Great Britain... Notification.. Persian Passport Law Zanzibar.... f Danish Law. Illegal} Great Britain.. Notification ..{ Belgium, &c. Protocol 1 Trawling..... Great Britain.. Order Italy Great Britain.. Notification { Roumania Ratification. Convention Duration. Commercial Agreement.... Telegraph Service Regulations... Permits of Residence ..... East Africa Regulations... Quarrying and Blasting.. Protectorate } 6th July. 70 {Non-export of Arms, &c.,} 21st July. 780 14th Aug. 7 14th Aug. 12 23rd Aug. 6 South Regulations Agreement....[ held by British Subjects......... Most-favoured-nation Telegraph Money Orders Agreement.. Policy in China Decree....... {Quarantine. Ships and :} !} 24th Oct. 45 8th Nov. 150 12th Nov. 230 20th Nov. 15 26th Nov. 821 } 6th Dec. 118 Dec. 851 9th Dec. 119! 15th Dec. 1119 |