with responsibilities which were never anticipated when the County Courts Acts were passed. The county court judges as well as all other judges were sworn and bound truly to administer justice. What he had said in praise of the bench he could apply to the bar also; for the bar was the parent of the bench. There was a time when the independence of the bar was like a ghost-often talked of, but never seen; but he thought they might venture to assert that it existed in the present day, and that it existed for the benefit of the suitors and of the public. The maintenance of the independence of the bar was most important to the suitor and to the public. Solicitors well knew that the bench and the bar had deserved their confidence; and he was sure those present would join with him in hoping that they would continue to do as they had hitherto done; and that they would continue to prosper as in the past. Mr. GORDON WHITBREAD responded for the bench, and remarked that, in the presence of solicitors, it might not be out of place that a county court judge should say a few words; because in the county courts, although counsel did occasionally honour those Courts with their attendance, yet the majority of the advocates who practised there belonged to the other branch of the profession; and he had the pleasure of stating there, before so influential an assembly, that those advocates who came from the solicitors' branch of the profession were wholly to be relied upon in their statements of facts as well as in their statements of the law and their arguments, and in their application of the facts to the law they were second to none. He made this assertion after an experience of twelve years, and it was a great pleasure to him to be able to testify to the zeal, the ability, and the integrity with which these advocates conducted their cases, and to the assistance which they gave the county court judges in arriving at their decisions. But he had learnt one other thing, long before he became a county court judge; he had learnt from the late Lord Hatherley that if he wished properly to discharge his duties as a judge he should not be a talking judge, and therefore he had nothing more to say except to thank them for the way in which they had received the Mr. J. PEARSON, Q.C., who replied for the bar, assured them that they had the sympathy of the barristers in the generous purpose for which they were met together. It was not alone amongst the members of the solicitors' branch of the profession that cases occurred where wives or children were suddenly left without the means of support. He did not know whether the custom which was in vogue when he first came to the bar, of having no benevolent association, but of simply, when any case of distress arose, sending round the name and soliciting assistance, existed before the present association was formed, or whether solicitors had done with respect to this as they had with respect to other matters, set the barristers an example which they had followed There could be no doubt whatever that there was great need for the existence, in both branches of the profession, of societies which had for their object to meet such cases of distress, and there was one great advantage in having these societies-he might almost say in having these cases of distress-namely, that it reminded them that they were not working simply with the object of treasuring up riches for themselves, but that they had also sympathy with their fellow-creatures, and that they were glad to find a means by which they could contribute some part of their gains in order thereby to consecrate the rest. The CHAIRMAN then gave "The Solicitors' Benevolent Association, and may prosperity continue to attend it," but before entering upon its merits begged their indulgence whilst he offered them a few words as to the reason he occupied the chair on the present occasion. If he had felt this to be merely a personal question he would have spared them the explanation, but he felt it to be a matter which touched the interests of the society. Why was he there? He had felt for many years during which he had received the reports of the association, when he had seen some big swell presiding at these festivals-possibly some peer, possibly some great lord, possibly some great lawyer-he had felt that the solicitors of England were greatly in the wrong with regard to this. He had felt that they were strong enough -that they were influential enough-that they were sympathetic enough to do without such aid on these occasions; and that, however much they might feel grateful, however much they might feel honoured by the presence in the chair of one of these magnates of whom he had spoken with all deference and respect-he thanked them for the countenance they had given to the association, and for the numerous eloquent speeches which had been made on these occasions on the behalf of the association-but, at the same time, he had never received one of the reports of the association without feeling that one of their own body, however humble he might be, ought to fill the chair at these festivals. They had designed and brought into its present condition a society of which they had every right to be proud. They managed that society upon all ordinary occasions, and when they met at these festive times he thought they were strong enough to do so without the assistance of a great man who was not a member of the solicitor's branch of the

