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of whom 656 are life, and 1,586 annual members. Fortytwo of the life members are also annual contributors of from one to five guineas each.

The usual audited abstract of the accounts is appended, from which it will be seen that the receipts during the halfyear which terminated on February 28 last, amounted to £2,137 1s. 1d.

In that amount are included the value, at the market prices of the day, of two sums respectively of £12 8s. 6d. Consols, and £20 163. 8d. Reduced Three per Cent. Annuities, further donations from the executors of the late Mr. John Saunders, of Burnham, Somersetshire, under deed of appointment executed by them on the 25th of August, 1870; and of a sum of £500 consols, a donation from the executors of the late Miss Harriet Hurst, of London, under deed of appointment executed by them on the 1st of July 1879.

The board have further to add, and they do so with great pleasure, that, by her will, the late Miss Ellen Reardon, daughter of a deceased London solicitor, has bequeathed a share (one-tenth) of her residuary estate to the association; and, in accordance with the expressed wish of the testatrix to that effect, the board will have to consider to what special purpose (with which the names of certain members of her family can be permanently connected), the bequest shall be applied, in fartherance of the benevolent objects of this association. To mark their sense of the obligation which the association owes, in respect of this gift, to the valuable kindness of one of their colleagues, the board have, in virtue of the 4th rule, conferred the privilege of honorary life membership on Mr. Richard Pennington, of New-square, Lincoln's-inn, one of the late Miss Reardon's executors.

The board have distributed during the half-year a sum of £885 in grants of relief, £500 of it to a necessitous member and the families of eleven deceased members of the association, and £385 to six necessitous non-members and the families of twenty-eight deceased non-members.

Besides the additions to the capital Fund of the association from the gift of oonsols and reduced annuities before mentioned, the board have further increased it during the half-year by the purchase of £187 11s. 6d. consols, and £442 29. 10d. reduced three per cent annuities.

Public notice having been issued by the Secretary of State for India in Council to holders of India five per cent. stock, giving them the option of receiving in lieu of same from the 1st of March, 1880, a like amount of India four per cent. stock, or of being paid off at par on the 5th of July, 1880, the board consider it to be for the advantage of the association, as India four per cent. stock was over par, to accept the four per cent. stock, and the trustees, therefore, have signed their assent in the manner required, to the conversion of the India five per cent. stock held by

this association.

The entire funded capital of the association is now £37,157, and consists of £8,700 console, £5,000 reduced three per cent. annuities, £19,000 India four per cents., £4,207 London and North-Western Railway four per cent. perpetual debenture stock, and £250 London and St. Katharine Docks four per cent. debenture stock, producing together annual dividends amounting to £1,321.

A balance of £353 0s. 8d. remained to the credit of the association with the Union Bank of London, on the 28th of February last, and a sum of £15 was in the secretary's hands.

The directors deeply regret having to record the decease of five of their colleagues during the past half-year, namely Mr. John Sharp, of Manchester; Mr. Clement Uvedale Price, of London; Mr. John Case, of Maidstone; Mr. Thomas Avison, of Liverpool; and Mr. Richard Algernon Payne, of Liverpool; in whose places, as directors, they have elected the following gentlemen :-Mr. Frederick Deacon, of Preston; Mr. William Melmoth Walters, of New-square, Lincoln's-inn, London; Mr. Richard Pidcock, of Woolwich; Mr. Edward Whitley, M.P., of Liverpool; and Mr. James Banner Newton, of Liverpool.

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The board have the pleasure to announce that the Right Hon. Sir James Hannen has kindly consented to preside at the ensuing anniversary festival of this association, which will take place at the "Ship” Hotel, Greenwich, on Wednesday, the 30th of June next, and they earnestly hope they may have the kind co-operation of their brother members in their efforts to render the festival beneficial to the association and gratifying to the president.

The secretary will be glad to receive the names of gentlemen who may be willing to attend the dinner as stewards or otherwise.

(Signed on behalf of the board),

14th of April, 1880.


The CHAIRMAN, in moving the adoption of the report, held that the fact that the association had nearly 2,550 members was satisfactory so far as it went but he thought that all practising members of the profession should become members of the association. There could be no objection on the score of cost, for the sum of 5d. a week, which was about equal to the subscription to the society, was far less than the sums which artisans subscribed to their trade societies, and those members of the profession who did not need to make provision could subscribe as a matter of benevolence. With respect to Miss Reardon's bequest he had been given to understand that it would amount to nearer £5,000 than £3,000, and the board were considering some scheme of giving annuities with this bequest, the board, by a majority, having voted that the scheme should not include educational purposes. He thought that the association should give increased sums to members, the applications from whom were few, and decrease the amounts to non-members, the applica tions from whom were numerous.

Mr. JOHN LEWIS (deputy-chairman) seconded the adoption of the report.

Mr. J. MACKRELL considered that the subject of dealing with the education of the children of necessitous members of the profession should be further considered, and he stated that a special fund could be raised for this good purpose— not, he said, that he desired to educate the children for the law; but in such a manner that they would be able to earn their own living.

Mr. HEDGER and Mr. JOHN HUNTER supported the view of Mr. Mackrell, and a discussion arose upon the subject.

