CLASS II.-continued. VOTE 8. BOARD OF TRADE ACCOUNT of the Sum Expended, compared with the Sum Granted, to pay the Salaries and Expenses of the OFFICE OF THE COMMITTEE OF PRIVY COUNCIL FOR TRADE, and SUBORDINATE DEPARTMENTS, in the Year ended 31st March 1906, showing the Surplus or Deficit upon each Sub-Head of the Vote. CLASS II. continued. VOTE 8. BOARD OF TRADE. 1 ACCOUNT of the Sum Expended, compared with the Sum Granted, to pay the Salaries and Expenses of the OFFICE OF THE COMMITTEE OF PRIVY COUNCIL FOR TRADE, and SUBORDINATE DEPARTMENTS, in the Year ended 31st March 1906, showing the Surplus or Deficit upon each Sub-Head of the Vote. CLASS II.-continued. VOTE 8.-BOARD OF TRADE-continued. EXPLANATION of the causes of variation between Expenditure and Grant. A. Slight variation. NOTE. A Second Class Clerk received 351. from the Vote for Temporary Commissions in connection with the Food Supplies Commission. B.-Over-estimated. C.-No Expenditure was incurred in connection with Notice of Accidents, Prevention of Accidents, Electrical Power, and Railway and Canal Traffic Acts, and the Expenditure on Electric Light Provisional Orders and Special Inquiries was less than estimated. NOTE.-A sum of 957. 11s. -d. was paid to a retired Naval Officer for giving evidence in connection with the Port of London Bill. D.-Under-estimated. E. The Expenditure this year was much less than the average of previous years. G.-The Solicitor did not expend the whole of his allowance for Clerks. In addition 2001. was paid out of Sub-Head I. (Law Charges) for services in connection with Boiler Explosion Inquiries. H.-Over-estimated. I. The Expenditure under the Merchandise Marks and Patents, &c. Acts, and in connection with the Railway Commission and Detention of Ships, was less than anticipated. Sundry claims amounting to 1697. 28. 1d. have been abandoned during the year with Treasury sanction. A sum of 271. was paid to a retired Naval Officer for acting as a Commissioner in Boiler Explosion Inquiries. K.-Saving due to a death and to the Temporary Assistant not being required during the whole of the year. A sum of 1147. 11s. 3d. was paid from this Sub-Head to a retired Army Officer. L. The subscription to the Metric Bureau and the cost of Instruments and Repairs were less than anticipated. M.-Saving due to changes in the Staff and reduction of overtime. NOTE.-Payments in excess of 251. were made to 5 Second Division Clerks as follows :--391. 3s. -d., 42l. 19s. 6d., 45l. 10s. 6d., 43l. 14s. 6d., and 45l. 6s. -d. N.-Over-estimated. O.-Slight variation. P. The Expenditure in connection with Trade Correspondents at Home and in the Colonies was less than estimated. NOTE.-A Second Class Clerk received 1047. 6s. 11d. from the Vote for Temporary Commissions in connection with the Food Supply Commission. An Assistant Staff Officer received 251, from the Vote for Diplomatic Services and 501. from the Imperial Institute Fund. A Second Division Clerk received 47.-8. 6d. for overtime. Q.-Over-estimated. R.-Slight variation. S.-There were more cases in which the Board of Trade took action than was estimated. T. The whole of the charges for this service were not paid within the year. U.-Slightly over-estimated, and further saving due to retirements. NOTE.-Three Assistant Examiners received 1371. 188 d. from the Vote for the Board of Education for acting as Assistant Examiners, two received 100%. 16s. -d. from the Vote for Naval Services for acting as Temporary Assistants in the Nautical Almanac Office, and one received 421. from the Vote for the Civil Service Commission for acting as Occasional Assistant Examiner. One Deputy Examiner received 30l. for preparing a Digest of Patent Cases. An Examiner received 100l. for work performed in overtime. Treasury authority No. 23953, 31 January 1906. V. Slight variation. W. The number of cases for report was less than anticipated. Y.-Under-estimated. Z.-The Expenditure on Tracings of Drawings was less than estimated AA. The allowance for remuneration was not entirely expended. BB.-Over-estimated, CC.-Over-estimated. CLASS II.-continued. VOTE 8.-BOARD OF TRADE-continued. EXPLANATION of the Causes of Variation between Expenditure and Grant-continued. During the year 1905-6 the sum of 10,0211. 3s. 1d. was received at the Patent Office by the sale of Patent Office Publications, and this amount was paid to the Stationery Office. The Surplus of 5,0911. 3s. 2d., shown on the Account of the Vote "Board of Trade," for the year ended 31st March 1905, has been surrendered. Board of Trade, \ 30 November 1906.J T. IV. P. Blomefield, I certify that this Account has been examined under my directions, and is correct. Examined, H. J. Bidwell. John A. Kempe, Comptroller and Auditor General. 27. |