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Social Insurance. (American Social Progress Series.) 1910. Presents a program of social reform. Discusses some of the problems.

*Van Hise, C. R., The Conservation of Natural Resources in the United States. 1910. Reprint, 1914. Careful treatment of the conservation of minerals, waters, forests and soils.


*Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. Symposia on commission government in American Cities, 1911 (Vol. 38, No. 3); County Government, 1913 (whole No. 136); Efficiency in City Government, 1912 (whole No. 130); Proceedings of Conference of American Mayors on Public Policies as to Municipal Utilities (Vol. LVII), January, 1915.

Beard, Chas. A., American City Government. 1912. A survey of recent tendencies-particularly of municipal functions.

Bradford, E. S., Commission Government in American Cities. (The Citizens' Library.) 1912. Gives history of the movement and compares the several forms of commission government.

Cooley, Roger W., Municipal Corporations. (Hornbook Series.) 1914. Concise presentation of the general principles of the law of municipal corporations.

*Cushman, R. E.. City Planning and the Courts. In the Proceedings of the Second Annual Convention of the Illinois Municipal League, Nov. 2, 3, 1915. An exceptionally clear statement in concise form. Deming, Horace E., The Government of American Cities. 1909. A study of municipal organization and of the relation of the city to the state. Contains reprint of Municipal Program of National Municipal League.

Dillon, J. F., Commentaries on the Law of Municipal Corporations. 5 Vols. (5th Ed. Revised and enlarged.) 1911. The standard work on the subject.

Fairlie, Jno. A., Municipal Administration. 1901. Reprint, 1910. Α study in munipical history, activities, finances and organization. Essays in Municipal Administration. 1908. Reprint, 1910. Series of articles on special topics.

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Local Government in Counties, Towns and Villages. (American State Series.) 1906. Deals with the local institutions of the United States.

Goodnow, F. J., City Government in the United States. 1904. Treats of the relation of the city to the state and of the organization and functions of city government.

Municipal Government. 1909. ican and European methods.

Comparative study of Amer

Municipal Home Rule. 1895. Reprint, 1906. Delimits the sphere of action of an American city; comparison with European methods of securing home rule.

Howe, F. C., The City, the Hope of Democracy. 1905. Largely devoted to a study of municipal ownership and the land question.

The Modern City and Its Problems. 1915. Discusses both European and American cities and emphasizes the unfulfilled possibilities of the latter.

King, C. L., Editor, The Regulation of Municipal Utilities. (National Municipal League Series.) 1912. Collection of articles on regulation through franchise and state and city public utility commissions.

*McBain, Howard Lee, The Law and Practice of Municipal Home Rule. 1916. A very thorough and discriminating treatment from the legal point of view.

*Munro, W. B., Government of American Cities. 1912. An excellent systematic treatise, showing both historical development and present practice and tendencies.

Government of European Cities. 1909. Thorough discussion of municipal government in England, France and Germany.

Principles and Methods of Municipal Administration. 1916. Intended to supplement the author's work on the government of American cities. Deals with the business management of cities. Municipal Research. Monthly. Issued by New York City Bureau of Municipal Research. Object-"To promote the application of scientific principles to government."

National Municipal Review. Vol. I, 1912, to date. Quarterly. Discussion of city problems and chronicle of current events.

Nolen, John, City Planning. 1915. Symposium by leading writers on the subject.

Robbins, E. Clyde, Selected Articles on the Commission Plan of Municipal Government. 1909. Contains a selected bibliography of books, pamphlets and magazine articles.

*Robinson, C. M., City Planning. 1916. Deals especially with the functional planning of streets and lots.

Rosewater, Victor, Special Assessments; A Study in Municipal Finance. 2nd Ed. 1898. (Columbia University Studies in History, Economics and Public Law. Vol. II, No. 3, 1893.) Thorough presentation.

Shurtleff, Flavel, in collaboration with Olmstead, F. W., Carrying Out the City Plan. Russell Sage Foundation. 1914. Discusses from the legal point of view the principal methods of realizing a city's plans for physical development.

*Toulmin, H. A., Jr.. The City Manager. (National Municipal League Discussion of every phase of the latest develop

Series.) 1915.

ment in city governmental organization.

Wilcox, D. F., The American City: A Problem in Democracy. 1904. Chiefly a discussion of the newer activities of cities.

Woodruff, C. R., Editor, City Government by Commission. 1911. Collection of papers discussing the essential features of the subject. *Zeublin, Charles, American Municipal Progress. (New and revised.) 1916. A study of city problems from the sociologist's point of view. Indicates the vast scope of present-day municipal activity.


*American Political Science Review. Vol. I, 1907, to date. Quarterly. Articles on political matters, surveys of legislation, reviews, etc. *Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. Vol. I, 1885, to date. Bi-monthly. (Occasional supplements.) Articles on current topics. Symposia of discussions upon political and social matters of especial current interest.

Bagehot, Walter, The English Constitution. (New Ed.) 1909. An exceptionally keen analysis, by an Englishman. Considered a classic. Bourinot, J. G., How Canada is Governed.

but very elementary account.

Cleveland, F. A., Organized Democracy.

(9th Ed.) 1909. A clear

(American Citizen Series.)

1913. Discusses efficiency in democratic government.

Coman, Katherine, Industrial History of the United States. (Rev. Ed.) 1913. Brief, but the best exposition of the economic development of the United States.

Croly, Herbert, Progressive Democracy. 1914. A penetrating discussion of present-day political thought; takes thoroughly progressive attitude.

The Promise of American Life. 1909. Essay on the tendencies of American politics.

Dickinson, G. L., Justice and Liberty. 1908. A political dialogue setting forth diverse attitudes toward various social and political questions.

Howe, F. C., Wisconsin, an Experiment in Democracy.

forth the accomplishments of Governor La Follette.
posibilities of state governmental development.

1912. Sets

Shows the

Kales, A. M., Unpopular Government in the United States. 1914. A plea for changes in governmental organization and political methods to meet modern requirements.

Keith, A. B., Responsible Government in the Dominions. 3 Vol. 1912. Relates to the self-governing British colonies. In 1909 the author published a much shorter work of the same name.

Lippman, Walter, A Preface to Politics. 1914. A plea for a more rational and vigorous attitude toward politics.

Lowell, A. L., The Government of England. 2 Vol. 1909. The standard American work on the subject.

The Governments of France, Italy and Germany. 1914. An abridgment of the author's "Governments and Parties in Continental Europe," published in 1897.

Ogg, F. N., The Governments of Europe. 1913. A thorough and scholarly exposition of government in the western European countries. *Political Science Quarterly. Vol. I, 1886, to date. Articles on economic, political and historical matters, reviews, biennial survey of political history, etc.

*Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science. Vol. I, 1910, to date. Symposia discussions of political and economic topics of especial current interest.

Proceedings of the American Political Science Association. Vol. I, 1904 to Vol. X, 1913. Miscellaneous papers and discussions. Riverside History of the United States. 1915. 4 Vol. I. Beginnings of the American People, by Carl Lotus Becker; II. Union and Democracy, by Allen Johnson; III. Expansion and Conflict, by William E. Dodd; IV. The New Nation, by Frederic L. Paxson. An extremely readable account, kept within moderate length. Emphasizes economic development.

Walling, Wm. E., Progressivism—and After. 1914. Current political development discussed from the socialist's point of view.

Weyl, Walter E., The New Democracy. 1912. Criticises American politics from the Progressive point of view; emphasizes the tremendous complexity of modern life.


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