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courses of lectures. 4th. Tutors, or young men, employed temporarily to give instruction in the more elementary studies.

The Committee would indicate the following as among the more important departments or chairs of instruction:

1. The Professorship of Practical and Theoretical Agriculture.

of Horticulture.

of Analytical and Practical Mechanics.
of Military Tactics and Engineering.
of Civil Engineering.

of Botany and Vegetable Physiology.
of Zoology and Animal Physiology.
of Mathematics.



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of History and Social Science.

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of Mental and Moral Philosophy.

of Chemistry.

of Geology, Mineralogy and Physical Geography.
of English Language and Literature.
of Modern Languages.

of Ancient Languages.

In addition to these, the Committee would suggest the following lectureships:

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Several of these departments may, at the outset, be represented by the same man. The professor of Botany may also be professor of Horticulture; and the professor of Zoology may fill, likewise, the chair of Practical Agriculture. Civil and military engineering may be united in one chair; and the professor of Chemistry may teach also Mineralogy or Meteorology.

The professor of Practical Agriculture should be the superintendent of the experimental farm, with such foremen and other laborers under him as may be necessary to carry out his plans. The farm is his laboratory and apparatus of instruction, by which he illustrates the scientific principles and theories which he teaches, and demonstrates both the truth and the value of his doctrines. His plans for the treat ment of each field and crop, and for the several experiments to be tried, should be submitted to the Regent and Faculty, and after careful discussion and final adoption by them, or by the Executive Committee, should be put on record as the settled plan for that season, to be carried out under the careful supervision of the superintendent, and its progress and results fully recorded in the farm record.

In like manner, the professor of Horticulture should be superintendent of the gardens and ornamental grounds, and should, in the same way, present to the Faculty for their discussion and approval, his plans for the management of such grounds and gardens. He, too, when necessary, may be aided in his work by a foreman and other laborers. The students, in their labors in the gardens or on the farm, will be under the guidance of the professors whose instructions those labors are designed to illustrate and apply; and thus the lecture room and the field practice will teach the same truths, and throw upon each other the light of a mutual illustration.

The professor of Mechanics may have under his care such shops as may be needed on the grounds for purposes of repairs, or of such new constructions of any kind as may be easily made. With a small steam or caloric engine as a motor power, there may be run a variety of common machinery, such as the turning lathe, circular saws, mills for grinding feed, etc., and threshing and other machines, which will enable the instructor in this department to furnish practical illustration of the principles of mechanics. The truth taught to the eye is much more easily understood and re

membered than that which is stated in mere words. Every where the practical methods should supplement and impress the theoretical instruction.

At the Michigan Agricultural College the students repair the farm tools and make many of them. Several important improvements in farming implements have already originated there, though they have, as yet, no fully provided mechanical department. Students are also employed in the erection of new buildings as they are needed, and they are said to soon excel common workmen in the excellence of their work.


In presenting this preliminary report, the committee purposely hold in reserve several points of much interest and importance, which they hope to be able to present finally in a much more definite and satisfactory form than can be done with the information now in hand. Maturer consideration than the time now allowed them has permitted, may also lead to some modification of certain of the points here presented. Fully comprehending the great magnitude and the immeasurable importance of the enterprise which they are seeking to shape into life and power, they can only bespeak for it the wise support and the just forbearance of all good and intelligent citizens.

An Industrial University such as we are planning is, in a large part, without precedent or example. The field of its labors is as yet almost untracked in its widest stretches. The very classes for whom its benefits are designed, are as yet not half persuaded of the importance and real value of those benefits. The farmers and mechanics, accustomed to regard higher education as needful and desirable only for professional men, and almost wholly incredulous as to the utility of science in its applications to their work, will look with slow-coming faith upon a University which proposes to make farming a scientific employment, and to lift mechanics into a learned profession. They have, in many cases, yet to be convinced that a highly cultured mind may be linked to a brawny hand, and that a classical scholar may feel at home in a workshop; aye! and find use for all his scholarship and taste in the successful practice of his art.

But the age is propitious. The working masses of mankind are waking to their needs, and calling for light. The thunder of the machinery by the side of which they toil, and the magic power of the new processes of arts which they daily employ, have roused the long slumbering power of thought. Brains are coming into use and honor in all the fields of human labor, and brains will speedily demand light and knowledge. In an age of learning, the farmer and the mechanic will soon come to covet the rich heritages of science for their sons. Already the children of the laboring classes are crowding the public high schools. They will not stop there. The University lies the next step beyond. They will crowd to its doors; and soon will begin to issue from its halls that long column, with its yearly additions, of graduates with broad brows, and science-lighted brains, hearing back to the farms and the workshops an intelligent skill and power, to invoke new and unwonted fruitfulness from the soil and from the mechanic's art. "If I had fifty sons," said a farmer who had reluctantly permitted his eldest boy to take a course at an Agricultaral College, and now brought his youngest to the same College, "If I had fifty sons they should all go to this College, for my boy, who graduated here, farms so much better than I ever did, skillful as I thought myself, that he is getting rich from his half of the crops he raises on my land, and I live like a prince on the remainder."

