TABLE 15.-Percentage of male and female students and percentage of graduates to total number in normal course in public and private normal schools in 1896–97. Washington Oregon 57.85 42. 15 21.78 California 11.44 88.56 7.65 49.60 50,40 16.54 State or Territory. TABLE 16.-Normal students in universities and colleges and public and private high 15 432 853 1,285 United States... 196 2,656 3,833 6,489 507 2,490 6,511 9,001 422 3,068 3,996 7,064 22,554 North Atlantic Division. 30 348 334 682 143 South Atlantic Division. 31 382 721 1,103 48 South Central Division.. 37 330 582 912 141 North Central Division.. 83 1,164 1,343 2,507 172 Western Division 291 3,649 3,940 71 489 708 1,197 5,819 517 1,053 2,719 930 1,089 2,019 144 1,144 1, 154 2,298 5,229 3 1,015 1,417 2,432 107 810 1,382 2,192 7,131 89 235 324 1,656 |