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every individual that it becomes involved with his personal comfort and prejudice. He finds it difficult to regard this movement in the same detached and impartial way in which he views a problem more remote from his every-day existence. This situation is not peculiar to the woman movement. In the consideration of practically every question some one element or group of elements intimately concerned reacts violently to certain of the ideas expressed, for instance the Southerner to the desires of the advanced Negro, or the conservative capitalist to the aims of the radical laborite. It is the breadth of the woman movement, affecting as it does the life of every one, which makes this prejudice more widespread and extreme. Considering the scope of the movement, the vital changes it has made and is making, and the extent to which it enters into all other problems, the authors believe that a comprehension of its underlying causes and purpose is essential. For this reason it is treated from the feminist standpoint.

The other questions discussed in this volume are universally recognized and accepted as problems of moment to every intelligent citizen. They have been selected both for their importance and for the representation they give to each of the social sciences. There has been an effort to present as many viewpoints as possible. Obviously the authors cannot be advocates of the many conflicting ideas. "Problems of Citizenship" is the outgrowth of materials developed and revised over several years in the Dartmouth College introductory course to the social sciences. It is the hope of the authors that it may meet the need of a text in introductory problem courses and may give the reader (in college and out) an understanding of some of our great modern problems, stimulating his interest so that he will not be satisfied with the account given but will seek additional and more comprehensive information. For his guidance, he will find bibliographical references accompanying each chapter.

Parts of the manuscript have been submitted to various persons for advice and criticism. While this has not been followed in all cases, it has proved of great benefit to the authors who in any event assume full responsibility for the content.

The authors are indebted to Dr. Robert E. Riegel, Secretary of the Course in Problems of Citizenship, Dartmouth College, for his helpful and willing coöperation particularly in the verification of certain materials and in connection with the bibliography in the compiling of which he has taken an essential and leading part. To Professor William A. Robinson, Chairman of the Department of Political Science of Dartmouth College, they express

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gratitude for his painstaking reading and criticism of the entire manuscript. They are likewise indebted to Professor Everett W. Goodhue, Chairman of the Department of Economics of Dartmouth College for his valuable suggestions in connection with the economic problems, to Professor Rees H. Bowen of the Department of Sociology, for his careful reading and criticizing of the newspaper question, and to the instructors who have been or are connected with the Course in Problems of Citizenship and have offered various suggestions from time to time. They owe much to the inspiration derived from the interest and support given by the Dartmouth students to the course.

The authors wish to thank the federal, state, and private organizations for the data which they have kindly furnished. They are particularly obligated to the United States Bureau of the Census, to the Woman's Bureau, the Bureau of Immigration, the American Civil Liberties Union, the National Woman's Party, the Filene Coöperative Association, the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, representatives of the labor adjustment machinery established in the Rochester Clothing Industry, and to Mr. Nathaniel L. Goodrich, Librarian of the Dartmouth College Library.

While a wide variety of material has been used in preparing the text, the authors feel especially indebted to the authors and publishers for the extensive use made of the following books and articles: "A Test of the News," by Walter Lippmann, and Charles Merz, with the assistance of Faye Lippmann, A Supplement to the New Republic of August 4, 1920; "The Negro in Chicago," by the Chicago Race Commission, The University of Chicago Press; "Public Opinion and the Steel Strike," by the Commission of Inquiry, the Interchurch World Movement, Harcourt, Brace and Company; the Americanization studies published by Harper & Brothers; "The Study of Organized Labor in America," by George G. Groat, The Macmillan Company; Chapter I of "Consumers Coöperative Societies," by James P. Warbasse, Alfred A. Knopf; "Freedom of Speech," by Zechariah Chafee, Harcourt, Brace and Company; "One Hundred Years of the Monroe Doctrine," by David Y. Thomas, the Macmillan Company; "American Diplomacy," by Carl R. Fish, Henry Holt and Company; and certain publications of the Woman's Bureau, the Department of Labor, the National Woman's Party, and the California State Board of Control.

H. B. C.

R. A. H.

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