Ultimately, the report was adopted, and the directors were requested to consider whether any scheme for raising and applying money for the education of the children of necesitous solicitors could be adopted; but a strong feeling was expressed by members that for the children of persons in necessitous circumstances the London School Board schools offered a means of good education at a rate within the cireducate their children on the grants made. cumstances of such necessitous persons, who could themselves

The usual votes of thanks to the directors and auditors, and to the chairman for presiding, brought the meeting to a conclusion.



The annual general meeting was held at the society's office, 21, Fleet-street, on Wednesday week, George Lake, Esq., in the chair.

Mr. R. P. HARDY (the actuary and secretary) read the advertisement convening the meeting and the report of

the directors.

The CHAIRMAN said-When we met here last, I took occasion to observe on the effect which the then commercial depression had not only upon life assurance societies, but on trade generally. Our accounts are made up to the 31st of December last, and I think we shail all agree that up to that period at all events there had been but little, if any, improvement in the commercial prosperity of the country. In this view I think our friends will have reason to be satisfied with the results of the year's proceedings, for not only is the number of policies greater than it was in 1878, and the sum assured larger than it was in that year, but taking that class of business in respect of which periodical payments of premiums are due, the annual amount of new premiums for the year is in excess of that of the year 1878. And, moreover, I should draw your attention to this, that the class of business which we have done this year has been of a more remunerative character, inasmuch as the total sum retained by the office is considerably in excess of that

which was retained last year, and that by reason of a greater number of risks having been brought before us for acceptance, and not because the directors have thought it right to increase the limit which they have hitherto conceived it proper to place on each individual risk. The number of policies this year was 123 as against 107 last year. The sum assured is in excess by about £3,600, while the annual premiums are as £4,570 to £3,370, or au increase of something like £1,200, and, assuming that the single premiums are, as of course they must be, for the purpose of account, thrown over a number of years in respect to the risks to which these premiums attach, we should still have an excess of annual premiums over the premiums of 1878. The difference in the premium revenue is more than accounted for by the exceptional largeness of the single premiums in 1878, but if that large amount of single premium be averaged, never mind for how short a time or how long, you will see that our premium revenue is bigger than it was in 1878, and the same observation of course applies in precisely the same way as regards the total revenue, which is about the same as it was last year. And now we come to another point, which is that of the claims. As regards the claims there can be at any rate no mistake. They are not only largely under the average of former years, but they are considerably under the average which we have a right to expect. They are £17,728 less than in 1878; they are £16,615 less than the yearly average of the quinquennium ending in 1875, and there is a margin of about £120,000 worth of claims to be incurred this year before we equal the amount of change during the preceding quinquennium. But, gentlemen-and I speak this with great diffidence, because I see here some gen. tlemen before whom I fear hardly to open my mouth-you must not, if you please, consider that this diminution in the average is entirely profit. Of course the only profit One can look to is the increase in the number of premiums which may be paid by reason of the lives going on longer than the average estimate, and future interest which may be made upon the sum which we should otherwise have had to pay if the lives had dropped. The addition to the funds, it will be noticed, was £14,750 during the year, making a gross total of £908,502 16s. 5d., and I wish it to be understood that this gross total is entirely irrespective of any addition to the value of the society's reversions, and that it includes only the actual cost price of such investments as have been made since the quinquennium of 1875, and I do not think I am wrong in saying that on taking those investments together there is a very considerable margin of profit, which we hope to be able to show you when the proper time for a re-valuation arises in 1880. The interest payable on the society's investments is the same as it was last year. This, doubtless, may appear somewhat strange, and, therefore, I must ask you to consider that this amount is approximate only, no doubt almost accurate, but it is based on the supposition that the reversions will pay five per cent. If they do not pay that amount, then our calculation must be modified; if they do, then, I believe, I am correct in saying that £4 7s. 6d. may be taken as the average of the interest receivable on the investments. After some farther remarks, the chairman concluded by proposing" That the report which has been read, together with the revenue accounts and balancesheet therein referred to, be received and adopted."

Mr. G. T. WOODROOFFE seconded the motion, which was unanimously agreed to.

On the motion of the CHAIRMAN, seconded by Mr. J. T. WHITE, the directors retiring by rotation were, with the exception of Mr. Serjeant Gaselee, who retired, re-elected. Mr. Philip Roberts was elected a director in the room of Mr. John Locke, deceased.

The CHAIRMAN next proposed the election of Frederick William Steward, of Lincoln's-ian-fields, as a director in the place of Mr. H. S. Law, deceased.

Mr. WOODROOFFE seconded the motion, which was at once adopted.

The CHAIRMAN suggested that for the present the third vacancy on the board should remain open, and there being no opposition this course was agreed to.

Mr. P. ROBERTS briefly thanked the meeting for his election to the board.

On the motion of the CHAIRMAN, Mr. Archibald Day, one of the retiring auditors, was unanimously re-elected.

Mr. SPENCER WHITEHEAD proposed the election of Mr.

Rowland J. Ticehurst, solicitor, of Cheltenham, as an auditor, in the place of Mr. Philip Roberts, who, having resigned, had been elected a director. Mr. C. J. BUNYON seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously.

Mr. G. L. P. EYRE said he had had a resolution placed in his hand to which he did not feel able to do adequate justice, but fortunately the report of the directors and the speech of the chairman on the results of the last year's working spoke for themselves, and, therefore, his duty was a light at it was a pleasant one. He was sure the directors must have worked very diligently and carefully to have brought the society into its present position. He then moved:"That the best thanks of the meeting be tendered to the directors for their conduct of the society's affairs during the past year, and to the chairman for his service in the chair."