on the present occasion-startled and gratified as well-he thought it his duty to accept the invitation. He did not know at that time that there had been a discussion at Brighton, at which there had been a considerable expression of feeling that it was desirable that the chair should be taken by a solicitor. He had always felt very strongly that such a course was much to be wished. He did not know why he had been selected, unless it was that his name stood nearly at the beginning of the alphabet, which had led him into trouble on more than one occasion. Passing to the business of the evening, he felt that there was much to be proud of and a great deal to lament in connection with the position of the association. In the first year in which the association gave relief (1861), he found that they had expended the large sum of £10. They had followed that up by gradual accretions, until, in 1881, they had given away as much as £2,201. These figures were apparently satisfactory, but whilst there was a good deal to remark which was very gratifying, there was something to be observed which was not so satisfactory. The gratifying thing was that the association had extended the area over which their benefits reached, and had increased the amount which was expended annually in benevolence. They had now taken to giving not only the dividends from the accumulated funds, but also all their annual subscriptions, and they had extended the area of their benefits to non-members and their families, and they had also taken to themselves the power of granting annuities. That was a very satisfactory side of the subject, and it was also satisfactory to know that they had now as many as 1,600 and odd annual subscribers at one guinea, which gave them an income of £1,665 a year, and they derived as much from their funds, so that they had an income which they could rely upon of £3,000 annually. He had been brought into contact with a great many of the members of the association, and he had heard several opinions on the subject. He knew that the learned gentleman who bad preceded him in the chair, Sir Henry James, had told them that they would never be in a proper state of prosperity until they had distributed the whole of their accumulated funds and got into debt. He had told them that the true prosperity of charity-and they did not profess to be a benevolent society—was a state of debt, a state therefore of anxiety and trouble. He (the Chairman) would not go that length, but he did go thus far: within the last twentyfive years he was very proud to think the position of the solicitors as a class had very materially grown in status and in everything else which was satisfactory, and he did not see why they should cast a slur upon it by assuming that twenty-five years hence the solicitors would be one whit less benevolent than those of the present day; therefore he held rather a strong opinion that they might stand more manfully forward than they had done with regard to the distribution of assistance. One of the extensions of the benefits which had been determined upon was the giving of annuities. He begged of those who were the managers-and he spoke with the greatest possible respect for those who had the management of the affairs of the society, because they gave their time to it, which was often far more valuable than their money-he begged of them, if they were going to grant annuities, if they held out any quasi-promise of further assistance when they gave the twenty or thirty or fifty guineas to an applicant, if by implication they held out to those to whom they gave these sums the hope and belief that they would be given again-he begged them to keep themselves in a position to be able to perform this quasi-promise and to keep faith with the recipients of their benevolence. It really did puzzle his mind why the association did not give away all the income from the funds, and all the money that was given that was not actually required by the donors to be held for capital. He could not, however, but feel that he was treading on the most delicate ground when he was asking them to go-not where Sir Henry James would have landed them if his advice had been followed, but when he was asking the association to go beyond what had hitherto been felt to be sufficient. Besides all this there was an untold amount of wealth upon which they as solicitors ought to rely, and to attack in a very vigorous manner. "Tell it not in Gath; publish it not in the streets of Askelon;" there were as many as 12,656 solicitors in England and Wales taking out their certificates, and yet how many were they, the members of the Solicitors' Benevolent Association? There were 10,000 solicitors who never came near the association, 10,000 who were utterly untouched by the association, who were not amongst its members and who did not sympathise with it. There was therefore an untold mint of wealth, and if they who were present only made up their minds that they would not go away and forget this fact, but would determine that they would do their best to bring the association properly before this 10,000, it must result in great advantage to it, and in the vast extension of its field of operation. They were simply asleep with regard to the needs of the association, and he believed that it only required that they should be awoke and made aware of the benefit they might bring possibly to themselves, but certainly to those who were necessitous, and their wives or widows or children. It might be said that it was very unsafe to rely on these annual subscriptions or donations for the purpose of meeting the obligations of the association, but he hoped that the number of these would be materially increased. He had read the other day that the bar were exceedingly well satisfied with the progress they had made in their kindred society, and he knew, being himself a member of the Law Association, that they had only added as few as three members to their annual subscribers during the past year. They numbered 380 annual subscribers, but as the subscription was slightly in excess of that of the Solicitors' Benevolent Association, the fund from this source amounted to £500. The operations of the Law Association were confined to the metropolis and its immediate vicinity, and in the metropolis there were something like 4,000 practising solicitors. He had always felt that the Law Association and the Solicitors' Benevolent Association ought to be one for the purposes of management and of charity. Money would be saved thereby, and unity of action would be secured, and altogether benefit would accrue to them from the amalgamation. He had in his mind several gentlemen who had said to him, "I belong to the Law Association; don't talk to me about the Solicitors' Benevolent Association," as if membership of the

SPANISH TIN COMPANY, LIMITED.-Petition for winding up, presented June 12, directed
to be heard before Fry, J., on Friday, June 23. Peacock and Goddard, South sq,
Gray's inn, solicitors for the petitioner
[Gazette, June 13.]


Norman Percy Miles Tronson, 80, Lombard st, to be official liquidator. Creditors are
required, on or before July 1, to send their names and addresses, and the particulars
of their debts or claims, to the above. Friday, July 14, at 2, is appointed for hearing
and adjudicating upon the debts and claims
[Gazette, June 9.]

