urt, shall not attend on the first day of the m, or time appointed for holding the same, it all be lawful for the members attending, to adarn the Court, from day to day, until a suffient number shall attend; or to adjourn until e next term, in which case, the writs and pross, then returnable, and all suits, pleadings, ad proceedings, depending before the said ourt, shall be continued, of course, till such subequent term," -Revised Laws, Act of Feb. 1st, . D. 1799. Errors in Supreme Court. "That errors, happening in the Supreme Court of this State, shall be heard, rectified, and etermined, in the Court of Appeals, in the last esort in all causes of law."-Ibid. And proceedings thereon.-Ibid. "That all persons aggrieved by any order or lecree of the Court of Chancery, may appeal rom the same, or any part thereof, to the Court of Appeals and Errors, before the Governor and Legislative Council of this State; and all appeals from the said Court of Chancery, except from final decrees, shall be made within thirty days, after making the order and decree complained of, and all appeal from final decrees, in the said Court, shall be made within three years after making such decree: Provided, that in cases where the person entitled to such appeal, from any final decree, be an infant, feme covert, or insane, he or she shall have three years to bring such appeal, after such disability shall be removed."-Revised Laws, 707, Act of Feb. 29th, A. D. 1820. Proceedings thereon.-Revised Laws, 574, Act of Feb. 15th, A. D. 1815. Fees. "That when an appeal is taken, from a decree, or order, of the Chancellor, to the Court of Appeals, the same fees shall be allowed to the same officers, and persons, as are allowed by law for like services in the Court of Chancery."-Ibid. Oaths of Members of Court. said Court, sh pensation, as d: provided thed to any co of the Legis Court of App 29th A. D. 17 "I, Jeptha B. Munn, do solemnly promise and swear, that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and faithfully, and impartially, perform all the duties incumbent upon me, as a member of the Court of Appeals, in the last resort, according to the best of my abilities and understanding, agreeably to the Constitution and laws of the State of New Jersey. So help me God." Compensation of Members. "That th services of sary expens the State, u nor."-Foid "That the compensation of the members of the Council, who shall sit as judges in the said Court, shall be the same day by day, for every day they shall respectively attend the Court, and for travelling to and from the same, as the members of the Legislative Council are, or may be, entitled to by law; and that the Clerk of the pers, w to be co that I the dut my ab "Sc aid Court, shall be allowed the same daily comensation, as the Clerk of the Legislative Counil: provided always, that they shall not be entiled to any compensation, as members and Clerk of the Legislative Council, when sitting as a Court of Appeals." -Rev. Laws, 394, Act of Jan. 29th A. D. 1799. "That the compensation aforesaid, and the services of the Serjeant-at-arms, and all necessary expenses, shall be paid by the Treasurer of the State, upon a certificate signed by the Governor."-Ibid. Sec. 80. Rules of Court of Appeals. 1. That hereafter, in all cases of appeals from any order or decree of the Court of Chancery, the party appealing shall file with the clerk of this court a petition of appeal, in which shall be briefly stated the order or decree complained of, and the grounds of the appeal; and shall serve a copy thereof on the solicitor of the adverse party, if he has a solicitor; or if he has not, then on the adverse party, if to be found in this state, within thirty days after filing the said petition; and shall, also, within the same time, deposite with the clerk in chancery one hundred dollars, to answer the costs of the appeal, if the appellant shall not prosecute the same to effect; and in default of serving a copy of the petition and making such deposite, as aforesaid, proceedings may be had on the order or decree appealed from, as if such appeal had not been made, and the said appeal may be dismissed by this court with costs. be subject, pr 3. That th 4. That 2. That whenever a deposite shall be made as aforesaid with the clerk in chancery, he shall, with all convenient speed, cause copies of the several orders and decrees in the cause to be made at the expense of the appellant, who shall be liable for the same in the first instance; and deliver the same with all the pleadings, depositions, exhibits and papers, which may have been filed in his office relating to the cause, to the clerk of this court; and the said deposite shall e subject, prior to any other lien, to the fees of ne clerk in chancery, for the said copies. 3. That the respondent shall file an answer o the petition of appeal, within thirty days after service of a copy of the said petition, and maxing the deposite aforesaid; and in default thereof, the appellant may enter a rule as of course, in vacation or in term time, with the clerk of this court, for the hearing of the said appeal, and may bring on the same by giving and filing notice thereof, as hereafter mentioned. 4. That if the respondent shall file an answer to the petition of appeal, the cause shall then be considered at issue, and either party may enter a rule for the hearing, as of course, as mentioned in the last preceding rule. 5. That the party prosecuting a writ of error, shall procure the same to be returned on the day in term, or the day after, to which it is made returnable, or show good cause why it is not returned; or on failure thereof, the said writ may be declared, by this Court, null and void. 6. That the plaintiff in error shall assign and file errors, and serve a copy thereof on the attorney of the defendant in error, if he has an attorney, or if he has not, then on the defendant in error, if to be found in this state, in thirty days after the day in term to which the writ shall be returnable, or be non-prossed; unless the court shall grant further time, and, in such case, the plaintiff shall assign and file errors, and serve a copy of the same on the defendant, or his |