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we pledge our nominee for Congress, in the event of his election, to co-operate with the Congressmen from the arid States in seeking to obtain a liberal allowance in the general appropriation bill for the storage and distribution of water under the supervision and control of the States and Territories affected. We favor the lawful use of silver as a money in all manners compatible with the best interests of our Government, and we hereby pledge our nominee for Congress, in the event of his election, to exercise his best endeavors to secure the greatest possible use of silver beneficial to the mining States of this Union, without endangering the financial safety of our country. We reject the proposed amendment to the Constitution of Nevada authorizing a lottery as being an attempt to disgrace our State in the sight of the enlightened world. We regard the act upon our statute books legalizing prize fighting as a stigma upon the fair name of our State. We condemn the repeal of the "Purity of Elections" laws and demand the passage of an act reasonably limiting the expenditure of candidates and prohibiting corrupt practices during political campaigns and at the polls. We declare ourselves in favor of an eight hour workday on all public works, where the State, county or municipality pays for the labor, and in all mines, smelters, mills and all other institutions for the reduction or refining of ores or metals, and we pledge our nominees for the Legislature to work for a law embodying that principle. We condemn the present State administration for its profligacy in creating useless offices with which to reward its supporters.

September 6.-The convention indorsed the nominations and platform adopted at Kansas City, declared opposition to trusts and condemned the action of the Administration with reference to Porto Rico, the Philippines and the Democratic. Alaska mining districts. Sympathy for the Boers was expressed, and Senator William M. Stewart was condemned for his defection from the silver cause. Railroad meddling with State affairs was objected to, a State constitutional convention demanded, lotteries and prizefighting condemned, and State regulation of the hours of labor favored. On other subjects the platform said: We hold that the silver question is still one of the important issues of this campaign, and that it will never be permanently settled until our mints are opened to the free and unlimited coinage of gold and silver at the ratio of 16 to 1, regardless of the consent of other nations. We congratulate the supporters of Bryan and Stevenson in Nevada, that they are not subjected to the humiliating necessity of abrogating or modifying any plank in their National platform for the accommodation of their Congressional nominee. We believe that water storage for arid lands should be recognized by the general Government as a part of its internal improvement system, and that liberal appropriations should be made for that purpose, and we call attention to the specific declaration in this behalf in our National platform, favoring an intelligent system of improving the arid lands of the West, storing the waters for the purposes of irrigation, and the holding of such lands for actual settlers.

September 6.-The principal planks of the platform were similar to those adopted by the Democratic convention, and the parties fused on a State ticket. Planks of special interest were: In line with our opposition to any control Silver Party. of public utilities by private citizens or combinations of capital, we here declare our emphatic dissent from any proposal to lease the public domain, recognizing in such a step the danger that would inevitably accrue to the honest struggler of limited means. We favor a workday of eight hours on all public works in which the State, county or municipality is the employer. We favor the election of United States Senators by direct vote of the people for the reason that such a method of election would return power to the hands where it properly belongs. We submit that with a proper valuation placed upon the property of the State the tax roll should show a valuation of $100,000,000 worth of property, that a true assessment, properly adjusted nearer to the equal value of property would reduce the average county taxes to perhaps $1 on the hundred, with the State's proportion at about 25 cents on the hundred; and we therefore recommend to all Silver party county conventions that they pledge their nominees to the Legislature to support such measures as will bring about a reform in this direction. Resolutions were added that the resolution condemnatory of Francis G. Newlands be stricken and expunged from the records of the State Central Committee of the Silver party, and that he was entitled to the commendation of the convention for his foresight two years ago, and for his action in opposing the re-election of William M. Stewart because of the latter's treason to the Silver organization in the campaign of 1898, and that the action of the State Central Committee deposing W. E. Sharon from the chairmanship of the State Central Committee be rescinded and expunged from the record.


April 24.-In this convention, which marks the beginning of the Presidential campaign of the year 1900, we, the Republicans of New-Hampshire, congratulate the people upon the honest fulfilment of the pledges made in the ReRepublican. publican National platform adopted at St. Louis in 1896, and acknowledge the wise statesmanship of our President, William McKinley, under whose guidance the promises have been performed. As Chief Executive he has met and wisely solved graver National problems than have fallen to the lot of any predecessor, save Washington and Lincoln. We indorse that legislation of the present Congress which has established beyond a doubt the currency of the United States upon a gold standard of value, which insures all payments in honest dollars and answers the commercial demands of our own people and of foreign nations with which we deal. We rejoice in the passage of the Dingley act, and in the greatly increased prosperity of the people which has followed. We glory in the