June 2

Tredegar, Monmouth. June 6
FRIENDLY SOCIETY, Bell Inn, Stilton, Huntingdon. June 2
SIDMOUTH WATERLOO FRIENDLY SOCIETY, New Commercial Inn, Sidmouth, Devon.
School, Stockport, Chester. June 7
YOUNG SEAMEN'S FRIENDLY SOCIETY, Buller's Arms, Brixham, Devon. June 2
[Gazette, June 9.]
Lancaster. June 8
TRADESMEN'S BENEEIT SOCIETY, George Hotel, Crowland, Lincoln. June 9

two societies was perfectly incompatible; but the best men he knew were members of both; and those who were within the metropolitan area, and therefore qualified for belonging to the Law Association, could not do better than join both societies. He hoped that one and all of those present would go away with the feeling that they had a duty to perform in enlarging ENGLISH AND FRENCH BANK.-Hall, V.C., has, by an order dated May 1, appointed the sphere of the society's operations. He believed that solicitors could do pretty much as they pleased in the matter if their hearts and their hands were in the work. It was only a certain amount of carelessness, and a want of unity of purpose, and a want of real, well-considered action, that kept them from being the most influential class of men in the kingdom; and when they had purposes like that which he was advocating, there ought to be such union as would inspire them with a determination to effect what they had in view at once; and he entreated them to consider whether they could not, if they chose, make their association one of the most successful of its kind. One of the noblest institutions which existed was the Incorporated Law Society, although he knew that there were those outside the profession who looked upon it as a sort of trade union more than anything else. He looked upon it, and he hoped all present looked upon it, as a society which fenced the solicitors round in order that their ranks might not be swelled by the untaught, and which also took as much pains as such a society could, under the sanction of the courts, to get rid of those who did not remain within its bounds. He looked upon it as a great honour to have founded such a society, and to have fostered it, and brought it up to its present state of excellence. The Law Institution was a great credit to the solicitors as a class. There was nothing to prevent them, if they chose, from taking the lead in the competition of benevolence. They could make the Solicitors' Benevolent Association what at present it was not. They could bring into it the unbaptized 10,000 who were outside it of whom he had spoken, and they could make the Solicitors' Benevolent Association as fine an institution as existed. They could do this by exercising that influence which, as solicitors of the thinking class, they were fully able to bring to bear if they so desired, and in this hope he warmly commended to them the toast of "The Solicitors' Benevolent Association."

The toast was drunk upstanding and with three-times-three. Mr. RICKMAN (Chairman of the Board) proposed "The Chairman." The CHAIRMAN, in responding, stated that over £900 had been received in subscriptions and donations that evening, and that 104 new members had been added to their ranks at this festival.

Mr. GRINHAM KEEN submitted the toast of "The Visitors," which was responded to by Mr. FRANCIS LOWE (President of the Hull Incorporated Law Society).

A selection of music, under the direction of Mr. John Davis, was performed during the evening by Miss Annie Sinclair, Miss Hilda Wilson, Masters Townsend, Fielden, Walenn and Faull, Mr. Harper Kearton and Mr. Frederick Bevan. Mr. Harradine was the toastmaster.

The result of the collection made at the dinner was as follows:-36 new life subscriptions, £378; 84 new annual ditto, £88 4s.; general donations, £470 48.; making a total of £936 8s. In the donations were included £100 from John Hollams, Esq., Mincing-lane; £21 from John Mackrell, Esq., Cannon-street; £21 from the Chairman (Francis T. Bircham, Esq.); £20 from John Swift, Esq., Kensington; and very many other donations of 10 and 5 guineas.


Mr. GEORGE SYDNEY DAVIES, solicitor (of the firm of Hartland, Davies, & Isaac), of Swansea and Pontardulais, has been appointed a Commissioner to administer Oaths in the Supreme Court of Judicature.

Mr. STEPHEN NEWCOME Fox, barrister, has been appointed to act as Clerk of the Crown at Bombay. Mr. Fox was called to the bar at the Inner Temple in Hilary Term, 1875.




FURNESS PAPER COMPANY, LIMITED.-Creditors are required, on or before June 13, to send their names and addresses, and the particulars of their debts or claims, to John Geldred, Ulverston. Tuesday, June 27, at 12, is appointed for hearing and adjudicat ing upon the debts and claims

HAVEN GOLD MINING COMPANY, LIMITED.-Bacon, V.C., has, by an order dated March

31, appointed Horace Woodburn Kirby, 4, Coleman st, official liquidator VINCENT TIN MINING COMPANY, LIMITED.-Petition for winding up, presented June 6, directed to be heard before Chitty, J., on Saturday, June 17. Romer, Warwick ct, Holborn, solicitor for the petitioner

[Gazette, June 9.]

an order dated May 13, appointed Arthur Eldridge, 3, Gt James st, Bedford row, to
be official liquidator. Creditors are required, on or before July 10, to send their
names and addresses, and the particulars of their debts or claims, to the above.
Friday, July 21, at 2, is appointed for hearing and adjudicating upon the debts and
winding up, presented June 9, directed to be heard before Fry, J., on Friday, June 23,
Bell and Co, Bow churchyard, agents for Lynn, Blyth, solicitor for the petitioner
LONSDALE CHAMBERS, LIMITED.-Fry, J., has, by an order dated May 9, appointed
Sydney Smith, 70, Basinghall st, to be liquidator. Creditors are required, on or
before June 30, to send their names and addresses, and the particulars of their debts
or claims, to the above. Wednesday, July 12, at 12, is appointed for hearing and
adjudicating upon the debts and claims

[Gazette, June 13.]



