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him better than a great number of ordinary kind, as it costs no more to keep a good animal than a poor one. My father sold 4 steers that averaged 2,940 pounds to the steer, for $1,200, which was $300 per head. One of my brothers sold a lot, of ten or twelve steers, the fall after they were three years of age, at $220 per head.

I have raised a number of varieties of horses. The thorough-bred has more elas ticity than any other, and is the best for the saddle and driving in light harness It is, too, the fancy horse for the fast man, and brings fancy prices. But Illinois is a farming country, the soil is very rich and fertile, and we need a variety of horses. We want large, solid farm horses, which we can hitch to a plow and turn up the soil 8 or 10 inches deep, or pull a good heavy wagon load. I have tried some of the Norman horses, and I prefer a medium horse to these Conestoga breeds.

In sheep, I have tried the Southdown, Leicester, Cotswold, and French and Spanish merinos. I think to cross the Southdown and Cotswold, and Leicester and South down makes a better breed than either separate. The Spanish merino is the best for the prairie.

I have raised the Berkshire hog and the Chester White. I think crossing them together makes a better hog than either separate. The Berkshire hog is a smart, industrious fellow, and thinks it no hardship to work for a living. The Chester is inclined to fat early, and fattens well at any age. The Bedford is a good hog, not second to either I have mentioned.

S. P. Boardman.-I raise but little stock, except sheep. Aim to keep mules and horses enough merely for teams to do my work, cows enough to make the family milk and butter, and hogs sufficient for my pork, except a few pure-bred hogs, to sell for stock purposes.

Now that outside range is nearly gone, in my immediate vicinity, I intend to keep only about what sheep my farm can carry; shall sell down to about fifteeen hundred. There is a feeling quite common in Central Illinois, particularly among the old settlers, that it will never pay to keep sheep when range is all gone. The feeling exists in some measure in regard to other kinds of stock, but not in so great degree. Allied to this is the notion that a man is half ruined when he is compelled to put part of his land in grass. This notion is quite prevalent in this section, particularly with the owners of "eighty” and “quarter section" farms. I honestly believe, that if one-half the acres under cultivation in Central Illinois were in tame grass, and the same labor expended on the cultivation of the half that is now spread over the whole, there would be as many bushels of grain raised as at present. Ground would be plowed eight or ten inches deep instead of four or five; corn would be cultivated four and five times, instead of once or twice.

There was a large bulk of not very wise testimony gathered and printed in the State Agricultural Society's Volume of Transactions, a few years since, going to prove that our soils could be skimmed in corn twenty to forty years in succession, without applying any manure, and yet continue to raise large crops. I know the point sought to be established was the richness of our soil, still we came near proving too much.

In sheep husbandry, we will soon be compelled, in all sections of the State, to pasture sheep on our lands wholly. When this becomes the case, the only way to make a profit will be to stock light and keep only our best sheep. One thousand head, culled closely every year, and given a first rate chance, the year around, wil pay better profit than fifteen hundred ordinary sheep kept in an ordinary manne

and which see two or three small backsets, it may be, in the course of the year. Breeding, feeding and light stocking—on these hang all the profits in sheep keeping. The American merino is the best breed, I think, where large flocks are kept. The Cotswold, I judge, is the most profitable breed among mutton sheep.

G. W. Vaughan.-The Durham stock is preferable to any other among cattle, being larger and smoother than any other breeds, and more in favor with cattle raisers. Of horses, there are many kinds, some of which take the name of the owner of the first sire, as "The Dan," for Dan. Randolph. The Dan is among the best farm stock. The Morgan, Nigger Dick and others are among the best for general use. I never saw a better show of horses than was exhibited at our county fair, last fall.

The best mules are from descendants of the mammoth stock of Jacks.

Sheep are very much mixed. In this neighborhood there are a few French merino, also a few Southdown, which is a good sheep. Most of our sheep are the common, long-wooled, or merino mixed. Fine-wooled sheep are the best for fine cloth.

The Chester White is considered the best stock of swine.

I prefer breeding mares in May or June. I do not approve of breeding them in

the fall.

Bucks should be kept from the ewes until November or December; the lambs are much more likely to live.

This rule is not There is not the

Hogs should not be allowed to propagate till they are a year old. followed here, and one can see its result in the hogs we have. pains taken with swine that there should and would be were farmers more certaia they would pay for the trouble. They die so often with cholera, that little effort is made here to get the best quality.

Farmers here rear their horses until they are three or four years old, and then break them as best they can. A few adopt Rarey's mode of training.

generally have but little trouble breaking horses.


I know

Our cattle are fed shock corn on the ground or in pens for the purpose. of no stalls for feeding and fattening cattle in our county. Hogs are turned in after the cattle have eaten, to pick up the scattered corn and offal. Hogs fatten better in this way than any other, unless in being fed swill and corn together.

Horses fatten best on chopped feed, rye, oats and shorts, with a little corn; but as it is troublesome to feed a lot of horses in this way, I generally feed horses. hay, oats and corn, and I find they fatten well by having all they can eat.