triumphs of the Spanish war, both those on land and these o gea, We are proud of the splendid records of our naval and military heroes. We heartily, support the Administration in the annexation of Hawaii and in the acquisition of Porto Rico, Guam and the Philippines. The insurrection in the Philippines was a rebellion against the lawful authority of the United States, and we assert the duty of the President to subdue it. We condemn any encouragement given by American citizens to those bearing arms against our country. We intrust the future government of our new possessions to Congress and the President, believing that they may lawfully control and govern them as they deem best, and feeling assured that they will give the islands every measure of local self-government for which they may show themselves fitted. We commend and approve the patriotic impulses of our President, his loyalty to right, his high purpose, his diplomacy, his great achievements for his country and humanity, and urge his renomination at the coming National Convention.

September 11.-The platform adopted approves of the Republican National Convention, congratulates the country that the Republican party has established by legislation the gold standard, and on the wonderful prosperity during the Administration of President McKinley. Continuing, the resolutions said: The military force now engaged in preserving order and subduing rebellion in the Philippines, and the American soldiers and sailors who are fighting to protect the lives of American citizens in China, must be vigorously and loyally sustained. The absurd cries of "militarism" and "imperialism" must not be permitted to check the progress of our Government; and the military arm must be active so long as there shall be rebels in Luzon and outrages committed upon American citizens in China. The platform commends the administration of Governor Rollins and heartily approves legislation tending to increase business at mountain, country and seashore resorts. It promises a liberal policy in the appropriation of money for public improvement. Good roads, forestry supervision and judicious fish and game laws are advocated. The "old home" idea, inaugurated and advocated by Governor Rollins, is indorsed and liberal appropriations for benevolent and educational purposes are favored. The platform approves all proper efforts to advance the cause of temperance in the home and community.

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May 2.-The convention indorsed the Chicago platform of 1896 and declared unwavering fidelity and adherence to it. Other planks were: We denounce the Republican party for its abandonment of bimetallism, its enactment of a Democratic. gold standard law at the command of the money kings, and its absolute surrender to the National banks of the control of the currency. We denounce the Republican party for inflicting upon the Nation under false pretences a policy of colonial conquest, with its attendant evils of imperialism and militarism, at a sacrifice of the basic principles of the Declaration of Independence and in defiance of the Federal Constitution. We believe in free trade and every other constitutional guarantee for Porto Rico, and independence for Cuba and the Philippine Islands as soon as they are capable of self-government. We denounce the Administration for fastening upon the American Republic the guilt of "criminal aggression" in the Philippines and neglect of "plain duty" to Porto Rico by depriving her citizens of the right of self-government, by erecting a customs tariff between that island and the States, in utter disregard of distinct pledges solemnly given and of their constitutional rights. We denounce the Republican party for fostering and protecting the criminal trusts, which, dominating the whole field of American industry, are forcing untold millions of tribute from the laboring masses to swell the coffers of plutocracy. We condemn the alliance with Great Britain and imitation of her course of colonial subjugation, which prevent the expression by the Administration at Washington of the deep sympathy of the American people with the South African republics and all other nations struggling for their independence. We favor the adoption of a constitutional amendment providing for the election of United States Senators by direct vote of the people.

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August 1.-The Kansas City platform was indorsed in convention, and the platform continued: We recognize the solemn and tremendous fact that in the campaign now opened the paramount and overshadowing issues are those of the Republic against the Empire, of the man against the dollar; and we declare our unwavering loyalty and devotion to the Republican Democracy established by the fathers against the imperial plutocracy set up by Mark Hanna and his coadjutors, and illustrated in the Administration of William McKinley, who, however honest in his personal convictions of "plain duty," is too weak and subservient to live up to them for a moment against the dictation of his masters. Our appeal in this campaign is to the reason, the judgment, the conscience and the patriotism of the people-not to their fear, servility, cupidity or avarice. We recognize the value and influence of a fearless and uncorrupted press in the prosecution of the campaign along these lines. and we bespeak for such newspapers in our midst as have bravely and consistently championed the Democratic cause in all emergencies the earnest, practical support of the party, now and always. We heartily indorse the action of the Kansas City Convention and the ticket named. We protest against the cession of an inch of American territory to any foreign Power, and we demand the protection of American citizens and property in all American territory.