June 8.-Bills Read a Second Time.

Justices' Jurisdiction; Metropolis Management and Building Acts Amend.
June 9.-Bills Read a Second Time.
PRIVATE BILLS.-Metropolitan Railway; Newhaven Harbour; Rugby Gas;
Seacombe, Hoylake, and Deeside Railway; Stroud Water.

June 12.-Bills Read a Second Time.
PRIVATE BILLS.-Peckham, Lewisham, and Catford Bridge Road; Metro-
politan and District Railways (City Lines and Extensions); South London
and North-Western Railway; Oswaldtwistle Local Board.
Market; Didcot, Newbury, and Southampton Junction Railway; London

Local Government Provisional Orders; Local Government Provisional Orders (Poor Law).

Boiler Explosions.

Bill in Committee.

Bills Read a Third Time.
PRIVATE BILLS.-Arklow Harbour; Railway Working and Management
Company; Northampton Water.

June 13.-Bills Read a Second Time.
PRIVATE BILLS.-Peckham, East Dulwich, and Crystal Palace Tramways;
West Lancashire Railway; Padiham and Hapton Local Board; Rothwell Gas;
Somerton Junction Railway; Romford and Tilbury Railway; Easton Neston
Mineral, and Towcester, Roade, and Olney Junction Railway; Liverpool
Tramways; Lyon and Fakenham Railway; Oxford Gas; Swansea Tramways
Extensions; Brighton District Tramways; Bary and Tottington District
Railway Coventry and District Tramways; Hull Extension and Improve
ment; Mersey Railway; Severn Bridge and Forest of Dean Central Railway;
Lincolnshire Railway, and Cheshire Lines; South London Tramways; Nor
Southport and Cheshire Lines Extension Railway; Manchester, Sheffield, and
wood District Tramways; Walton Vicarage.

Bills in Committee.
ment; Metropolis Management and Building Acts Amendment.
Municipal Corporations (Unreformed); Places of Worship Sites Amend.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
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Monday.... 7

Tuesday .. 8

Further Considerations will be taken as part of the General Paper in priority to Original Causes which have not already appeared in the paper.

Any cause intended to be heard as a short cause must be so marked in the cause-book at least one clear day before the same can be put in the paper to be so heard, and the necessary papers must be left in court with the judge's officer the day before the cause is to be put into the paper.

At Lincoln's-inn.

Friday, June16..Pets. & gen. pa.


....17 Sht. causes, adj sums. & gen. pa.


Tues.......20 General paper


Thursday..22.. Mots. & gen. pa. Friday ....23..Ptns. & gen. pa.

Satrdy, ....24

Sht. caus., adj. sums., & gen. pa


Monday, June






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Mr. Justice

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Teesdale Ward Teesdale Ward Teesdale Mr. Justice CHITTY. Mr. Cobby Koe Cobby Koe


Tuesday....27 General paper.


Thursday..29.. Motns. & gen. pa. Friday......30.. Pets. & gen. pa.

[blocks in formation]






[blocks in formation]

Cobby Koe

[ocr errors]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Apps. from Chan. Div., and Prob., Div. and Adm. Div. (Prob. and Div.)

App. mots. ex pfe, apps. Wednesday. 12 from orders made on inter

Clocutory mots., & othr apps Thurs, ....13..Bkey. apps. & otht apps. Friday ....14 Apps, from Chan. Div., and Saturday ..15 Prob., Div. and Adm. Div. Monday .. 17 (Prob, and Div.) Tues.......18 N.B.-On and after the first day of Trinity Sittings until the commencement of the Circuits (viz.: about the beginning of July), Interlocutory and Final Appeals from the Queen's Bench Division will be taken at Lincoln's Inn as well as at Westminster, except that Interlocutory Appeals from the Chancery Division will be taken (at Lincoln's Inn) on Wednesday, and Bankruptcy Appeals (if any) on Thursday.

App. motns. ex ple. apps. Wed., June19 from ordrs made on interlocutory motns & othr apps Thursday..20..Bkcy. apps. & othr apps. Friday 21 Satrday .. 22 Monday

[ocr errors]



Apps. from Chan. Div., and Prob., Div. and Adm. Div.

