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Abbott, Lyman, quoted on position of
women, 178.

Abrams v. U. S., free speech, 362-366.
Adams, Abigail, quoted on woman's
rights, 170-171.

Adams, John, French policy, 17.
Adams, John Q., Monroe Doctrine,

Adamson Eight-Hour Law, 288.
Advertiser, influence on newspaper,

Agriculture, 14-15, 20, 21, 75, 77, 85,
103, 106-109, 128-130, 130-131,

141, 232, 248, 249, 336.
Algeciras Conference, 430-431, 454.
Alien and Sedition Acts, 1798, 10,

Allied Debts, 441-442.

Amalgamated Clothing Workers, 89,
135, 252, 277.

Amendments to Constitution, first

ten, 7, 9-10, 21, 353-354. See In-
dividual amendments.
American Anti-Slavery Society, 171-

American Federation of Labor, 89,
134-135, 205-206, 250-252, 273,
324, 342.

Anarchism, 338-340, 347, 348-349, 371.
Anderson, A. B., on injunctions, 266.
Anthony, Susan B., pioneer of woman
movement, 173, 175.

Arbitration, industrial, 269, 285-286,
286-287, 287-288, 289, 290, 291-
294, 294-296; international, 419,
423, 452-453, 454-459.
Articles of Confederation, 5.
Asia, policies concerning, 18-19, 432-
435, 438, 440, 441, 442, 445-446.
Associated Press, 53, 54, 178.

Bakunin, Michael, mentioned, 339,

Beecher, Henry Ward, on woman suf-
frage, 174.

Bennett, James Gordon, editor-owner
of New York Herald, 22.
Berkman, Alexander, mentioned, 368.
Berlin Conference, 1884, 429-430, 454.
Bill of Rights, 351-352.

Bismarck, Otto von, War of 1870,

Blackstone Theory, 361.

Blaine, James G., first Pan-American
Conference, 418, 423.

Bolshevism. See Communism; Rus-

Brandeis, L. D., free speech, 365, 374-
375; quoted, 374-375.

Briggs, Cyril, Negro problem, 151.
Brignadello, Harold, mentioned, 43.
Brum, Baltazar, Monroe Doctrine,
419-420; quoted, 420.

Bryan, W. J., arbitration treaties,


Buchanan, James, expansion, 427; in-
terference in Mexico, 407; quoted,
407, 427.

California State Board of Control,

Calvo, Carlos, mentioned in regard to
public debt doctrine, 406.
Carranza, Vincenzio, recognition by
the United States, 417.
Catholic Register, free speech, 369.
Censorship, 27, 45, 54, 367-369.
Central America. See Latin America.
Central American Conference of 1922,
423, 456.

Chafee, Zechariah, Jr., case of Abrams

v. U. S., 363-364; free speech,
366; quoted, 363-364, 366.
Chicago Daily News, report of the
Chicago race riot, 43, 44.
Chicago Herald-Examiner, report of
the Chicago race riot, 43, 44.
Chicago Press, Chicago race riot, 42-
45, 46, 57.

Chicago Race Commission, 44-45;
quoted on press reports of Negro
news, 45.

Chicago Race Riot, 42-45, 46, 57, 118-

Chicago Tribune, report of the Chi-
cago race riot, 43, 44.
China, policies concerning, 3, 18-19,
432-435, 437-438, 440, 442.
Chinese Immigration, 101, 105, 106.
Chuprina, Andrew, deportations, 388.

Citizenship, 95, 97-98, 107, 113, 175,


Civil Liberty. See Liberty.
Civil Service, 227-230.

Claessens, August, New York assem-
blyman, 392, 395, 396.

Class Divisions, 4, 5, 11-12, 14, 15,

Class Struggle, 330, 331, 332-333, 349.
Classification Act of 1923, 229.
Clay, Henry, quoted on Pan-American-
ism, 417.

Clayton-Bulwer Treaty, 409.
Cleveland Agreement, 279-280.
Cleveland, Grover, Berlin Conference,
430; illiteracy measure, 67; im-
migration policy, 65; Monroe
Doctrine, 405; quoted, 65, 430.
Closed Shop, 275.

Cole, G. D. H., on guild socialism,

Collective Bargaining, 253, 273-284,


Columbus, Christopher, mentioned, 59.
Common Law, women under, 168-169,

Commons, J. R., quoted on labor
movement, 248-249.