Mr. FORSTER Seconded the motion, which was cordially assented to.

The CHAIRMAN said that on behalf of his colleagues and himself be hardly knew how to convey their thanks for and appreciation of the kindness shown towards them on all occasions. He could conscientiously say that there was not a director who attempted to shirk his duties or to get away before the business of the board was at an end. They each endeavoured to bring as much business to the office as possible, and to insure the welfare of the society in every possible way. The system of audit was most perfect, and occupied eight members of the board twice a month, if not oftener; so that there could not be more thorough supervision. of the accounts.

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LAW STUDENTS' DEBATING SOCIETY. The weekly meeting of this society was held at the Law Institution, Chancery-lane, on Tuesday evening last, Mr. C. E. Baring occupying the chair. The question appointed for the evening's discussion was the following:-"Ought the rule in Clayton's case (1 Mer. 572, 603) to be extended to the case of a trustee who has mixed his own money with that of his cestuis que trusts ?" The following gentlemen addressed the society:-Messrs. Streeton, Kirk, Evans, and Lewis Rendell in the affirmative, and Messrs. Ellis and Heppell in the negative. The following cases amongst others were cited:-Pennell v. Deffell (22 L. T. Rep. O. S. 126, 6 De G. M. & G. 372); Re Hullett, (28 W. R. .) The opener having replied, and the question being put to the meeting was decided in the affirmative.


A meeting of the above society was held at Clement'sinn Hall on the evening of Wednesday last, when Mr. T. Clarkson opened in the negative the subject for debateviv., "That the true interests of this country are best promoted by a policy of non-intervention in foreign affairs," and was supported by Messrs. A. H. Spokes, W. H. Hazard, T. Mott Whitehouse, D'A. B. Collyer, W. H. H. Kelke, Phillimore, and Bamford; whilst Messrs. A. D. Maclaren and W. P. Pain opposed. The opener having replied, and the chairman (Mr. R. Gwynne Templer) having summed up, the motion was put to the meeting and carried in the negative by a majority of Seven votes. At the first meeting in May there are several important business motions to be discussed, and it is hoped that members will largely attend.


This society held their first meeting for this term on Thursday evening, the 22nd inst., when the following question was argued :-"Land sold under an agreement was described in a schedule thereto as containing 6a. 2r. 10p., or thereabouts; and one of the conditions of the agreement was, 'That if any error or mis-statement should be found in the schedule it should not annul the sale, but compensation should be made in respect thereof.' An error in the

quantity of land was discovered after the execution of the Conveyance to the purchaser. Is he entitled to compensation ?" Messrs. Elcum and Biddle, of Gray's-inn, supported the affirmative, and Messrs. Robinson and Alcazar, of Gray's-inn, the negative. The learned president, J. A. Russell, Esq., Q.C., after summing up gave judgment for the plaintiff. The next moot will be held on Thursday evening, the 29th inst., when Mr. Alfred Wills, Q.C., will preside.

New Orders, Etc.


It is ordered by the judge that all parties atten ding summonses at judges' or masters' chambers shall meet in room No. 81, on the ground floor, to ascertain their opponents, and then proceed to the judges' hall, on the court floor, to wait until their cases are called on. No calling out of names of cases or of opponents' names will be permitted in the judges' hall.


Until further order, all summonses to be heard by counsel before the judge shall be returnable every day at two o'clock, except on Saturdays, on which days they shall be returnable at] half-past twelve; and all summonses to be heard by counsel before the master shall be returnable every day at one o'clock, except on Saturdays, on which days they shall be returnable at half-past twelve.-April 22.

Creditors' Claims.



May 11.


HALE, HARRIETT HENRIETTA GEORGINA, Wilton cres, Belgrave sq. Apr 30. V.C. Bacon. Wainwright. Staple inn KNIGHT, LAWRENCE, Crammack, York, Farmer. May 14. v Knight, V.C. Hall. Wilkinson, Blackburn REEKS, HENRY CHARLES BISHOP, East Preston, Sussex, Gent. Reeks v Pacy, M.R. Titchener, Chichester SHEARD, WILLIAM, Dark Lane Head, Halifax, Gent. May 13. v Barber, M.R. Storey, Halifax SOLOMON, LEWIS, Henrietta st. Covent Garden, Fruit Merchant. May 15. Solomon v Jacobs, V.C. Hall. Lewis and Lewis, Ely pl, Holborn WEATHERLEY, FREDERICK AUGUSTUS, Brighton, Army Captain. July 23. De la Rue v Iliffe and Cardale, M.R. Cardale, Bedford row YATES, JAMES, Inverness terr, Kensington, Esq. May 13. Morris v Yates, M.R. Harrison, jun, Bedford row

[Gazette, April 9.] BEER, JULIUS, Portland pl, Esq. May 11. Beer v Dicey, M.R. Lake, New sq, Lincoln's inn

GODLEY, ELIZABETH, Parnell, Auckland, New Zealand. Nov 1. Head v Newcombe, V.C. Hall. Longcroft, Havant

MELLERS, NATHAN, Newtown, Derby, Farmer. May 26. Holmes v
Mellers, V.C. Hall. Harris, Crich

RIDDLE, GEORGE, South Shields, Gent. May 10. Wearing v Crisp
V.C. Malins. Kirkley, South Shields
SMITH, WILLIAM, Sydenham, Esq.
Harting, Lincoln's inn fields

May 14. Smith v New, M.R.

