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motion shall be received but to adjourn, to lie on the table, for the previous question, to postpone for a time certain, or for the present, to commit or amend, or to postpone indefinitely, which several motions shall have precedence in the order in which they are here arranged." Rule 16 of Council.

Sec. 69. Of voting and taking questions in

Whenever the yeas and nays are called in Council, the presiding officer will call the attention of Council by preceding the question with the word, " Councillors!" pronounced in a loud and distinct tone: as "this bill is on its third and last reading, the question will be on its final passage. Is Council ready for the question ? Councillors! as many as are in favor of the final passage of this bill, when their names are called, will say aye. Those of a contrary opinion, will say, no. Shall this bill pass?"

Sec. 7 Committees unless otherw

Sec. 71.
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This is invariably done in the Senate of the United States, the question, when the yeas and nays are called, being announced by the word, "Senators!" It is intended to call attention, and to inform members outside of the bar, that the house is about to be called.

Council vote on every question, viva voce, or on a call of the House. The members are never required to vote by rising, and their names are called in the order of Counties as aforesaid.


Sec. 70. Committees in Council. Committees consist of but two members, less otherwise specially ordered.

Sec. 71. Previous Question in Council. "The previous question shall be in this form, hall the main question be now put?" and it mall only be admitted when demanded by two airds of the members of Council present, and hall be decided without debate." Rule 18 of Council.

Sec. 73. Second day of the Session in Council. On this day it is usually announced to the Chair, by a member, that the Governor elect is present in the ante-chamber of the hall. The Vice President announces the fact to the Council and asks " is it the pleasure of Council that the oaths of office be now administered to the Governor elect?" If "aye," he deputes a member to conduct the Governor elect to the Secretary's table, and when the Governor elect advances to the bar, announces "the Governor elect?" when the members rise, and continue standing, until the oaths of office are administered by the Vice President.

The oaths being administered, the Governor

will subscribe the same on a scroll prepared for


that purpose, and the Vice President will conduct him to the chair.

Sec. 74. Bills from Assembly in Council. Private Bills from Assembly are referred without motion, under the 24th rule. Public bills are only referred on motion.

- Sec. 75. Yeas and Nays in Council. Shall be entered on the Journals, if required, by one member previous to the call of the house. -Rule 7 of Council.

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Sec. 76. Dispensing with rules in Council. "No standing rule or order of Council shall be dispensed with, unless by assent of two thirds ofthe members present," " nor rescinded or amended without one day's notice given thereof."Rule 14 of Council.

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Sec. 77. Preference of Bills in Council. Public bills shall have the preference of private bills, &c. Rule 22 of Council.


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Sec. 78. Divorce Bills in Council. "That no bill for a divorce should be taken up on a second reading, unless it shall be made to appear by oath or affirmation, that the other party is not at the time of presenting the petition, a resident in the State of New Jersey, or, if a resident, that notice has been duly served

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Sec. 79.-Court of Appeals. "That the Governor and Council, (seven hereof shall be a quorum,) shall be the Court - Appeals, in the last resort, in all causes of w, as heretofore."-Const. Art. 9.

Terms, when and where held.

"That the Court of Appeals, in the last reort, in all causes of law, shall hold annually at Crenton, two terms, the one commencing the hird Tuesday of May, and the other, the first Tuesday of November; but if the Legislature De elsewhere in session, at either of the said terms, the said Court shall, in such case, be held where the Legislature shall be so in session."Revised Laws, 393, Act of Jan. 29th, A. D. 1799.

"That the Governor, for the time being, as often as the business of the said Court shall require, shall be, and hereby is, authorized, by and with the advice of the Council, or any three of them, to appoint one other time in every year, of holding the said Court: Provided, that previous notice, for at least two* months, shall be given in one or more of the newspapers published in this State, of the time and place of holding said Court."

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one "substituted for "two," by Supple"That the Governor, for the time being, shall be, and hereby is, authorized, by and with the advice of Council, and whenever they shall deem it expedient, to change the time of holding the then next term of the Court of Appeals, in the last resort in all causes of law or equity, from the first Tuesday of November, as now appointed by law, to such other time as they shall appoint, for holding the said then next regular term of the Court: Provided always, that the time, so to be appointed, shall be within three months from the time, as at present appointed by law, for holding the then next regular term: and such public notice shall be given by the Clerk of the Court, of such change of time for holding the then next regular term, as the Governor and Council shall direct." - Com. Laws, 410, Act of Oct. 31st, A. D. 1832.

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"That whenever the time for holding the said term of the Court shall be changed, as aforesaid, all writs and process issued, and all causes which shall then be set down for hearing and argument, and all writs, pleadings, notices, and other proceedings, shall be continued, of course, and stand adjourned to the time so to be appointed; and writs of error may be made returnable, and appeals taken, to the time so to be appointed; and all other business may then be done, the same as now may be done, at any stated term of said Court." Ibid.

"That if a sufficient number of the members of the Court of Appeals, to constitute the said

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