September 6.-The Republican party of New-Jersey, in convention assembled, indorses the platform of the National Republican party for 1900, and appeals confidently to the voters of the State. Every Republican platform promise of Republican. four years ago has been fulfilled, while every Democratic prediction has been discredited. The promise of prosperity, as a result of the re-enactment of protective tariff legislation and the maintenance of the

gold standard, has found fulfilment in a condition of industrial and commercial prosperity never before equalled. The aggregate losses through business failures have fallen off-two-thirds. Manufactories have everywhere resumed work with more than wonted activity. Our exports of manufactures have increased with marvellous rapidity Savings banks deposits have been swelled to the highest mark ever known. The business man has been given profitable return for his investments, the farmer a better market for his products, and the wage earner larger opportunity for employment, with creasing wages, while the public revenues have been abundantly sufficient for the expenses of the government. The continuance of a stable currency has disproved every prediction made by the advocates of free silver four years ago. The per capita circulation of money has been largely increased under the gold standard, and money is obtainable at a rate of interest lower than ever before. By the valor of our soldiers and sailors, in the brief but decisive war with Spain, and by the admirable tact and wisdom of the Administration of President McKinley in the novel and unprecedented conditions confronting us as the result of that war, our country has been raised to a most dignified and commanding position among the nations of the earth, and wherever our flag is seen it is respected and honored as the emblem of the great American Republic. Although confronted with the gravest emergencies that have arisen since the Civil War, the Administration of President McKinley has assumed every responsibility and discharged every duty in a way that has won the approval of patriotic citizens of all parties. In every locality where American authority has been established it will be sustained by the Republican party against the assaults of rebels in arms. We believe it is the duty of the President of the United States to use all the forces at his command to suppress insurrection wherever the authority of the Government is opposed; and we deprecate and denounce the conduct of recreant Americans who, by abuse of the right of free speech, give aid and encouragement to insurrection and rebellion among peoples owing allegiance to our flag. Other clauses commend the course of the Republican party for its course in relation to foreign affairs and advise those charged with the administration of our laws, to do their utmost to protect the masses of the people from the tendencies toward monopoly on the one hand and communism on the other. The platform commends the Republican administration of the affairs of the State of New-Jersey, welcomes to affiliation with the Republican party those Democrats who realize that their party has abandoned its principles of the past, and accepted in place thereof the wild and baleful theories of populistic and communistic visionaries; declares it to be the duty of the Republican party to vindicate the rights of the colored men; indorses the course of the State's Senators and Representatives in Congress, notes with pride the growing influence of New-Jersey in the councils of the Nation, and pledges earnest support to McKinley and Roosevelt.


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September 12.-The representatives of the Democratic party of New-Jersey in convention assembled do hereby indorse the declaration of party principles adopted at Kansas City as the embodiment of our party faith. We reaffirm our devotion to the immortal truths proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence. This great document was not written for a day but for all time. We charge the Republican party with having done more to destroy its influence in the world than has been done in a century by the combined monarchies of Europe. We have seen the war waged by our whole people in the holy cause of human freedom to liberate Cuba from bondage converted into a war of dominion and conquest. The benevolent assimilation of the President has become criminal aggression. Policies of State at variance with our whole history are now openly proclaimed. We can no longer with the same effect raise our voice for liberty abroad because of our folly in the Philippines. Oppressive revenue taxes imposed for the redemption of Cuba cheerfully borne by our people are now permanently engrafted upon our system of taxation. We are obliged to expend annually because of our imperialism the extraordinary sum of $300,000,000 in excess of our usual expenditure. We demand that the Nation proclaim its purpose to establish a stable government at Manila, and at the earliest moment to declare that when such government is worthy of recognition that that independence should be granted the Filipinos which they heroically won from Spain. We are opposed to monopolies everywhere, and we especially oppose them in the great industrial trades. We denounce the Republican party that has been for years in control of legislation, both State and National, for its failure to check the dangerous growth of these unlawful combinations. These gigantic associations of capital have been fostered by Republican legislation and the progress of labor and of individual enterprise has been checked. The Government has thus become an engine for the acquisition of private wealth. The flag itself, the most sacred symbol of our National honor, has become a commercial asset. In turn the trusts contribute vast sums for campaign purposes, for legislative protection, and have become so extortionate that they look even to the Presidency itself for protection. We are unalterably opposed to a syndicated Presidency. We declare for a strict enforcement of all existing laws and the enactment of more stringent legislation to control their activity. We declare for a rigid inspection of their books by competent public officers and the removal of customs duties from their products when it is found necessary for the protection of lawful competition. If necessary we favor the revocation of their charters for gross infractions of the law. New-Jersey should not be permitted to be the home of corporations that are both dangerous and corrupt. We declare that the pledges made by this Government to Cuba should be faithfully kept. The honor of the Nation requires it. We deplore the great public scandal arising out of our administration of that island, and we charge the Republican party with the whole responsibility thereof. We approve the enlargement of our Navy, and we favor liberal expenditures