[Gazette, April 13.]

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(Continued from p. 496.)

QB 442 L and S-Western Bank limd (Vallance and V) v Coshall (Poole)

QB 443 Bessemer (Hopgood, F and D) v Astley (J S Ward) SJ
CP 444 Horner (S Betteley and Co) v Oyler and anr (Turner and

Ex 445 Abbott and Co (L Barnett) v Ross (J C Scard) SJ
QB 446 President, &c, of Corpus Christi College, Oxford (Williams,
J and W) v Attfield (Baker, F and W), without jury
Ex 447 Jarvis (Chappell and G) v N Metropolitan Tram Co (H C

QB 448 Knight (R Chapman) v Morgan (G M Wetherfield)

Ex 449 Willatts (Hine, Haycock and B) v Southgate and ors (Allen and G; T Bowker) SJ

QB 450 Browning and ors (Layton, Son and L) v Norman (J H Waring)

QB 451 Wyburn and Co (Cookson, W and Co) v Chichester (W V H


Ex 452 Cook (AJ Murray) v Hudson (W H Hudson)

Ex 453 Evens (E B Tattershall) v Boyce and Co (Emanuel and Co) CP 454 Thompson and Son (Wild B and W) v Leutner (DÉ


Ex 455 Bubb and anr (Fallows and B) v Tredwell (Longeroft and M) CP 456 Steel and anr (Prior, BC and A) v Sinclair (W R Philp) Ex 457 Hicks the younger (W J Child and Son) v Faulkner (G T


QB 458 Crosier (R Chapman) v Bray (G Blagden)

Ex 459 Todd (Thompson and W) v Browne (T W Buckler)
QB 460 Sbearburn (Rooks and Co) v Stevens and anr (Beaumont
and W; Watson, Sons and R) SJ

QB 461 Grove (JH Lamb) v Whiffen (H J and T Child)
QB 462 Watson and ors (R J Patten) v Wray (R A Kelley)
QB 463 Gigney (Slee O and B) v Elliott (J Kempster)
CP 461 Collier (E Sweeting) v Braid and anr (J Nicholls)
CP 465 Waddup (G W Lay) v Wright (W J Hobbes)
QB 466 Allford (G W Marsden and Son) v London and St Katharine
Docks Co (W M Hacon) SJ

Ex 467 Kino (Terrell and H) v Pilbrow (Woodfin and W)

Ex 468 Allpress (A West) v Hills (W Shearman)

Ex 469 Hunt (R L Ratcliff) v Hanson (Vallance and V

QB 470 Cohen (Belfrage and Co) v Veitch and ors (J D Botterell;

Wright and P)

CP 471 Flower and ors (L T Whitbourne) ▾ Hutton (Lewis and L)

Ex 472 Dodd (Hanbury H and W) v Knight (J T Moss)

Ex 473 Seal (Blake and S) v Boyton (Wynne and Co)

Ex 474 Lacey (M Hawkins) v Knox (T W Goldring)

Ex 475 Stephens and ors (Langdale and T) v Baker and anr (J D Goren)

CP 476 Styles (H A Edgar) v Cockburn (Faithful and O)

QB 477 Higgs (W W Gabriel) v Blake (Lewis and L)

QB 478 Stidder (G Cordwell) v Merritt and anr (Munns and L) CP 479 Clarke (W Hicks) v Mumford and anr (Burton, Y and H) QB 480 Hopcraft (J Andrews) v Atkinson (J CE Weigall)

CP 481 Purser and Wife (H Ú Ilderton) v Ñ Metropolitan Tram Co

(H C Godfray) SJ

QB 482 Jack (Clear and R) v The Agra Bank and anr (Ashurst, M and Co) SJ

CP 483 Thornton and Co (Wilson B and C) v Berry and Co limd (G Lucas) SJ Comn

CP 484 Lord Beaumont (Campbell, R and H) v Barber (D Chandler)

QB 485 Myers (G S and H Brandon) v Hall (H Fox)
QB 486 Marsh (Lewis and L) v Blakemore and Co (H Tyrell)
QB 487 Schweizer (Same) v Levinstein and Sons (C Turner)
Ex 488 Collins (R V Chilcott) v Warmisham (In Person)
Ex 489 Johnstone (Paterson, S and B) v Southee (Prior, BC and A)


Ex 490 Johnson and anr (B Davis) v Ashby and Co (S D Ashby)
QB 491 Ellam (Hopgood, F and D) v Stratford (J M Maddox) ŠJ
CP 492 Ruell (H W Cattlin) v Tatnell (Button and Co)
CP 493 Lloyd (G Blagden) v Vorley (Young and Sons)
C P 491 (Curtiss, P and N) v 1saacson (Dod and L)
Ex 495 Sowerbutts (Chappell and G) v Gillard (W G Whitmarsh)
Ex 496 Evans (G H Holden) v Ancketill (JR Chidley) without jury
QB 497 Jacob and anr (H H Myer) y Day (N White)
CP 498 Griffin (JC E Weigall) v Hall (Lyne and H) SJ