Sheep are so injurious to pastures that I have kept few, and know little about them.

D. Gove.-There is one other matter that seems to me to be of very great importance to the farmers of this State, in a majority of localities, that is how we are to obtain plenty of pure stock water, and, as necessity is the mother of inventions, I will give my experience in this matter:

I found that it took a great deal of labor and expense to water stock from wells, even if the water in the wells hold out, which, in those dry seasons they will not. I then went to work and made artificial ponds, one of which, I dug very deep and wide, and it has held out through the past dry season, affording water for a large number of stock: but when winter comes, it freezes up, and it is a very cold, disagreeable job to cut the ice, and when that is done, there are always some cowardly animals that will not venture near enough to drink; and, again, the water from

ander ice is so cold that it makes stock shiver, as though they had the ague, which certainly does not add anything to their comfort or well doing. The pond being a disagreeable thing for both raan and beast in winter, I am now trying to make an artificial spring thus: Immediately south of my barn, there is a small ravine that empties into a large branch, 30 rods east. I have here made an excavation, sufficiently deep to put up troughs, with an open ditch for the waste water to pass off. I have here put in a stone wall, with a place arranged in it to receive the end of a trough; I here start, first, with gas pipe of inch and a half capacity, with a faucet of the same size over the end of the trough. I have run the gas pipe 166 feet, on a grade of 4 inches to the 100 feet, and here the pipe is five feet under ground; I here commence laying 2-inch pipe tile, after puddling substantially around the gas pipe, at the junction with the tile. I am laying the tile on the same grade, going off through higher ground for half a mile, and will put a great portion of the pipe from 7 to 12 feet under ground. I am running this pipe close by an artificial pond, so that if the surface water should give out, I can lay a switch of gas pipe into the bottom of the pond, and thus have a supply. The faucet at the outlet can be adjusted so as to let the water run at any desired rate. I have now laid 80 rods of pipe, and have a continual stream of water sufficient to water a large number of stock, and yet I am only half done. This is an experiment with me, having never seen nor heard of such a thing, and it may possibly fail, but I do not see how it can ; and as I have a great deal of faith in it, I have thought fit to mention it, and place it at your disposal.

J. G. Swann.-Horses: mixed blood-Lion, Empire and Cub stock. Hog: Ches ter white preferred.

For fattening animals, plenty of good corn, hay and oats. be well spread on.

Stable manure should

J. Balsiger.—Of live stock, I have kept, until now, only the common breeds. I will let those more experienced than I am, give their views, which might be the most profitable breeds, etc. I believe, for dairy purposes, our common kind of cattle, if kept well, to be about as good as any other.

J. Y. Bothwell.-I keep the Durhams, and in good growing order until I sell.
In sheep, the Southdown and Cotswold; think them the most profitable.
Hogs: Chester white.

I raise the largest mules, thinking them most profitable. Keep but few horses, work mules altogether.

My lambs come in April. My mutton sheep, two years ago, sold at $10 and $12 per head. They are the cheapest meat that can be raised on a farm.

My pigs come the last of March, and dress from 225 to 250 pounds the next winter. Do not keep any but breeders over.

I find shock corn to be the best and cheapest feed for cattle, mules and sheep. J. Barber.-Manure is saved carefully, and scattered over the farm where most needed, and put in hills of vines, etc. I wish to call attention to the fact that earth thrown from cellars and wells, when spread upon the soil, and after receiving the action of frost, operates as an excellent manure. What elements it may contain beneficial to the soil, I can not tell, but have noticed it in repeated instances.

16. OTHER DOMESTIO ANIMALS.-Poultry, bees, silkworms, etc.: best breeds: rearing and management: diseases.

M. A. McConnell.—We have kept Shanghais and Bromens; these are the best for all purposes. They are large, and good layers; take good care of their brood, and are not mischievous about the yards.

H. Pierce.-A cross of Dorking, Shanghai and the common fowl is, I believe, preferred, although the black Spanish is being introduced with fine success.

A. Rankin.-The Domingo fowls are the most profitable to raise, as they are good layers and setters, and good for the table-I mean when left to hunt their own liv. ing. I consider Brahmas, with a little extra care and feed, a very superior fowl.

Rev. G. W. Minier.—Aye, sir! Did you ever know a preacher that did not like poultry and honey? But, let me whisper this in your ear: They prefer eating them to rearing them, and study their peculiarities on the table, rather than running at large, or roaming in quest of the "healing dew."

