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Resolved, That we spread this upon the record as a standing rule of guidance and precedence.

On motion of Mr. FLAGG, the Auditing Committee was instructed to procure a seal for the use of this Board corresponding with the design adopted.


Hor. A. M. BROWN in the Chair.

The REGENT, Chairman of the Committee on Course of Study, made a full and very able report.

Mr. BURROUGHS moved that the report be recommitted to the committee, with instructions to procure the publication of the same, as embodying the aims and designs of this institution.

The motion prevailed.

Mr. BURROUGHS presented the following resolution, which was adopted, viz:

Resolved, That this Board, having at the present meeting had ample opportunity to see what has been done by the people of Champaign county to secure the location of the Industrial University, entertain a lively sense of the noble liberality of the contribution to this object, and also of the promptness and exemplary good faith with which the pledges made to the Legislature have been fulfilled.

The thanks of the Board are, also, due for the courteous hospitality with which the citizens of Champaign and Urbana have received and entertained the members of the Board. In all which, the Board welcomes the earnest of a spirit, which, in co-operation with the efforts of the Trustees, and the general good will of the people of the State, will, we believe, make the University as great a blessing to this community as they have hoped for, and as their enterprise and liberality deserve.

Mr. SCROGGS presented the following, and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the thanks of the Board of Trustees of the Industrial University are due to Dr. James Rea for the able and faithful service he has rendered the Board in his reports of the minutes of said Board at its last session, and also for other favors.

The resolution was adopted.

Mr. BURCHARD offered the following resolution, which was adopted:

Resolved, That the thanks of the Board are tendered to the Congregational Society of Champaign, for kindly placing at our disposal the use of their Church edifice, during this session of the Board.

Mr. SCROGGS moved that a committee of three be appointed, who shall ascertain upon what terms the lands lying between the University building and the one hundred and sixty acre tract can be obtained, and report at the next meeting of this Board.

The motion prevailed, and the Committee was appointed, as follows:

Messrs. Cunningham, Scroggs, and Dunlap.

Mr. EDWARDS moved that the roll be called, and that members who intend to remain for to-morrow's session vote aye.

Carried, and vote taken, which resulted in eighteen members voting aye.

Dr. SCROGGS moved to adjourn until to-morrow morning, at eight o'clock, at this place.

Mr. QUICK moved to amend, as follows:

"We do now adjourn to meet on the tenth day of June." Ayes and noes were called for, and taken on the amendment, resulting in four affirmative and sixteen negative votes.

The original motion prevailed, and the Board was declared adjourned until to-morrow morning, at eight o'clock, at this place.


Board convened, pursuant to adjournment, REGENT presiding, and meeting opened with prayer by Rev. Mr. LAWRENCE.

The following members were present, viz: Messrs. A. M. Brown, Burchard, Burroughs, Cobb, Cunningham, Dunlap, Edwards, Flagg, Galusha, Harding, Hungate, Lawrence, McMurray, Scroggs, Topping, Van Osdel, Gregory, and Pickrell-eighteen (18). The minutes were read and approved.


Mr. CUNNINGHAM offered the following resolution, moving its adoption:

Resolved, That the Treasurer and Finance Committee be instructed to sell none of the land scrip at a less price than fifty-four (54) cents per acre.


The PRESIDENT announced that the reception of communications was in order; whereupon

Mr. DUNLAP presented a communication from Professor Gow, which was referred to the Committee on Course of Study.


Mr. FLAGG reported the progress he had made in discharge of his duties as Corresponding Secretary; which, on motion of A. M. Brown, was approved, and the Auditing Committee instructed to settle for freight and expressage upon the books and pamphlets collected by the Corresponding Secretary for the Board.


Mr. A. M. BROWN read a resolution creating an Executive Committee.

Mr. BURROUGHS offered the following as a substitute, which was accepted by Mr. BROWN, viz:

The Board shall appoint an Executive Committee, consisting of nine (9) members, who shall meet at the seat of the college at least quarterly, and oftener if they shall find it necessary, for the transaction of any business necessary to be done in the vacations of the Board. The said Executive Committee shall, for the purpose for which they were appointed, possess all the powers of the Board: Provided, that they shall not revise or change the acts of the Board, nor of any committee of the Board entrusted with special business; shall not sell real estate, nor the land scrip or bonds belonging to the University, without the consent, in writing, of a majority of all the members of the Board; and shall be strictly confined to such business as can not be left till the annual meetings of the Board. The committee shall hold their office till the annual meeting next after their appointment.