QB 499 Commrs of Admiralty (Hare and Fell) v Temperley and ors (Hollams, Sons and C) SJ

Ex 500 Heath (Truefitt and G) v Lloyd (T Johnson)

CP 501 Johnson and ors (W Hicks) v Gas Light and Coke Co (Bed

ford and W) SJ

QB 502 Eason (D Wade) v Roberts and anr (F C Greenfield) SJ
Ex 503 Langridge (Heathfield and Son) v Spencer and ors (Smith,

S and C)

CP 504 Wilshin (W Medcalf) ▼ Todd (G Badham)
CP 505 Mein (W Shearman) v Weigel (W Beck)

QB 506 O'Sullivan (E A Swan) v Sheldon (A T Burr)

Ex 507 Moore (Truefitt and G) v Buckler (Lawrence, P and B)

QB 508 Horne (S S Seal) v Angerstein and anr (Tidy and T)

Ex 509 Lord Fitzhardinge (Horn and M) v Fish (Stileman and N)


QB 510 Whitehead (F Heritage and Co) v Hudson (Tilley and S) QB 511 Ash (E A Swan) v Baily (Birch I and H)

Ex 512 Knight (V Southee) v Terry (J F Terry)

B 513 Waller and ors (Hopgood, F and D) v Kelk, Bart (Fadgate, S and F)

Ex 514 Cooper (C Fitch) v Berry (Shum and Co)

CP 515 McAllister (Hewitt and A) v Bishop of Rochester and ors (Sandilands, H and Co) without jury QB 516 Williams (Cookson, W and P) v Good (Tucker B and Co) CP 517 Harper (W H B Pain) v James (Cooke, S and C) 518 Clark (S S Seal) v Hughes (Bower and C) SJ QB 519 Apsey (D Wade) v Bowchier (Wright and Law)


QB 520 Garner (Prockter and A(v Williams and ors (Layton, Son and L)

CP 521 Bodeker (H W Mackreth) v The Cotton Powder Co (Tilleard, G and Co)

Ex 522 Bone (CO Newman) y Walker (C E Goldring)

CP 523 Johnson, Hannah and ors (W Hicks) v The Gas Light and Coke Co) Bedford and W) SJ

Ex 524 Lucena (H H Banyard) v Fennings (Freshfields and W) QB 525 Pratt (Clarkson, Son and G) v Sylvester (J W Hicklin) (To be continued.)

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FRY.-April 23, at 24, Bedford-row, W.C., Samuel Fry, jun., solicitor, aged 41.

MILLS.-April 21, at the Moat, Eltham, Kent, Richard Mills, formerly one of the Taxing Master in the Court of Chancery, in his 95th year.

OTTAWAY.-April 24, at Haringey-park, Crouch-end, Hornsey, Middlesex, Gillett J. Ottaway, solicitor, aged 71.

SHIPTON.-April 26, at Thornfield, Chesterfield, Joseph Shipton, solicitor.

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The nomination for a coroner for the Greenwich or West Kent Division took place on Tuesday morning at the Lecturehall, Royal-hill, Greenwich, in the presence of a large body of freebold electors. Mr. Frederick Scudamore, UnderSheriff of Kent, presided. The nomination of Mr. Edward Arundel Carttar (son of the late coroner), of Catherine-house, Blackheath-road, was proposed by Mr. W. J. Evelyn (of Wootton, Surrey), and seconded by Mr. Thomas Norfolk, chairman of the Greenwich District Board of Works. Mr. Collier, the late deputy coroner to Mr. Carttar, and deputy coroner for East Middlesex, was nominated by Admiral Robertson (of Woolwich), seconded by Mr. Henry Shersby (of Woolwich); Dr. Maxwell, of Woolwich, by Mr. Edwin Hughes, solicitor (of Woolwich), seconded by the Rev. Storer Clark (vicar of St. Peter's, Greenwich); and Mr. H. W. J. Pook, solicitor, of Tudor-house, Greenwich-road, by Mr. T. Harrison (of Deptford), seconded by Mr. Benjamin (of Lewisham.) The various candidates having addressed the electors in support of their claims to the office, the undersheriff put the names to the meeting, when there was an overwhelming shower of hands in favour of Mr. Carttar. The result was received with loud applause. Mr. Shersby demanded a poll on behalf of Dr. Maxwell, which was fixed to take place on Thursday from eight a.m. to four p.m. in the concert-room of the Lecture-hall, Greenwich, and as the law requires that one clear day shall intervene between the polling and declaration of the poll, the result will be made known at one o'clock on Saturday (this day).

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To Surrender in the Country.


Durbin, John, Englishcombe, Somerset, Florist. Pet Apr 20.
Bath, May 4 at 11
Gillett, Charles, Bristol, Boat Builder. Pet Apr 21. Harley. Bristol,
May 5 at 2

Greaves, Benjamin Hebblewhite, Kingston-upon-Hull, Tallow Mer chant. Pet Apr 21. Rollit. Kingston-upon-Hull, May 7 at 3 Holland, Rebecca Mary, Chandos yd, Buckingham, Bucks. Pet Apr 21. Fortescue. Banbury, May 10 at 12.30

Manning, William Dunkley, Stoke Bruerne, Northampton, Farmer.
Pet Mar 10. Dennis. Northampton, May 10 at 12
McGlone, John, Barrow-in-Furness, Coal Dealer.
Postlethwaite. Barrow-in-Furness, May 3 at 3

TUESDAY, Apr. 27, 1880.