Although the earth was cursed for man's sake, yet a beneficent Creator has placed within his reach many comforts and blessings, that he may enjoy by making use of the means to obtain them, and of these, none, perhaps, repays with greater yield the labor bestowed, than the honey bec. Those that have taken proper care of them have not only enjoyed the liquid nectar of their rich store houses, but have received large remunerative profits in return. But, like all other stock, they must have proper care and attention. First, they must have the right kind of a hive. The one I have found the best is a square box, containing from 1,800 to 2,000 cubic inches, with movable frames, and a cap on top, covering a box the same size as the inside of the hive, that will contain from 25 to 30 pounds of honey. But the box should not be put on when the bees are first put in the hive. There should be a thin board, the size of the top of the hive, which I call the honey-board. This should be put on top of the hive, to prevent the bees from coming up into the box. The honey may be set on the honey-board, and the cap put on; and when the bees have filled or nearly filled the frames in the hive, then take off the cap and honey-board, and put on the honey box with the frames. The honey-board may be laid on top of the honey-box, and then put the cap on, which is a covering for all the top. In a good season, a strong colony will fill two such boxes, which we call surplus honey. But, in order to have bees do well in this latitude, they should be housed in winter. room that will not freeze is best. The idea of some, that bees freeze up in winter and thaw out all right in spring is very erroneous. If bees once freeze they never come to life again. The best place to winter bees is in a dry, side-hill cellar, made dark. But, as few people have such a place, a small room in the dwelling will answer, made perfectly dark. But if that cannot be had, set all the stands together and cover with straw. I would recommend those that have bees to get Quimby's work on bee-keeping.


T. Gregg.-Bees are beginning to attract attention, and are increasing rapidly. Italians are being introduced. The bee moth is very destructive in some instances. I am not cognizant of any very effectual remedy.

H. Sodowsky. I have raised the Shanghai, Cochin China, Brahma Pootra, Hunter's Dominico and Black Spanish. The Hunter's Dominico is the largest chicken I have ever seen. The Black Spanish is the best layer, the liveliest and smartest fowl I ever tried. It is a very healthy fowl. When cholera prevailed among our fowls, killing most of our large fowls, it killed very few of the Black Spanish. It is, too, a handsome fowl. The cock is a dark, glossy green, while the hen is black, with They are medium size, not much at setting, but extra layers.

white gills and face.

I have had common white geese; also, a much larger variety, called the Bremen. The goose and gander are both white. Last fall I was in the State of Ohio, and saw a species of geese, called the Hong Kong, the largest I ever saw. The goose and gander are of the same color, a blue, or rather a gray. I had four shipped to me in January. They have been laying since the middle of February. They say these geese will weigh 50 pounds to a pair. They are the largest I ever saw.

I have, also, a variety of turkey, called the Bronze turkey, that is the largest and finest I have ever seen.

As to bees, they are a sect I have nothing to do with. They do not like me, and there is no love lost on my side. I have a fine sugar orchard, and we have all the maple sugar and molasses we can use, besides other varieties of sugar and sweet things; so we can live independent of the bees.

G. W. Vaughan.-We raise no poultry but for our own use. The mixture of Shanghai with the common fowl is the best, not being so subject to disease as others.

J. G. Swann.-The common small breed is best for eggs.

J. Barber.-Bees have succeeded well. I use the square box hive, containing about a cubic foot. Place glass boxes upon the top, and cover with a cap.

17. RURAL AROHITECTURE, ETC.-Houses, barns, (for hay and grain and different kinds of stock,) root and fruit houses, etc.: the materials preferred: best arrangement for economy of labor and comfort?

M. A. McConnell.-We have three houses on the farm, all made of wood, with a wing attached. We have 5 barns; 2 for grain, each 33 by 60 feet; 2 cow barns, one 28 by 44, and one 28 by 60, 7 feet in the first stories, and 9 in the second for hay. The cattle stand with their heads toward the centre, and are fed out of the alley. Then we have a sheep barn 22 by 60, with racks to feed the sheep in; a horse barn, wagon house, corn crib, and a shed to keep tools in; also, a cheese factory, 30 by 128 feet and two stories high, where we made, last year, 185,000 pounds of cheese for our neighbors and ourselves. We charged for making, 2 cents per pound, and found every thing. The factory is supplied by water that comes in at a temperature of 45 degrees.

C. E. Barney.-Vertical boarding for corn cribs is much the best. ing the best barn is the one in which the corners are farthest apart.

Generally speak

A. Rankin. My buildings are common affairs. My barn is 48 by 24, and holds hay enough to feed the horses and cattle necessary on the farm, after they have eaten up the stalks. My hog sheds cannot be excelled for comfort to the hogs. The sheds all run east and west, and are twelve feet wide; made perfectly tight on the north and east and west. The shed is covered with slough grass, and topped off with bagasse fresh from the mill, which will never leak or blow off if well put on. The pens are all floored and kept clean. The hogs are bedded with wheat straw. When my sows have young pigs, I give each sow 8 by 12 feet under the shed. Each pen has a door opening into a yard on the south. After the pigs are weaned, I take out the partitions and let them all go to. gether, still keeping it clean so as to prevent dust, as pigs will not thrive in dust. They all have good pasture in summer.

A. C. Hammond.—The introduction of the horse fork, by which hay can be elevated to any desired height, bids fair to revolutionize the whole system of barn building. Under many of the barns now built basements are constructed, to be used for stabling, storage, etc., and the whole upper portion used for hay. Under a portion of my own barn, built the past season, I have constructed a fruit cellar seven feet deep, and thirty feet span, with double doors and windows, and double floors over head. I shall remove eight inches of dirt from the bottom and replace it with pounded rock and cement both bottom

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