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The Board then adjourned until eight o'clock to-morrow morning.


The Board of Trustees met, as per adjournment, and was called to order, at 8 o'clock, by the Regent.

Devotional exercises were conducted by Rev. Mr. Riley, of Urbana.

Mr. QUICK was called to the chair.

On the call of the roll, the following members responded, viz: Messrs. Allen, Blackburn, Brayman, Burchard, Burroughs, Cobb, Cunningham, Dunlap, Flagg, Galusha, Goltra, Harding, Hayes, Johnson, Mahan, McMurry, Pickrell, Pullen, Quick, Scroggs, Van Osdel and the Regent-22.

Mr. QUICK, Chairman of Committee on Agricultural Department, reported, viz:

The Committee on Agriculture, to whom was referred the Head Farmer's communication to the Regent, respectfully report, that they have had the same under consideration, and find the suggestions therein contained, in the main, practical, and recommend that the same be referred back to the Regent and Professor of Agriculture, to be carried into effect, as far as, in their discretion, the same can be done advantageously to the Institution.

Your Committee further recommend that the sum of ten hundred and forty-five dollars ($1045) be placed at the disposal of the Head Farmer, for the purchase of two teams, and the necessary plows, cultivator, mower, rake, etc.


This report was approved.

T. QUICK, Chairman.


The REGENT presented his annual report, as follows:

The by-laws of the University make it the duty of the Regent to "make an annual report to the Board, exhibiting the progress and condition of the several departments of the University, with such suggestions as he may deem needful for their improvement."

The work of the year just closed has been preparatory in character, and its history is simply the record of the several steps taken for the organization of the depart

ments and the preparations of grounds, buildings and apparatus for the proper work of the institution. Immediately after the Board meeting held the 7th day of May, 1867, at which the location of the University was finally fixed, contracts were made for stone and other materials for the necessary alterations and improvements of the University buildings. A contract was also made for grading the grounds, as directed by the Board. While these contracts were being fulfilled, the necessary measures were taken for the sale of the scrip, ordered by the Board to be sold, and for the location of such as was ordered to be located.

In August, the grading being nearly completed, and the cut stone being ready, the work was begun in earnest upon the building, and it has been steadily pushed forward with vigor, several men having been employed all the winter. After the Board meeting in November, I held a conference with the mechanics, and arranged with them to prosecute the work with such speed that all should be fully completed before the time set for the opening of the term. The work on the interior was fully completed as proposed, though much more was found to be done than was anticipated, and the materials are prepared for the completion of the portico; but the continued cold weather and the subsequent almost continuous rains have, till the present, prevented the work from being put in place. Two or three days of fine weather will serve to finish it. It ought to be stated that Mr. VanOsdel of Chicago, was requested by the Executive Committee to prepare plans for the portico, but his drawings having been in some way detained in the Express Office, the then acting Superintendent procured other plans from a master builder in Champaign, and the work was commenced upon these latter plans. But after the last Board meeting, finding Mr. Van Osdel's plans lying in the Express Office, I directed that these plans should be followed.

The winter set in so soon after the meeting of the Board that nothing could be done towards completing the fences around the grounds, except to procure the additional materials. As soon as the ground is sufficiently settled to set the posts, this work will be finished at once. The fact that with all this effort the work is not entirely done, evidences the wisdom of the policy of the Board of delaying the opening of the Institution till this spring. It is now clear to every reasonable man that it would have been impracticable to get the building in readiness to open in the fall; even if the more difficult work of ripening the plans, securing a faculty, and sufficiently advertising the opening could have been effected.

The delay has given time to make the institution known. Had the opening been delayed till the coming autumn, even greater advantages would have been gained. While the mechanical work on the building and grounds was going forward, strenuous efforts were put forth to awaken public interest in the University-to secure an understanding of its plans, and to secure students. A system of prize scholarships was proposed to raise the endowment of, at least, one such scholarship in each county of the State. A competitive examination was provided for throughout the several counties for honorary and prize scholars, and examination papers were received from a majority of the counties, showing that thus, at the outset, the interest in this examination had extended very widely, and affording great encouragement that in the future it may become an element of great power and usefulness both to the Public School interests of the State and to the University itself,

It is certain that this examination has brought into the University several students who would never have come but for this influence, and we may reasonably conclude that if the plan shall be hereafter prosecuted efficiently, it will lead hundreds into

courses of liberal education who would otherwise remain in ignorance. It is worth our most earnest efforts to give permanency to these examinations.

On the second day of March, as ordered by you, the building being in readiness in all its interior arrangements, the University was opened for students and the work of instruction was at once begun. About fifty students appeared the first morning, and the number has been daily increasing through the week which has now elapsed till we have now in attendance sixty-eight students, two others having been called home, one by sickness and one by business. Several applicants have delayed their entrance till other engagements are fulfilled, while a large number have notified us of their intention to be present in the autumn

Considering the season, our attendance is large-much larger indeed than is often seen in the opening of such Institutions. Considering the untried character of many of our plans, the number is full large enough for the most successful economical inauguration and trial of these plans.