Pet Apr 16.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

To Surrender in the Country. Allen, William, Leicester, Engineer. Pet Apr 22, Ingram. Leicester, May 10 at 11 Eburne, William Edwards, Coventry, Auctioneer. Pet Apr 22. Kirby. Coventry, May 11 at 2

Gilbert, Thomas, Bloxwich, Stafford, Ironmonger. Pet Apr 23. Clarke. Walsall, May 13 at 11

Green, Robert, Sutton, York, Manufacturer. Pet Apr 23. Robinson..
Bradford, May 14 at 12

Hough, Henry George, Brockley, Kent, Auctioneer. Pet Apr 23.
Pitt-Taylor. Greenwich, May 21 at 1
Pet Apr 24.

Mitchell, Alfred, Skircoat, Halifax, Licensed Victualler.
Rankin. Halifax, May 10 at 11

Mitchell, Charles William, Huddersfield, Oil Merchant. Jones. Huddersfield, May 13 at 10.30

Pet Apr 22.

Provis, Charles, Christian Malford, Wilts, Pig Dealer. Wilton. Bath, May 8 at 11

Pet Apr 23,

Roberts, Hugh, Llechwenfarwydd, Anglesey, Farm Bailiff, Pet Apr 23. Jones. Bangor. Mar 10 at 2.30

Scotter, Edwin, Newcastle-upor-Tyne, Boot Manufacturer. Pet Apr 23. Daggett. Newcastle, May 5 at 11

Yates, James Vint, and Thomas Pullan, Kirkgate, York, Grocer Pet Apr 22. Robinson. Bradford, May 7 at 12

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Liquidations by Arrangement.

FRIDAY, April 23, 1880.

Adams, James, Clarendon rd, Noting hill, Boot and Shoe Maker. May 7 at 12 at offices of Hopkins, Gt Marylebone st. Liggin, Budge row, Cannon st

May 7 at 3 at offices

Atkinson, Henry, Huddersfield, Manure Dealer. of Ainley and Hall, New st, Hudder field Austin, Thomas, Hanley, Stafford, Blacksmith. May 3 at 11 at offices of Ashmall, Albion st. Hanley

Ball, Hugh, Hanley, Stafford, Potter. May 4 at 11 at the Royal Hotel, Crew. A hmall Hanley

Begg, John. Ipswich, Suffolk, Travelling Draper. May 10 at 2 at offices of Morley and Shirreff, Palmerston bldgs, Old Broad st. Pollard, Ipswick

Bogie, Mary Ann, Carl sle, Tobacconist. May 4 at 8 at offices of Thornburu, Bank st. Carlisle

Brasier, Alfred, Lordship lane, East Dulwich, Oil and Color Mar. May 7 at 3 at offices of Whitmarsh, High Holborn

Brown, Thomas, Chevington, Suffo k Blacksmith. May 5 at 12 at the Guildhall, Bury St Edmonds, Cross, Bury St Edmunds

Byrom, Thomas Young. Wigan, Lancaster, Grocer. May 6 at 11 at offices of Byrom and Bell, King st, Wigan

Cannon, William, Hope, Flin', Farmer. May 5 at 11 at offices of Poyser, Temple row, Wrexham

Cartwright, William John, Hulme. Manchester, Tobacconist. May 4 at 3 at offices of Add.eshaw and Warburton, Nortolk st, Manchester Clark, Nase, Yeadon, York, Clerk in Holy Orders. May 4 at 2 at offices of Robbins and Busk, New sq, Lincoln's inn. Morgan and Morgan, Shipley

Clark, Thomas Powell, Erith, Kent, Builder. May 10 at 12 at 111 Cheapside. Peake, Woolwich

Constable, John Maurice, Little Bromley, Essex, Farmer. May 12 at 12 at Packett In, High st, Manning ree. Smith. Colchester Cox, Tom, 8 merton, Somerset, Boot and Shoe Maker, May 10 at 12 at offices of Reed and C ok, Bridgwater

Coxhead Charles, Reading, Fruiterer. May 4 at 11 at offices of Dodd, Friar st, Reading

Crossley, Sarah, Rochdale, Lancaster, Grocer. May 7 at 3.30 at offices of Molesworth, Cntral Chambers, the Walk, Rochdale Docker, Ludf rd, and Ludo d Joseph Dicker, Bir ningham, Paint Manufacturer. May 4 at 11 at offices of Ansell, Waterloo st, Birmingham

Doyle, Daniel, Liverpool, Boot and Shoe Dealer. May 6 at 2 at offices of I ey, Church st, Liverpool. Lupton, Liverpool

Drayc t, George, Seagrave, near Loughborough, Leicester, Farmer.
May 7 at 12 at offices of Shires, Market st, Leicester
Duck, William, She borne, st John, Hants, Grocer.
offices of Webb, Cross st, Basingstoke