Communism, 333-334, 335-338, 347-
348, 349. See Russia.
Communist Labor Party, 384, 385.
Communist Manifesto, 329-335.
Communist Party, 384.

Constantine, King, recognition of, 427.
Constitution, 5-7, 12, 171, 248, 353-
354. See Amendments.

Coolidge, Calvin, World Court, 441.
Coöperative League of America, 324.
Coöperative Movement, banking, 318-

319; comparison with capitalism,
314-315; criticism, 327-328; Eu-
rope, 320-322; insurance, 319-
320; labor, 315-317; origin, 312;
principles, 312-313, 328; United
States, 322-326; wholesale, 317-
318; women, 238-239.
Crime, 93-94, 110, 125-126.
Cuba, 408-409, 426-427.

[blocks in formation]

Deportation of Radical Aliens, con-
duct of raids, 384-386; Depart-
ment of Justice, 383-384, 386,
387, 389; protest, 383; treatment
after arrest, 387-389.
Diaz, Porfirio, President of Mexico,

Disarmament, 438-439, 461, 465-468.
Dominican Republic, United States'
policy toward, 412-413.

Drago, L. M., public debt doctrine,


Du Bois, W. E. B., Negro problem,
152-153, 160; quoted, 152, 154-
155, 159.

Economic Interpretation of History,
329-330, 331-332.

Editorial, newspaper, 55.

Education, 13, 14, 119-124, 176-177,
190-191, 213.

Eliot, Charles W., on colonial women,

Elkins Act, 301.

Emancipation Proclamation, 355.
Employers' Associations, 254-256.
Engels, Frederick, doctrines of, 329-

Equality of Opportunity, 3, 4, 5, 11-
15, 19, 20, 21, 99.

"Equal Pay for Equal Work," 218-


Equal Rights, blanket amendment to
the Constitution, 180; Wisconsin
law, 181.

Erdman Act, 286-287, 288.
Espionage Act of 1917 and 1918, 10,

Europe, policies concerning, 397-417,
425-431, 436-437, 439-443.
Expansion, United States territorial,
3, 12, 400-403, 406-416, 421.
Eye witness, 56.

Federalist Party, 7, 358.

Feminist Movement. See Women.
Fifteenth Amendment, 114, 154, 355.
Filene Cooperative Association, 281-

First Amendment, 353, 361, 363, 367.
See Amendments.

Fish, C. R., quoted regarding Wilson's
policy in Mexico, 416.

Five Power Naval Treaty, 438, 466-

Fletcher, H. P., and Monroe Doc-
trine, 420.

Foreign Policies, expansion, 400-403,
406-416, 417, 421; integrity of
China, 3, 18-19, 433-435, 437-438,


440, 442; isolation, 17-18, 397-
400, 401-424, 425-431, 436, 439-
440, 440-443; Monroe Doctrine,
397-436, 439-443; non-interfer-
ence in European affairs, 17-18,
397-400, 425-431, 436, 439-440,
440-443; non-intervention in
America by European powers,
18, 398-400, 401-424, 436, 442-
443; open door, 18-19, 432-435,
438, 440, 441, 442, 445-446; sum-
mary by Secretary Hughes, 442-
443; war, 20, 21, 444-446.
Monroe Doctrine.


[blocks in formation]

Garrison, William Lloyd,


movement, 171-172, 174.
Garvey, Marcus, Negro problem, 160.
Gentleman's Agreement, 101-104.
Gilbert v. Minnesota, free speech, 373-

Godkin, Edwin T., editor-owner of
New York Evening Post, 22.
Goldman, Emma, mentioned, 368.
Government Control of Industrial Re-

lations, arbitration and media-
tion, 285, 285-286, 286-287, 287-
288, 289, 290, 291-294, 294-296;
Kansas Industrial Court, 295-
296; World War and after, 288-
294. See Railroads.
Government Control of Industry,

government ownership, argument
for and against, 303-307; public
utilities, 297-298; World War
and after, 301-302. See Rail-

Government, United States, 3, 4-9, 14,
15, 19, 20, 21, 22.
Grandfather Clause, 115.
Grant, Ulysses S., quoted on the Mon-
roe Doctrine, 401-402.
Great Charter, 351-352.
Greeley, Horace, attitude toward

woman movement, 174; editor-
owner of the New York Tribune,


[blocks in formation]

Hague Tribunal, 423, 456-457, 457-
458, 463.