Mr. FLAGG offered the following resolution:

Resolved, That the best interests of the University require a postponement of the commencement of the principal courses of study until the year 1868.

The resolution was so amended as to be in the following words, viz:

Resolved, That the best interests of the University require a postponement of the commencement of the principal courses of study until the first Monday of March, A. D. 1868.

The resolution, thus amended, was unanimously adopted.


Mr. A. M. BROWN read and moved the adoption of the following, viz:

Resolved, That the business intrusted to the Auditing Committee by previous orders of the Board, except the auditing of the Treasurer's accounts, be referred to the Executive Committee, and that the special committee appointed to report in relation

to the acquisition of the lands lying between the University building and the farm, be discharged; and that the duties assigned to them be referred to the Executive Committee.

The resolution was adopted.


Mr. BURCHARD offered the following resolution:

Resolved, That the Treasurer be authorized to sell, under the direction of the Finance Committee, not exceeding twenty thousand dollars of Champaign county bonds: Provided, the same shall be sold at not less than par.


Mr. BURCHARD also presented the following resolution, which was adopted, viz:

Resolved, That the Treasurer of the Board be instructed to invest the proceeds of the sale of land scrip in either United States Stock, stocks of the State of Illinois, or in county bonds, or any of them, drawing interest at not less than six per cent. Mr. DUNLAP presented a resolution, as follows:

Resolved, That the Illinois Industrial University will be open to students of both


Which was referred to the Executive Committee.


Mr. A. M. BROWN read and moved the adoption of the following: Resolved, That the members make out their accounts for expenses in attending this meeting, and transmit them to the Auditing Committee, upon whose approval the Executive Committee shall order their payment.

Which was adopted.

The following resolution, offered by Mr. BURCHARD, was laid upon the table:

Resolved, That the Committee on Course of Study and Faculty be authorized to select and engage the necessary professors and instructors for the University, their terms of engagement to commence upon the opening of the University for instruction.


On motion of Mr. SCROGGS, it was

Resolved, That an order of four dollars be drawn on the Treasurer to pay the sexton for lighting the house, etc.

Mr. FLAGG moved that the subject of the annual report of the Corresponding Secretary be referred to the Executive Committee. Which was so voted.


On motion of Mr. QUICK, the Regent was constituted Chairman and member of the Executive Committee.


Mr. BURCHARD moved that we proceed to ballot for eight members of the Executive Committee.

On motion of Mr. SCROGGS, the appointment of the Executive Committee was referred to the Regent, who made the appointment, as follows:

Me srs. Cunningham, Scroggs, Dunlap, Cobb, Pickrell, Van Osdel, Mahan and Quick.

These appointments were approved by vote of the Board.


The REGENT announced the names of members of committees, whose appointments, except those previously appointed, were confirmed by vote of the Board, as followe, viz:

Auditing Committee --Messrs. Lawrence, Edwards, Galusha, Burchard and A. M. Brown.

Finance Committee-(Previously appointed)—Messrs. Cobb, Van Osdel, Cunningham, Galusha and Harding.

Committee on Courses of Study and Faculty-(Previously appointed)—The Regent, Messrs. Brayman, Hayes, Flagg and Bateman.

Committee on Buildings and Grounds.—Messrs. Goltra, Brown of Chicago, Van Osdel and Johnson.

Committee on Agricultural Department—Messrs. Quick, Pickrell, Flagg, McConnell and McMurray.

Committee on Horticultural Department-Messrs. Pullen, Topping, Galusha, Hammond and Edwards.

Committee on Mechanical Department-Messrs. Scroggs, Goltra, Hungate, Topping and Van Osdel.

Committee on Military Department-Messrs. Brayman, Quick, Lawrence, the Governor and Allen.

Committee on Lirary and Cabinets-Messrs. Burroughs, Flagg, Bateman. A. M. Brown and Mahan.

Committee on By-Laws and Rules-Messrs. Mahan, Burchard and A. M. Brown. The Board adjourned at 12 o'clock, M.

J. M. GREGORY, Regent.

O. B. GALUSHA, Recording Secretary.

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