May 10 at 2 at

May 6

Dunt, Joseph, Peter st, Southwark bridge rd, Greengrocer. at 3 at 40, South mpton bldgs. Cooper, Chancery lane Endacot, Louisa Mary, Manchester, Miner. May 7 at 3 at offices of Prichard and Co, Painter's Hall, Little Trinity lane Evans, John, Blsen von, Monmouth, Grocer. May 10 at 12 at offices of Gibbs and Llewellyn, Tredegar pl. Newport

Fenn, George Manville, Tavistock st, Covent Garden. Proprietor of a Journal called Once a Week. May 5 at 2 at the Guildhall Tavern, Gresham st. James, London Wall


Ford, George. Well st, Shirt Mannfacturer. May 6 at 2 at the GuildGuildhall Coffee House, Gresham st. Reed and Lovell, Basinghall Ford, Thomas Bailey, Collingbourne, Wilts, Farmer. May 11 at 3 at the White Hart Hotel, Bridge st, Andover. Footner and Son, Andover

Gallop, Frank, Brighton, Florist. May 10 at 3 at the Guildhall Tavern, Basinghall st. Cockburn, Brighton

Gates, John, Pressland terrace. Upper Westbourne pk, Leather Cutter.
Apr 30 at 3 at offices of Fox, St Mary's sq, Paddington

Gellatly, John, F1-shill, Warwick, Chemical Manufacturer. May 6 at
12 at offices of Dewes and Co. Hav lane, Coventry
Giles, Alfred Collier, Reading, Watchmaker. May 4 at 11 at the Broad
Face Hotel, Reading.

Creed, Reading

Gordon, George Dustan, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Cabinet Maker. May 3 at 12 at offices of Moody, Clayton st West, Newcastle-upon-Tyne Grainge, Henry, New Denham, Buckingham, General Me al Dealer. May 3 at 10 at the Eagle Hotel, Ladbroke grove rd, North Kensington Harrison, Richmond gar, Shepher's Bush

-Green, Henry, Burford, Oxford, Mercer. May 7 at 2 at offices of Kent and Kent, Cheapside

Gregory, Thomas, Alfreton, I erby, Joiner. May 10 at 11 at tho May-
Pole Ho el, Nottingham. Wilson and Bone, Alfreton
Harding, Al red, Gloucester, out of business. May 6 at 11 at offices of
York, Berkeley sr, Gloucester

Hatfield, William, S'oke Pegis, Buckingham, Grocer.
cffices of Durant, Guildhall chambers, Basinghal! st
Higgins, Hirm, Judd st, Easton rd, Hat Manufacturer.

at offices of Gill, Lodzate hill

May 7 at 3 at

May 19 at 2

Hill, Henry, Great Grimsby, Lincoln, Farmer. May 5 at 11 at offices of Grange and Wentringham, St Mary's chambers, West St Mary's gate, Great Grimsby

Hinder, George, and Alfred Hinder, Cave st, Portland sq. Boot Manufacturers. May 4 at 11 at offices of Phillips, Small st, Bristol. Salmon, Brist 1

Homes, Edward, Blackmoor st, Drury lane, Boot Manufacturer. Apr 20 at 3 at the Guildhall Tavern, Gresham st. Sydney, Coleman st

Hotchkiss, John, Eaton. Salop, Farmer. Mav 10 at 11.30 at the Buck's Head Hotel, Church Stretton. Clarke and Sons, Shrew-bury Hubenthal Karl, George st, Gower st, out of business. May 11 at 2 at offices of Brown, Basinghall st

Hydel James, Harwell, Berks, Baker. May 6 at 1 at the Great Western Junction Hotel, Didcot

Ingrey, Louisa Edwards, Lewisham, Kent. Schoolmistress. May 5 at 3 at offices of Finch, Borough High st, Southwark

James, Edwin Henry, Norton-in-the-Moors, Stafford, Butcher. May 4 at 11 at offices of Alcock, Market pl, Tunstall Jessop, Thomas, Leeds. Woollen Cloth Merchant. May 7 at 11 at offices of Ramsden and Co, John William st, Huddersfield Jewkes, Edward, Wednesbury, Stafford, out of busines, May 4 at 11 at offices of Jackson and Sharp, High st, West Bromwich Johnson, George, Chorlton-on-Medlock, Manchester, Umbrella Manufacturer. May 5 at 3 at the Star Hotel, Deansgate, Manchester. Vaughan-Jones, Manchester

Jones Jacob, Nichols sq. Hackney rd, Boot Dealer. May 6 at 2 at offices of Sydaev, Leadenhall st

Jones, Whowell, Wakefield, York, Plumber. May 6 at 3 at offices of Marks, King st, Wakefield

Keeffe, James, Hoxton st, Shoreditch, Oil and Colour Man. May 4 at 3 at 111, Chearside Parke, Warwick et. Gray's inn

Kilbourn, Samuel, Walsall, Stafford, Harness Manufacturer. May 4 at 11 at the George Hotel, Walsall. Bill, Walsall

Kimmins William, Frindsbury, Rochester, Kent. May 20 at 3 at offices of Munns and Longden, Old Jewry

Knight, Frederick Charles, and Walter Edward Knight, Baker st, Portman sq. Jeweller. May 6 at 12 at offices of Plunkett and Leader, St Paul's churchyard

Law, Edward Samuel, Fonthill rd, Finsbury park, Grocer.

