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various agitations I felt respect, affection, duty, fear, alternately possessed me; for I had strongly persuaded myself, from Mrs. Masters's method of speaking, Lord Danford must be my father. The sight of a long-absent daughter, thought I, will awake nature, so long dormant in his bosom; and I shall forget their painful secresy in the arms of a parent.

Vain, flattering hope! how many painful hours dost thou smooth over with pleasing expectation!

"We reached the gate-a large bell gave notice of our approach-the door opened-I entreated the favor of Mrs. Masters's salts, by the help of which I followed her to the house; on entering which, I found she must be a person of some account, by the deference paid her by several domestics who attended. " Where is my Lord?' said she does he know I am arrived?'-' No, Madam,' replied one of the servants; but I will inform him of it immediately.' 'No,' said she, "I will surprise him myself.'-So saying, she made a slight apology for leaving me, and ordered the man to show me into a parlour.

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-Now the distemper'd mind

Hast lost that concord of harmonious powers
Which forms the soul of happiness, and all
Have burst their bounds; and reason, half extinct
Or impotent, or else approving, sees

The foul disorder!


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"I REMAINED an hour alone, before Mrs. Masters returned; who then desiring me to follow her, we passed through several magnificent apartments, before we reached that in which was seated Lord


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Danford. Miss Villars, my Lord,' said Mrs. Masters. As she spoke, his eyes momentarily met mine; but starting, and changing of a ghastly paleness, he hastily removed them, as from an object whose sight was obnoxious.

""Give me leave, my Lord,' said I, bending my knee, to return my thanks for your goodness, so many years, to a friendless girl, who, though her words may ill express her gratitude, yet by her actions, I hope, will give you no reason to repent your generosity.'

"Rise, child,' said he; the deadly pale of his countenance giving way to a burning crimson; 'you owe me no thanks; nor can I at present receive you as I could wish.'

"The Earl was a handsome man, apparently between fifty and sixty; of a commanding air, and an eye so penetrating, that when I found it fixed on me, I shrunk, as conscious of some defect. Though my confusion was great, the Earl's was equal; and three days passed, before our looks could meet, without a visible confusion on his side.

"How amiable, thought I, is the Earl's disorder, on being reminded by the innocent proof of a longexpiated fault! yet how painful to a feeling heart, to think a parent views us with repentant eyes!'

"A few days wore off Lord Danford's gravity, and conquered my timidity. I studied his temper with the greatest assiduity, calling forth every little talent I possessed to amuse him. I sung to him, read to him; and, as he usually lay on the sofa an hour after dinner, he begged me to appropriate that time to the harpsichord; and I was soon convinced he regarded me not only with an eye of friendship, but affection. Happy as I thought myself to gain ground in Lord Danford's ́esteem, yet I felt sensibly hurt at some little famili

arities that passed between him and Mrs. Masters, as it gave me room to think his conduct not so irreproachable as I at first believed.

"One evening, as we

were sitting after

supper, 'Well, Louisa,' said he, has that gentle heart of thine forgiven Danvers? Nay, do not blush, for Masters has told me all. Could he have applied to me honorably before I saw you, I should readily have closed with his offer; but at present, I believe, you must be arbitress of your own fate.' As he laid his hand on mine, I returned my thanks by pressing it to my lips. You little enchantress!' continued he, returning my compliment, I was determined to dislike you; how have you forced rae to the opposite extreme!"

"I expressed a wish to inform Madame da Saint, and the Countess of Melville, I was happy. The Earl of Danford informed me Lord Melville was at Bath; that himself should go there in a few weeks, when I should accompany him, and agreeably surprise my friends. As I had determined his word should be law, I acquiesced; but wrote by his permision to the Abbess; yet I have never received an answer. -Thus were we situated, when the servant one day delivered Lord Danford a letter, that came by the post; on reading the superscription he turned pale, his hand trembled, and it was some time before he could open it. Whether he was sensible of this alteration in himself, I do not know; but he desired me to retire, and return in half an hour....


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"I have had a letter particularly displeasing


to me, Louisa,' said he, when I came back, it puts me to the disagreeable necessity of parting with you for some short time: but you shall not go far distant, nor yet must your absence be long : I shall feel it too severely.-Masters shall go first, and prepare for your reception: I will conduct you to your retreat myself; it is not more than six miles; and, miser-like, I shall daily steal time to visit my treasure.'

"I asked him when it was his pleasure I should depart. Oh, there is no hurry,' returned he

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we are safe for this week. I have some young fellows coming to pay me a visit; and I do not wish to endanger their peace by showing them so fascinating a creature as yourself.'


Had the compliments I received from Lord Danford proceeded from any other person, I should have heard them with disgust; but, persuaded they came from a parent, whose growing partiality would one day own me without blushing, self-love prevailed; and the sudden transition my appearance had made in the Earl, from aversion to affection, almost made me think I deserved them.

"Mrs: Masters received the news of her journey with apparent disgust: though she did not venture to dissent from the Earl, yet her looks plainly indicated, that her words, had she given them vent, would not have been of the most pleasing sort.

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