to maintain its high efficiency. Other clauses favor the construction of the Nicaraugan Canal and its control and defence by the United States, express sympathy for the Boers, favor the creation of a Department of Labor by Congress, arbitration for the settlement of all disputes of labor and the election of United States Senators directly by the people. Sympathy to the people of Texas in the great calamity that has fallen upon that State is expressed, and the platform continues: In State affairs we declare in favor of equal taxation, home rule, honest State and municipal government, the abolition of useless and expensive State commissions, the reduction of the large present expenses of the State government to the economical standard maintained for years under Democratic rule, the reduction of official salaries, the abolishment of the fee system and the placing of all officials on a salary basis, the enactment of laws in the interest of organized labor and for the protection of the wage workers of the State, the repeal of all laws that abridge the right of juries to fix the amount of damages in cases where the death of a person is caused by wrongful act and the release of the administration of State affairs from the control of corporations and their restoration to the authority of the people. We demand that the tax laws of this State be amended to provide for the equal taxation of all property, real and personal, not used for religious, charitable or educational purposes. We condemn the present State administration for its subserviency to the corporations of the State as evidenced by the fact that in matters of legislation and executive appointments the dictation of the corporations is supreme, while the public sentiment and public welfare are met with veiled promises and illusory hopes. We hold that the system of taxing corporations in this State is not only unequal, as among taxpayers, but unfair as to the recipients of the tax. Such has resulted in impoverished municipalities, burdened by larger bonded debts, and an enriched State Treasury, which is made the occasion of great extravagance in State expenditures. The only remedy for this destructive evil is in a system of actual equal taxation within the contemplation of the constitutional mandate and compel all property of whatever form to be taxed at an equal proportion for the municipal and State burdens. We condemn the general course of Republican legislation in this State whereby all private and public interests are held subservient to the Corporations and whereby all laws and appropriations are made at the demand and instance of the lobby. We call for a retrenchment of the present extravagant and unnecessary expenditures in State business and demand a more judicious economy. The platform closes by calling for a law which will remedy certain alleged judicial abuses, demanding that railroads shall bear the expense of grade changes in their tracks, and promises loyal support to Bryan and Stevenson.


March 17.-The resolutions adopted by the Territorial convention warmly indorsed the National Administration and that of Governor Otero. They also Republican. favored the gold standard, expansion, the bill introduced by Senator Depew to promote the mining interests of the country, and the Territorial Judiciary. October 5.-The convention affirmed allegiance to the Kansas City platform and candidates, condemned the course of the Administration on domestic and foreign matters, and on local questions said: We condemn the Land CommisDemocratic. sion of the Territory for its selection and sale of large and valuable tracts of timber land at inadequate prices to favored speculators and corporations and call upon the Secretary of the Interior to exercise close scrutiny of these transactions. We condemn the McKinley Administration for the appointment of an incompetent Governor for New-Mexico, whose disregard for the law and vicious partisanship has brought disgrace upon the good name of our Territory. We favor the passage of a Fellow Servant act by the Legislature of New-Mexico, making railroad companies and other corporations and individuals liable for the death or injury of any of their employes while in the discharge of their duties, when caused by the negligence or fault of said companies, corporations or individuals, or any of their employes, without the negligence or default of the employes so killed or injured. We demand the repeal of the present inadequate road law and the substitution thereof of a satisfactory measure for the construction and supervision of the public highways.


September 4.-The Republicans of New-York, assembled by their representatives in State Convention, declare the following facts and principles upon which they appeal to the voters to support the Republican National ticket and the Republican. candidates of this Convention at the approaching general election. The continued prosperity of the country and of the individual citizen is the "paramount" issue before the people. Why vote for a change which, tested by experience, is bound to be for the worst? The country was never so prosperous as it has been since the inauguration of William McKinley, capital was never so actively occupied, the volume of money in circulation was never so great, labor never so fully employed, wages never so high, prices never so generally good. There was a period of great prosperity between 1889 and 1893, when the Republicans were in control. But the voters listened to Democratic plaints and promises and the election of 1892 installed a Democratic President and a Democratic Congress. The policies then put into execution, and from which resulted such universal distress, are not abandoned by the party that learns nothing and forgets nothing. On the contrary, just as such policies were maintained in 1896, in the face of the havoc they have caused, so now they are