And the light of high and classic learning will be found as beautiful and becoming when it shines in an educated farmer's home, as when it gilds the residence of the graduated lawyer or physician. Rich libraries are already seen in the houses of some of our leading agriculturists, and no one has found that they hinder the growth of harvests, or unfit the hand of the reaper. When our Industrial University shall have come fully into its work, these libraries will be increased in number, and there will gather around the firesides in our farm houses, and in the homes of our master mechanics, groups of cultivated and intelligent people, the peers in knowledge, refinement and power of the best and bravest in the land,

And what richer growths shall yet start from these magnificent prairies to repay the farmer's toil, and what more splendid achievements shall yet spring from our myriad-handed mechanic art—what more beautiful bloom in our gardens, and more delicious fruits from our orchards-what more tasteful and convenient homes from our architecture, and what grander and more abundant products from our multiplying manufactories-what nobler forms of civilization to grace our free institutions, and what better types of manhood to tell of the blessings of liberty and learning, when education shall have fully achieved this last triumph, and carried her victorious banner of light down into the fields where the toiling millions of mankind must still, by the stern but beneficent ordination of Heaven, "eat their bread in the sweat of their brows."




It was the earnest desire both of the Trustees and of the Regent to open the University for students, as early at least as next September; but a careful considera tion of the character and extent of the preparations necessary to be made, in order to the successful inauguration of an enterprise of such magnitude and importance, convinced the Board of the necessity of some delay. It was accordingly voted that the opening be deferred till the first Monday in March, 1868.

It was found that important alterations were needed to be made in the University building, requiring several months for their completion; the University grounds, which are a portion of an open and unsettled prairie, were to be graded, and this grading will leave the soil naked, to be turned into an expanse of mud by the autumnal rains; fences were to be built, walks laid, sewers constructed, out-houses erected, blackboards and other apparatus and furniture to be made or purchased, and the institution to be equipped for service.

Financial considerations of much importance also forbade haste. The sale of the scrip, which could not be made for several weeks, was uncertain. No interest would accrue on the fund still the first of May, 1868, and the expense of the repairs and equipments, together with nearly the entire amount for salaries and current expenses would have to be taken from the principal of the University fund, thus seriously diminishing the means needed for the permanent support of the Institution.

But even if these difficulties could be overcome or safely submitted to, the selection of a faculty could not be wisely made in a time so limited. To ripen the working plans, to select and appoint a suitable faculty, to allow the professors, when chosen, time to close their present engagements, and to remove their families and effects to the seat of the University, to properly advertise the opening, and to diffuse every where through the state clear and definite information of the proposed courses of instruction and conditions of admission, to carry out the plan for the examination of candidates for the honorary scholarships, and to do all this well and thoroughly, required much more time than could be gained in a single summer. In an institution which is to last through ages, the delay of six months in the opening is of little consequence if it avails to make that opening successful and auspi


It was believed that the opportunity afforded by this delay to the Regent to visit the different counties of the State, and, by public addresses and personal interviews, to diffuse information concerning the plans and purposes of the University, would pave the way for a much more successful inauguration of its career.


URBANA, November 26, 1867.

The Board of Trustees of the Illinois Industrial University, net at the University building, in the Regent's office, at 9 o'clock, A. M., November 26th, 1867, pursuant to the call of the Regent and the Executive Committee.

The meeting was opened, with prayer by the Regent.

Upon the roll being called, nineteen members were present and answered to their names. Other members arrived later, making in all twenty-two present at the meeting.

The absentees were, Brown of Chicago, Hammond, Hungate, Pullen, VanOsdel, and the Governor.

Reports of committees were called for.

J. W. SCROGGS, Secretary of the Executive Committee, made a full report, by reading the record of the acts of said committee to this date. Action upon this report was deferred.

The REGENT called for the report of the Auditing Committee. Mr. LAWRENCE, Chairman of said committee, reported, informally, that he had corresponded with members of his committee, in reference to auditing the accounts of expenses of members of the Board, and had, with their consent, forwarded these accounts, with his approval, to the Regent.

The REGENT called for the report of the Finance Committee. Mr. COBB, Chairman, made a full report of the action of said committee to this date, as follows:

To the Board of Trustees of the Illinois Industrial University:

GENTLEMEN-The Finance Committee are only required by the statute to report at the regular annual meetings. But, thinking that a brief statement, upon some of

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