(Prob. and Div.)

App. moins, ex pte. apps. Wednes....26 from ordrs made on inter(locutory motns & oter apps Thursday..27..Bkcy. apps. & othr apps Friday....28 Saturday ..29 Monday....31 Tues., Aug 1


Thursday Friday Saturday Monday Tuesday

[ocr errors]


Apps. from Chan. Div., and Piob., Div. and Adm. Div. (Prob. and Div.)

App. motns. ex pte. apps. 2 from ordrs made on interlocutory motns & othr apps 3..Bkcy. apps. & cthr apps

Apps. from Chan. Div., and Prob., Div. and Adm. Div. (Prob. and Div.)

Petitions in Lunacy will be taken every Saturday during the sittings.

At Lincoln's Inn.

Friday,June16..Motns., adj. sums & gen. pa.
Sat.,.....17..Pets. sht. causes, & gen. pa.
Mond, ....19..In Bankruptcy.

Wedsdy...21 General paper.

Friday...23.. Motns, adj. sums & gen. pa.
Sat..........24..Petns., sht. caus. & gen pa.
Monday....26..In Bankruptcy.


Wed....... 28 General paper

Friday,....30..Motns. adj. sums. & gen pa.
Sat., July 1..Pets., sht causes, & gen. pa,
Monday .... 3..In Bankruptcy.

[ocr errors]

Tuesday.... 4)

Wednsdy 5 General paper.

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Friday... 7.. Mts. adj. sums. & gen på.

Thursday 6 ..

Satrdy...... 8..Pets. sht. causes,


gen. pa.

Monday....10..In Bankruptcy.

Tuesday.... 11)

Wednesday, 12 General paper.

Thursday ..13

Friday ....14Motions, adj. sums., and ર

gen. pa.

Saturday ..15..Pets, sht. causes & gen. pa. Monday....17..In Bankruptcy.

Tuesday....187 Wednesday.19 Thurs.....20.

General paper.

Friday....21.. Motns, adj. sum. & gen. pa.
Saturday ..22.. Pets., sht. caus.& gen. pa.
Monday ..24..In Bankruptcy.

Wed........ 26 General paper.
Thursday ..27

Friday,....28.. Mots. adj. sumns. & gen. pa.
Saturday ..29.. Pets. snt. causes, & gen. pa.
Monday....31..In Bankruptcy

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

the court, will be Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays; and causes without witnesses, and further considerations will be taken on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays.

Any cause intended to be heard as a short cause must be so marked in the cause book at least one clear day before the same can be put in the paper to be so heard, and the necessary papers must be left in court with the judge's officer the day before the cause is to be put into the paper

Mr. Justice Fry will be engaged on the Midland Circuit during part of the Sittings.


At Lincoln's-inn.

Friday, June16 Saturday ..17 Monday.....19 Tuesday....20 Wednesday .21 Thurs. .....22 Friday ....23 Saturday ..24. Monday....26 Tuesday ..27 Wednesday .28 Thursday..29 Friday....30 Sat., July. 1. Monday.... 3 Tuesday Wed., Thursday

[ocr errors]


General paper.

General paper.

General paper.

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General paper.

.... 7

Friday Saturday 8


Thursday...13 Friday....14

Monday....10 Tuesday....11

General paper

Sat.,...... 15.


Tuesday....18 Wednesday. 19 Thursday..20 Friday ....21 Saturday ..22, Monday....24 Tuesday....25 Wed. ......26 Thursday ..27 Friday ....28 Saturday ..29 Monday ....31 Tues., Aug 1 Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 5 Monday.... 7 Tuesday..


3 .. .... 4

General paper.

General paper.

General paper.

General paper.

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Pollock v Rabbits app of plt Kay, J April 15

In re Anglo-French Co-operative Society & Co's Acts VCH April 15
In re Stevenson, decd, Stevenson v Stevenson app of deft Stevenson Chitty, J
April 18

Rigby v Bennett app of deft from V C of County Palatine of Lancaster Apr 21
Popham v Popham app of plt Chitty, J Apr 21
app of defts
East and West India Docks Co App of deft Arthur Hill VCH Apr 24
Loosemore v The Tiverton and North Devon Rail Co app of plt Fry, J Apr 24
Usher v Henwood app of deft V CB Apr 29

Robinson ▼ The Local Board for Barton, Eccles, and other places
Fry, J Apr 21

Bostock ▾ Pearson app of deft from V C of County Palatine of Lancaster
May 1

Robison v Robison app of deft Fry, J May 2

The Official liquidator of the Birmingham and District Benefit Building Society v Cunliffe, Brooks, & Co app of defts from V C of County Palatine of Lancaster May 3 Jones v Jeffryes app of plt Kay, J May 4