3 at offices of Vernede, New Broad st

Lawson, Septimus, Hartlepool, Durham, Teacher of Music. 12 at offices of Edgar, Town wall, Hartlepool

May 7 at

May 11 at

Leech, William, Sunderland, Durham. Fruiterer. May 5 at 3 at offices
of Graham, John st, Sunderland. Shepherd, Sunderland
Lewis, Edward, Munslow, Salop, Farmer. May 5 at 12 at the Craven
Arms Hotel, Craven Arms. Bowles, Lud ow

Litt, Thomas, and Charles Litt, Egremont, Cumberland, Tanners.
May 7 at 2.30 at offices of Paitson, Irish st, Whitehaven

Longhi, Elisee, Oxford Market, Baker. May 15 at 11 at offices of Abrahams, Great Marlborough st

Moore, William, Nottingham, Clerk,
son, Week day cross, Nottingham
Morley, Thomas, Cheadle Eaves, Stafford, out of business.
offices of Welch, Longton

May 7 at 11 at offices of Steven

May 5 at 3

New obe, John, Priors Hardwick, Warwick, Shoemaker. May 5 at 3 at offices of Wood, Southam

New on, William Mears, Hanover sq, Tailor. May 10 at 12 at offices of Richards, Warwick st, Regent st

May 6 at 12 at o Bees

Norris, John, Everton, Liverpool, Car Proprietor. May 7 at 2.30 at offices of Lumb, Moorfields, Liverpool Ongley, William, Wateringbury, Kent, Farmer. of Monck on and Co, King st, Maidstone Ovenden, Edwin, Speldhurst, Kent, Licensed Victualler. May 5 at 4 at office of Store and Simpson 23, Church rd, Tunbridge Wells Osborne, James, Woodstock, Oxford, Draper. May 10 a 11 at the Fox Hotel, Chipping Norton. Kilby and Mace, Chiping Norton Parker, Joseon, Ket ering, Northampton, Shoe Manufacturer. May 5 at 2 at offices of Toller, 56, Montague st, Kettering Perkins, Welham, Preston Court, Kent, Farmer. May 8 at 12 at the Fleur-de-Lis Hotel. Hallett, Creery, aud Furley, Ashford

Price, Jabez, Holywell, Flint, Butcher. May 6 at 2 at offices of Cope, Holywell

Prior, John Frederick, William Hartland and Thomas Cram. Bristol, Cd Board Box Manufacturers. May 5 at 11 at offices of Nicholas, 13, Corn st, Bristol

Richardson, Henry Frederick, and Charles Alfred Richardson, Billingsgate Fish Salesmen. May 7 at 3 at offices of Ley and Brocklesby, Water lane, Great Towser st

Rober's, Brasydog Robert, Penclawdd, Glamorgan, Grocer. May 1 at offices of Jellicoe, 14, Fisher st, Swansea

Rowley, Thomas, Manchester, Indiarubber Manufacturers. May 12 at 3 at offices ofS o er, Fountain st, Manchester

Silcock, Fred. Liversedge, York, Fishmonger. May 3 at 3 at Scarborough Hotel, Dewsbury

Simmons. Edward, St Leonard st, Bromley-by-Bow.

offices of Wright and Law, High Holborn

May 10 at 3 at

Simpson, John Thomas, Kingston-upon-Hull, Plumber. May 5 at 3 at otices of Woodhouse, Parliament st, Kingston-upon-Hul

Sly, James, Swindon, Wilts, Baker. May 3 at 2 at 6, Albien bldgs, New Swindon. Jackson

Smitd, William, Skipton, York, Painter. May 5 at 3 at Midland Hotel, Skipton. Kilick and Co

Smyth, Joseph Plumer, Bungay, Suffolk, Farmer. May 7 at 2 at offices of Diver. King st, Gt Yarmouth

Snowdon, George, Jarrow-upon-Tyne, Durham, Beerhouse keeper.
May 4 at 3 at offices of Newlands, King st, Sonth Shields
Softly, William, and Thomas Softley, South Shields, Iron Ship
Builders. May 14 at 2 at Incorporated Law Societies' Roores, Royal
arcade. Lietch and Co, North Shields

Spencer, Frederick, Abergavenny, Monmouth, Tailor. May 8 at 11 at offices of Browne, Lion st, Abergavenny

Stephens, Charles Williams, Birmingham, Baker. May 6 at 12 at
offices of Beaton and Robinson, Church st, Birmingham
Scott, Charles, Rochdale, Lancaster, Provision Dealer. May 7 at 11 at
offics of Standring and Taylor, King st, Rochdale

Streatfield, Cassebelinous, Hever, Kent, Farmer. May 11 at 3.30 at
Albion Hotel, Edenbridge. Cooper, Chancery lane
Stuckey, Edward Griffin, Bristol, Oil Deiler. My 4 at 12 at offices of
Benson and Carpenter, Bank chambers, Corn st, Bristol
Thomson, David, Liverpool, Draper. May 7 at 2 at cffices of Lowe,
Mount pleasant, Liverpool

Thurgood, James, Goudhurst, Kent, Licensed Victualler. May 7 at 3.30 at offices of Stone and Simpson, Church rd, Tunbridge Wel's Tomson, Samuel. Ashton Hayes, Cheshire, Innkeeper. Apr 30 at 12 at offices of Nicholson, Grosvenor chambers, Newgate st, Chester

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