Haiti, United States' policy toward,

Harding, Warren G., effect of Negro
problem on southern politics,
116-117; equality for the Negro,
150; four-power treaty, 439; in-
demnity to Colombia, 411; Negro
problem, 150, 151, 152, 153, 155,
156; recognition of Mexico, 427;
shopmen's strike, 271; quoted,
116-117, 150, 439, 441.

Haven of the Oppressed, 3, 15-17, 20-
21, 63.

Hay, John, arbitration treaties, 459;
open-door policy, 433; quoted,


Hay-Pauncefote Treaty, 409-410.
Headlines, Newspaper, 39-41, 44, 50-


Health, 77-79, 92, 124-125, 192.
Hepburn Act, 300-301.
Holmes, O. W., "clear and present
danger" theory, 367; dissenting
opinion in Abrams v. U. S., 365;
quoted, 365, 367.

Homestead Act, 1862, 13.
Huerta, Victorianna, United States'
recognition, 416-417, 427.
Hughes, Charles Evans, Monroe Doc-
trine, 420, 421, 423, 432, 443;
right of representation, 390;
summary of United States' for-
eign policies, 442-443; quoted,
390, 421, 432, 443.
Hutchinson, Anne, expelled from Mas-
sachusetts Bay Colony, 170.

Ideals, equality of opportunity, 3, 4,

5, 11-15, 19, 20, 21; foreign poli-
cies, 3, 17-19, 20, 21; haven of the
oppressed, 3, 15-17, 20-21; indi-
vidualism, 3, 19-20, 21; liberty,
3, 5, 7, 9-10, 13, 15, 19, 21; pub-
lic interest, 3, 19, 20-21; self-
government, 3, 4-9, 14, 15, 19, 20,
21, 22.

Illiteracy, 13-14, 66-67, 124.
Illiteracy Measure, 16, 66-67, 80.

Immigration, Act of 1875, 64; Act of
1921 and 1922, 16-17, 65, 67-68;
Act of 1924, 68-71, 73, 111; ad-
mission, 73-74; agriculture, 77,
85; Americanization, 81-82; atti-
tudes toward, 61-64; causes, 3,
16, 72-73; coöperative movement,
323; haven of the oppressed, 3,
15-17, 20-21, 63; industry, 75-
77, 82, 85-90, 99; legislation, 16-
17, 64-71, 73, 111; mal-distribu-
tion, 83-86; naturalization, 97-
98; policy, 59-71; races, 59-60,
61-62, 68, 70-71; reform move-
ments, 95-97; social effects, 77-
78, 79-81, 90-94; war, 448-449.
See Japanese Immigration.
Imperialism, 407-416, 421-422, 434-
435, 437, 445-446.
Individualism, 3, 19-20, 21, 245-248.
Industrial problem, American Fed-

eration of Labor, 250-252, 273,
324, 342; collective bargaining,
253, 273-284, 315-317; coöpera-
tive movement, 312-328; employ-
ers' associations, 254-255; gov-
ernment control of industrial re-
lations, 285-296; government con-
trol of industry, 297-311; indus-
trial revolution, 247-251; legisla-
tion, 272-273; practices harmful
to public, 255-259; radical solu-
tions, 329-349; statement of, 244-
246; strike, 11, 259, 260-271, 379-
380. See American Federation
of Labor; Collective Bargaining;
Coöperative Movement; Govern-
ment Control of Industrial Rela-
tions; Government Control of In-
dustry; Immigration; Japanese
Immigration; Negro, industry;
Radical Solutions; Railroads;
Strike; Unionism; Women
Economic Life.
Industrial Revolution, England, 247-
249; United States, 249-251.
Industrial Workers of the World, 89,
135, 341-343, 375-376.
Initiative, 8.


Injunctions, 266, 269-270, 380.
Insanity, comparison of native- and
foreign-born, 92.

Integrity of China, 3, 18-19, 433-435,
437-438, 440, 442.

Intelligence Tests, 143-144, 163.
Intent, doctrine of, 362, 365.
Interchurch World Movement, Com-
mission of Inquiry, mentioned,
37; quoted, 42.