Cruikshank and Co (Owners of Roxellana) v Rodgers and Co app of defts from judgt of the Lord Chief Justice on fur con Jan 20

Lynch v Godwin app of deft from judgt of the Lord Chief Justice at trial without a jury Jan 25

Bobbett v South Eastern Ry Co app of plt from judgt of Mr Justice Denman at trial Jan 26

Mersey Steel and Iron Co, limd v Naylor, Benzon and Co app of defts from judgt of the Lord Chief Justice at trial without a jary Jan 31

Meyers v Brown app of deft from judgt of Mr Justice North at trial Feb 1 Willett v Woolloton app of deft from judgt of Mr Justice Lopes on fur con Feb 1

Davison v Donaldson app of plt from judgt of Mr Justice Mathew at trial without a jury Feb 3 Byrne v Cooper app of pltf from judgt of Mr Justice Denman at trial without a jury Feb 7

Maspons y Hermano v Mildred, Goyenecke & Co app of plt from judgt of Mr Justice Manisty at trial with jury Feb 7 (S O till after argument of rule for new trial in divisional court by order)

Couchman v Greener app of plt from judgt of Baron Pollock at trial Feb 11 Bourke v Tufnell app of plt from judgt of Baron Huddleston at trial Feb 14 Riley v North Staffordshire Ry Co app of plt from judgt of Mr Justice Lopes at


Feb 15

Cato v Thompson app of deft from judgt of Mr Justice Lopes at trial Feb 18 Flower v Sadler Sadler v Flower (original action and counter claim) app of deft WJ Sadler from judgt of Mr Justice Denman at trial Feb 20

The Panteg Steel Works and Engineering Co, limd v Wrightson app of deft from judgt of Mr Justice Lopes at trial Feb 23 (Security ordered) Titterton v Cooper app of deft from judgt of Baron Huddleston at trial Feb 24 Davidson v Helliwell and ors app of defts from judgt of Mr Justice Mathew at trial Feb 27

Cowgill v Saxton and anr app of plt from judgt of Mr Justice Cave at trial Feb


Allum v Dickenson app of plt from Justices Mathew and Cave directing entry of judgt for deft on special case Mar 2

Fenner v Smith app of defts from Baron Pollock and Justices Manisty and Stephen giving judgt to plt Mar 4

Stent v Harrison app of deft from judgt of Mr Justice Manisty at trial Mar 7
Edwards v Shearman app of plt from judgt of Mr Justice Lopes at trial Mar 8
Blaiberg v London and Westminster Loan and Discount Co app of plt from
judgt of Mr Justice Lopes at trial Mar 8
Ship Mac JN McAdam, Owner of Mac v Petts and ors, Master and Crew of
Saucy Polly app of plt from judgt of Sir R J Phillimore (without Assessors)
Mar 9

Storry v Honywood app of deft from judgt of Mr Justice Grove at trial Mar 9
Beckett & Co v Addyman app of deft from judgt of Mr Justice Field on demr
Mar 9

Lancaster v South Eastern Ry Co app of plt from judgt of the Lord Chief
Justice on fur conson Mar 15

Murphy v Harris app of plt from judgt of Mr Justice Williams at trial Mar 18
Guardians of Mansfield Union, in Counties of Derby and Nottingham v Wright
app of deft from judgt of Mr Justice Williams at trial Mar 20
Griffin v Seelie app of deft from judgt of Mr Justice Field at trial Mar 21

Todman v Todman (Divorce) Gudgeon and ors co-respondents app of ptner from Méléague v Treeby app of plt from judgt of Mr Justice Denman at trial Mar 23 the president dismissing ptn for dissolution of marriage May 4 Bowen v Fraser app of pit VCB May 9

Compton v Preston app of defts Fry, J. May 10

In re Ridley, decd, Ridler v Ridler app of Worcester City and County Banking Co VCB May 10

Hardcastle v Hopkin app of plt from V C of County Palatine of Lancaster May


In re Gilbert, decd, Gilbert v Gilbert v Gilbert app of deft V C H May 10 In re The Metropolitan District Rail Co, Ex pte St John's College, Oxford app of St John's College VCH May 10

La Fargue v Miles app of pit VCH May 11

De Seuger v Waller app of plts VCH May 12
Flachfield v Wetzlar app of defts Kay, J May 16
Williams v Brieco app of defts Kay, J May 17

In re Burnitt & Burland's Contract app of TB Burland VCH May 17
Prinsep v Prinsep app of Wm Spencer and anr VCB May 17
Biggs v Peacock app of plts VCB May 18
Miller v Huddlestone app of Wm McMurray Fry, J May 20
Parkhurst v Parkhurst app of Sophia Cooper Kay, J May 20