The finances of the University will demand a close and constant attention. Our safety and ultimate success will depend on the financial soundness of the enterprise. The reports of the Treasurer and Finance Committee will furnish you the more material facts in regard to the present condition of the finances. I must refer to them for a statement also of the amount of our permanent funds, and the character and productiveness of the same. The entire expenditures for the year, for all purposes, have been $34,742 63. The several items of this expenditure will be shown by the warrant statement accompanying this report. A classified statement will also be handed in with this report exhibiting the expenditures under the proper heads

The necessity of making a considerable addition to the working Faculty at the opening of the next academic year will compel a close inquiry into the probable income for the year. I suggest also the inquiry whether $5000 of the proceeds of Champaign County Bonds, converted, may not and ought not to be at once reinvested. The receipts from students, and the interest due the 1st of May from the $100,000 of Champaign County Bonds will furnish all the funds necessary to meet the current expenditures of the Institution till the next installment of interest is received,


The Head Farmer appointed by you, Jonathan Periam, Esq., of Chicago, entered upon service the first of January, and has been actively employed, and with great fidelity, in the preliminary work and other preparations for the season. His report, which I herewith communicate, will furnish you with a statement of the present condition and proposed treatment of the lands. The attention of the Board should be given early to devising plans for the necessary barns, tool-houses and other farm and garden buildings. These buildings when erected should be model structures, and therefore the most careful and extensive inquiry will be needed to secure this result.


The proper development of the Mechanical Department will demand some suitable buildings, with perhaps a supply of motive power in the shape of a steam engine. Parts of the buildings erected for this department may be rented, with some portions of the motive power, to representatives of several of the more prom

inent branches of the mechanic arts, as workers in iron, in brass, in wood, and in the typographic arts, who may furnish ready illustrations of the se arts, and allow such students as desire it an opportunity to acquire some practical knowledge of these several trades and their tools.

Rooms may be reserved for such shops as may be needed for the work of the University, and its several departments.

The possession of a good steam engine will not only furnish the students of mechanical science an opportunity to become familiar with the management of this great motor, but will also provide opportunities, when occasion arises, for experiments in the manufacture of sugar from the beet and sorghum, of cheese, and other products from the garden and farms.

I call this early attention to this subject, that the Board may secure wise and well digested plans for the future development of this important department of our work.


Appropriations will be needed soon for the following objects, viz: A bell of sufficient power to be heard over the farm. A good eight-day clock, and perhaps for three or four other clocks to furnish the recitation rooms. These latter are not asked for at present. An additional number of garden tools, for the garden and grounds.

The Committee on Buildings and Grounds will bring before you the further expenditures necessary to preserve the buildings; and the Library Committee will explain to you the necessity of further appropriations for books and apparatus.

It is especially important that an appropriation should be made to fit up, at once, a chemical laboratory.

In this connection, I would ask that the Regent be authorized to employ such clerical aid as may be necessary from time to time, to write up the accounts of the several departments, and to take some care of the library. I have already employed Mr. A. Potter for several days to assist in labeling and putting up the books, and in preparing the, warrant statements which accompany this report. The crowd of labor which fell upon me in connection with the examinations for scholarships, and the preparations for the opening, compelled me to solicit the aid of Prof. Atherton, and I ask, accordingly, that his term of service be counted from the first day of February, and that a warrant be issued for his salary for that month.


The law authorizes the Board to make additional honorary scholarships, and provides that these need not be confined to the children of soldiers and sailors. The report of the Committee on Courses of Study recommended that the Regent be authorized to award the unclaimed scholarship of any county to some worthy student from some other county.

I would suggest, also, that a rule be established, that upon the failure of applications from sons of soldiers and sailors, the honorary scholarships may be awarded to other worthy young men by the Faculty, in their discretion.

This would be, in effect, simply to establish other honorary scholarships, as the Board has authority to do, the additional scolarships being contingent upon failure of applicants for those provided by law.


The attention of the Board is also respectfully asked to the questions concerning the lands already located, and the policy of making further locations. A prudent

regard for the interests of the University, and justice to the States in which our lands are located, seem to demand that the earliest practicable measures shall be taken to bring these lands into market, and to induce actual settlers to purchase them. If the lands should be properly catalogued and described, and some order be made for their sale at stipulated prices, doubtless we might soon begin to realize something from them.

An order is now on your records for the location of 25,000 acres additional to those before located. This, you will recollect, leaves you 50,000 acres of scrip undisposed of. Ought not some power to be lodged in the Finance or Executive Committee to take advantage of the market, if a sale is to be made, or to locate if they find it desirable to make further locations? I offer this suggestion with much diffidence, because of the importance of the interests involved, and the difficulty of devising any policy against which serious objections do not lie.

In closing this hastily prepared report, I cannot but congratulate you, gentlemen, on the success that has thus far attended your labors. Your plans have received be warm commendation of many of the best and wisest men, both in our own and other States. The few hostile criticisms which have found their way to the public eye or ear, have been based either upon an innocent misunderstanding or an intentional misrepresentation of our course and purposes. They have shown on their face that they were the productions of minds too narrow to comprehend the real aims of the University, or too prejudiced to judge it fairly. Such criticism will not seriously harm us. It may catch, for a moment, the unsuspicious, and may serve to feed a little the rancor of the unfriendly; but our triumphant success will more than vindicate us, and our noontide sun will shine all the brighter for the clouds which obscured its dawning. Invoking the blessing of a benificent Heaven upon our work, and commending it to the wise charities of our fellow citizens, it remains only for us to move steadily forward, with unfaltering purpose and humble trust, to the great ends set before us.



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