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insisted upon in spite of present prosperity. The Chicago platform is still the Democratic programme. It was no argument at Kansas City for the abandonment of the Democratic policy of free trade that, under the Dingley act, our foreign commerce for the year 1900 exceeds that of any preceding year in the great sum of $317,729,250, and for the first time in our history exceeds $2,000,000,000; that in this year our exports have been more widely distributed than ever before, and that the balance of trade in favor of this country since the Dingley bill went into operation amounts to nearly $1,700,000,000. It was not accepted as a sufficient argument for the abandonment of 16 to 1 that no single Democratic prediction as to the effect of the gold standard law has been justified; that prices instead of declining have improved; that the volume of money in circulation instead of contracting has greatly expanded, and that the farmer and mechanic instead of receiving a smaller proportion of the benefits of their labor receive a greater. These facts were without influence on the platform makers at Kansas City. But, conscious of the weakness of relying on the theories that have been exploded and of ignoring facts that are self-evident, the Democrats are undertaking to push into conspicuous position before the people an issue which they describe and stigmatize by the word "imperialism." In this course they are characteristically dishonest; first, because there is no sentiment in the United States that deserves to be called "imperialism,' and, second, because the Democrats do not come with clean hands into a discussion of popular sovereignty and the "consent of the governed.' Neither in the Philippines nor elsewhere will the cause of human liberty look for its champion to a party whose only hope of obtaining power lies in the suppression of human rights, and in an organized conspiracy to nullify the guarantees with which the Constitution endeavors to surround the citizen. From thousands of polling places in this election, in which the Democratic party is so much concerned about the "consent of the governed," the negro citizen will be excluded by laws so contrived as to keep out the negro Republican while admitting the white Democrat, though both present themselves with similar qualifications except as to color. The party which will not allow the Constitution to follow the flag through the Carolinas, through Mississippi and Texas has no occasion to distress itself about the Constitution's journey four thousand miles across the ocean. There is no middle course between responsibility for the government of the Philippines and abandoning them to be seized by some other power. The Democratic plan of conferring sovereign rights upon the Filipinos and at the same time establishing a protectorate over them is impracticable. It is responsibility without authority. The reasons which have enabled the United States, though with constant difficulty, to exercise influence for the protection of Central American countries against European aggression cannot be made to apply to an Asiatic country. As a matter of duty, because we are responsible; of right, because our title is perfect, and of interest, because they are valuable to our commerce and necessary to our just influence in the East, we are bound to regulate and provide for the government of the Philippines, and the policy of the Republican party concedes to the native inhabitants of the islands every measure of self-government consistent with the maintenance of American sovereignty. The situation in China, where it is evident that our interests require that the integrity of the Empire should be maintained, completely justifies the course of the Administration with regard to the Philippines and supplies a new reason for their retention. We indorse the Administration of President McKinley and urge his reelection as the sure pledge of four more years of development and prosperity at home and of honorable influence and renown abroad. We congratulate the people upon the nomination for Vice-President of Governor Roosevelt, whose high place in the admiration and confidence of his countrymen, achieved by long public service and especially by his valor and success on the field of battle, has been distinctly advanced by his splendid record as the Governor of New-York. The Republican party has been in control of the State for the last seven years. During that time the State has increased greatly in population, thereby causing a relative annual increase in expenditure for many public purposes. This is illustrated in the increased appropriations for the common schools, which in ten years have grown from $4,000,000 to $5,000,000. Within the period of Republican control, moreover, the State has assumed the expense of caring for the indigent and insane. That item of expense seven years ago, when the maintenance of charitable institutions was principally a charge upon the counties, amounted, as against the State, to only about $2,500,000. The great reforms inaugurated by State control, which have done so much for the improvement of the condition of the helpless and unfortunate, compelled an expenditure in 1899 of nearly $9,000,000. Notwithstanding these great and increasing burdens, Republican legislation and administration have brought about a gradual lowering of the tax rate until this year it has reached the amazingly low point of one and ninety-six hundredths mills on the dollar of the equalized valuation of real and personal property. This great lowering of the tax rate is due not only to the new Republican laws, placing their just portion of the public burdens upon special interests which have heretofore escaped taxation, but also to careful economies enforced by Republican Legislatures and to the better and more complete execution by Republican administrative officers of laws enacted by Republican Legislatures prior to the present period of complete Republican control, creating special and indirect taxation. These laws were not properly enforced by Democratic State officers. The law taxing corporations, for instance, was enacted in 1880 by a Legislature Republican in both branches, but during the seven years of Democratic administration, from 1887 to 1893, the total sum collected under these laws was only $8,915,090 13, an annual average of $1,273,584 30. During the seven years of Republican administration, from 1894 to 1900, inclusive, the great total of $14,957,563 45 has been collected under these laws, an annual average of $2,136,794 78. The number of corporations reached by the Democratic State officers for the collection of these taxes is 6,122. These laws have been changed since 1893 only in the direction of moderation,

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