In re Ransomes, Stead & Jeffries' Trade-Mark app of John Graham and anr
VCB May 20

Budd v Trower app of deft Mary Anne Trower Kay, J. May 22
Mundy v Duke of Rutland app of deft Kay, J May 22

In re Orr-Ewing, decd, Orr-Ewing v Orr-Ewing app of plt Kay, J May 26
Francis v Hayward app of deft Kay, J May 26

In re the Lydney and Lydbrook Steel and Iron Plate Co, limd app of the Compy
VCH May 27

Barber v Ferguson app of deft North, J May 31

Hills v Reeves app of deft Kay, J June 1

Perry v International Ocean Telegraph Co app of plt VCB June 1

From Orders made on Interlocutory Motions in the Chancery Division.

[blocks in formation]

(Security ordered)

In re Geo Thos Condy (a Solicitor struck off Rolls) app of G T Condy in person, from Justices Grove and Lindley, refusing applicn for restoration Mar 25 Ship Guy Mannering Owners of Wistow Hall v Owners of Guy Mannering app of defts from judgt of Sir R J Phillimore (without assessors) March 27 Jackson v Fletcher app of deft Fletcher from part of judgt of Mr Justice Cave at trial as to costs of third parties March 28

Cooke v Winby app of plt from rule nisi discharged by Justices Matthew and Cave Mackley and Co v Sewell and ors app of plt from Baron Pollock and Mr Justice Manisty setting aside verdict and judgt March 31

Marshall and ors v Schofield and Co app of defts from judgt of Mr Justice Chitty at trial April 3

Chartered and Mercantile Bank of India, London and China v Netherlands India Steam Navigation Co, limd app of defts from judgt of Baron Pollock and Justices Manisty and Stephen April 4

On appeal from the Lord Mayor's Court of London Davies ▾ Baxter app of deft from Assistant Judge, W Brandon, Esq, allowing demurrer to deft's pleas and counter-claim April 4

Simpson and anr (trading as John Simpson and Co) v Tamar and Kit Hill Granite Co, limd app of plts from judgt of Mr Justice Chitty on fc April 5

In Surrey County Court holden at Southwark Eaton, an infant, by next friend, v Western and ors app of plt from Justices Mathew and Cave, setting aside judgt and directing entry for defts April 5

Alan v United Kingdom Electric Telegraph Co, Imd Christopher ▾ The Same Co app of plts from judgt of Mr Justice Manisty at trial April 5

Wilden v White app of plt from Justices Manisty and Stephen setting aside verdict and judgt-action tried by Mr Justice Lopes April

Bucknall and Sons v Hunter and Co app of defts from judgt of Mr Justice Hawkins at trial April 8

Herbert and Wife v Markwell app of plts from Justices Grove, Lopes, and Bowen refusing to set aside judgt and grant a new trial Apr 14 Fison & Co v Lloyd app of deft from judgt of Mr Justice Lopes at trial Apr 14 Price v Livingstone app of deft from judgt of Mr Justice Lopes at trial in London Apr 15 Kay v Field & Co app of plt from judgt of Mr Barou Pollock at trial at Glamorgan Apr 17

Johnson v Commercial Union Assurance Co and ors app of plt from part of judgt of Mr Justice Hawkins at trial in London Apr 18

Buddv Prince app of deft from judgt of Mr Justice Bowen at trial in London Apr 18

Clark and anr v Gimson ors app of plt from judgt of Lord Justice Baggallay at trial at Leicester Apr 18

Adelphi Bank, limd, v Davies and Edwards, Adelphi Bank, limd, v Edwards GC Dobell & Co v Edwards app of plts from judgt of Mr Justice Chitty at trial Apr 19

Bowker and anr v Kesteven & Co app of plts from judgt of Mr Justice Lopes for defts upon counter claim Apr 20

Ship R L Alston, Owners of the Lady Mostyn v Owners of the R L Alston and


LONDON, JUNE 17, 1882.

THE TRIBUNAL appointed by the Solicitors' Remuneration Act held a meeting on the 13th of May, and another meeting is appointed for Saturday, the 17th inst., but no scale of remuneration has yet been settled.

VICE-CHANCELLOR HALL continues to gain strength, but we regret to learn that the improvement in his condition as regards power of speech and movement is not as yet very substantial.

WE ARE GLAD to hear that the festival of the Solicitors' Benevolent Association on Wednesday was the most successful which has yet been held, the proceeds in life and annual subscriptions and general donations amounting to no less than

£936 8s.

MR. JUSTICE NORTH has, at the request of the Lord Chancellor, undertaken the business of Mr. Justice KAY, while the latter learned judge is occupied in hearing the causes and matters transferred to him from Vice-Chancellor HALL by the order which we printed last week.