[blocks in formation]

Jackson, Andrew, mentioned, 7.
Japan, 432-435, 437-440, 442, 445,
446, 450. See Japanese Immi-
Japanese Immigration, agriculture,
106-109; birth rate, 104-105;
California land acts, 107, 109;
causes, 100; contributions, 109-
110; federal legislation, 102, 111;
Gentleman's Agreement, 101-104;
industry, 106-107; mal-distribu-
tion, 100-101, 104; picture brides,
104-105; race question, 110-111.
Jefferson, Thomas, civil liberty, 358;
Monroe Doctrine, 398, 399;
quoted, 398.

Jim Crow cars, 117-118.

Johnson, Andrew, quoted on expan-
sion, 407.

[blocks in formation]


Latin America, 400, 401, 404-406, 406-

407, 412, 417-424, 426.
Lausanne Conference, 440-441, 453.
League of Nations, 160, 436-437, 460-
463, 464-465. See World Court.
League of Women Voters, 180.
Lenin, Nicolai, Premier of Russia,

Liberty, Abrams v. United States,

362-366; Alien and Sedition Acts
of 1798, 10, 358; Argument for
and against, 10-11, 380-381;
Censorship of Mails, 367-369; col-
leges, 378; deportations of radi-
cal aliens, 382-389; economic,
356-357; Espionage Act of 1917
and 1918, 10, 358-362; expulsion
of the socialists, 389-396; Gilbert
v. Minnesota, 373-375; history, 3,
5, 7, 9-10, 21, 350-355; Lusk laws,
376-377; normal criminal law,
370-371; industrial struggles, 11,
379-380; police, 378-379; public
interest, 21, 355-356; Schenck v.
U. S., 366-367; state sedition
laws, 371-376. See Deportation
of Radical Aliens; Sedition,
State Laws; Socialists, Expulsion
Lipman, S., one of the accused in

Abrams v. U. S., 362.
Lippmann, Walter, quoted regarding

the New York Times' report of
the Russian revolution, 37.
Lodge, H. C., quoted, corollary to Mon-
roe Doctrine with special refer-
ence to Japan, 432.
London Conference, 1924, 442, 452,

Lloyd George, David, mentioned, 30.
Lusk Laws, 376-377.

Luther, Martin, quoted on position of
women, 168.

Lynching, 126-127.

[blocks in formation]


Maximilian, Archduke, Emperor of
Mexico, 404.

McClintock, Anne, pioneer of woman
movement, 172.

McKinley, W., mentioned, 371.
Mediation. See Arbitration.
Merz, Charles, quoted regarding the
New York Times' report of the
Russian Revolution, 37.

Mexico, 401, 402-404, 406, 416-417,
418, 421, 427.

Migration, Negro, 132-134.
Miller, Kelly, Negro problem, 152.
Milton, John, quoted on women, 168.
Milwaukee Leader, 368.
Monroe Doctrine, background, 397-

399; Caribbean, 412-414, 415;
Central America, 409-411, 414-
415, 415-416; corollaries, 401-
402, 411-412, 416, 419-420, 423,
432, 436; encroachments on, by
European powers, 403-406; Eu-
ropean attitude, 402, 403-406,
409-410, 436, 440; expansion of
United States, 400, 401-403, 406-
416, 417, 421; Latin American
attitude, 414, 415, 418, 419-420,
421-422, 423; League of Nations,
436, 462; non-interference in
Europe, 397-400, 425-431, 436,
439-440, 440-443; non-interven-
tion in America by European
powers, 397-400; 401-424, 436,
442-443; Pan-American confer-
ences, 418, 419-420; Pan-Ameri-
canism, 417-424; provisions, 18,
399-400; quotations concerning,
400, 401, 402, 404, 412, 416, 417,
420, 421, 422, 423, 426, 427, 428,
430, 431, 432, 436, 439, 443; war,
444-445, 446; Washington Con-
ference, 439-440. See individual

Monroe, James, quoted on Monroe
Doctrine, 399.

Mooreland, J. E., Negro question, 152.
Moroccan Conference, 1880, 429.
Mother-right, 164-165.

Moton, Robert R., Tuskegee Institute,

Mott, Lucretia, woman movement,
Mulatto, 144-146.

"Mülliner scare," 447.

Munition makers, 446-447.
Myer, Adolph, deportations, 385.

Napoleon, Louis, interference ir Mex-
ico, 404.

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