THE STATEMENT furnished to us of the recent observations of Mr. Justice CHITTY on the privilege of Queen's Counsel on motion days, was not quite accurate. The rule as stated by his lordship was, "That any member of the inner bar coming in after his turn, but before the motions had left the inner bar, was entitled, notwithstanding, to move." This rule was laid down by the learned judge after consultation with the Master of the Rolls."

Society, and amended after the meeting with the Associated Provincial Law Societies, was before the tribunal in January last, but the draft order to be framed by the tribunal and submitted to the Council of the Incorporated Law Society has not yet been settled. On a matter of so much importance, no one would grudge a reasonable time for careful consideration, but nearly five months seems somewhat excessive. Having regard to the rumours which have been current as to the difficulty standing in the way of a settlement, we have hitherto refrained from commenting on the matter. We venture to think, however, that the time has now come for urging the necessity for some conclusion being arrived at. Practitioners are in this very unfair position, that while they are paid on the old system they are expected to prepare their documents on the new system. It is very much to be hoped that something definite will result from the deliberation of the tribunal at its forthcoming meeting.

SIR HARDINGE GIFFARD'S Bill to amend the Judicature Acts

appears to have been practically rejected on Monday, a motion by Mr. PUGH to leave out the words " or rule of court" being carried by a small majority. The Bill provides that "no Order in Council or rule of court required by the Supreme Court of Judicature Acts, 1873 and 1875, to be laid before each House of Parliament shall come into operation until the expiration of forty days next after it has been so laid before each House of Parliament." As no Order in Council is necessary to enable the Committee of Judges to make rules of court under the power in section 17 of the Appellate Jurisdiction Act, the effect of the alteration is to leave matters in this respect exactly as they are now. We confess we are at a loss to understand the objection to Sir H. GIFFARD'S proposal. The notion of the Attorney-General, that "the attempt. to pass the clause was offering an insult to the judges," was sufficiently refuted by Sir H. GIFFARD's statement that he had reason to believe that a majority of the judges were in favour of the Bill as it stood. It is, indeed, difficult to see how the Judges could reasonably object to the proposal that rules of court, instead of coming into operation at once, should be laid upon the table of the House for forty days before coming into operation. It is THERE CAN BE NO DOUBT that the Council of the Incorporated quite certain that Parliament would not interfere with rules of Law Society acted wisely in submitting to the members the ques-merely professional interest or relating to technical matters of tion whether the decision of the Court of Appeal in the actions pleading, and it is surely right that it should have an opportunity against the two firms of law stationers should be carried to the of vetoing proposed changes of general importance which may be devised by “any three out of the committee of seven judges. House of Lords; and we think that the result arrived at by the meeting will be generally approved. Whether the decision was or was not satisfactory, it related to a matter of so much importance to the profession that it is desirable to have the law on the subject laid down by the highest tribunal. When that has been done, the time will come for considering what legislative or other provisions may be necessary for meeting the convenience of country solicitors, and protecting the profession from the inroads of unqualified practitioners. No one who reads the statements made at the meeting can doubt that the law stationers are rapidly widening the sphere of their operations and trenching largely on the functions of solicitors. Their intervention may be convenient and inexpensive to some practitioners, but the fact must not be lost sight of that it is not a long step from the employment of unqualified persons by solicitors to transact certain kinds of legal business to their employment in similar matters by clients.

THE CORRESPONDENCE We print this week on the subject of the delay in the promulgation of the scale for conveyancing remuneration represents only a tithe of the private communications which have reached us on the subject during the last few weeks. The draft order prepared by the Council of the Incorporated Law

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IT IS A SATISFACTION to pass from the incautious letter of the Home Secretary, and the indistinct and vacillating utterances of the Lord Chief Justice, to the firm legal ground afforded us by the decision of FIELD and CAVE, JJ., in the case of Beatty v. Gillbanks. Stated shortly, the case was this:-The members of a religious body, called the Salvation Army, proposed to march, according to their custom, through the streets of Weston-superMare, for a purpose and in a manner which were lawful, unless what was otherwise lawful was rendered not so by the unlawful purpose of another body, called the Skeleton Army, to make it the occasion of obstructing, insulting, assaulting, and raising a riot against them. The Salvation Army, notwithstanding they were aware of the lawless designs of their opponents, proceeded peaceably to execute their purpose, relying on the protection of the law and its officers. Thereupon the magistrates, instead of binding over the members of the Skeleton Army to keep the peace, put the legal fetter on the wrists of the Salvation Army. But, as CAVE, J., pertinently observed, the law in this country has not yet gone the length of forbidding a shopman to exhibit in his windows rich wares, which may prove too strong

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