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These studies will be arranged in a course occupying three years, as follows:


THE FARM-Its measurements and mapping; sub-divisions-meadows, pastures, orchards, woodlands, gardens, etc. Fences, hedges, farm buildings. Soils-classification and mechanical treatment of soils, plowing, etc. Drainage. PLANT CULTURE.-Structure and Physiology of plants; classes of the useful plants, their characteristics, varieties, habits, and values. Wheat culture, maize culture, grass culture, root culture, fruit culture begun, apples, pears, peaches, etc.

COLLATERAL STUDIES.-English language and composition, surveying, drawing, botany, French language and literature.


THE FARM-Chemical elements and chemical treatment of soils. Fertilizerstheir composition, manufacture, preservation and application. Climate, influence of light, heat, and electricity, on soils and vegetable growth. FARM IMPLEMENTS.Principles of structure and use. Road making.

FRUIT CULTURE.-Modes of propagation, production of new varieties, diseases of fruit trees. Insects injurious to vegetation.

ANIMAL HUSBANDRY.-Breeds and varieties of neat cattle, horses, sheep, and swine. Principles of breeding, rearing, training, fattening, etc. Chemical composition of food, and preparation of the several varieties. Sheep husbandry; poultry; bees.

COLLATERAL STUDIES.-Mechanics, chemistry, zoology, entomology, mineralogy, German language and literature.


AGRICULTURAL ECONOMY -Relation of Agriculture to the other industries and to commerce. The several branches of Agriculture. Agricultural book-keeping, the farm book, herd book, etc. RURAL LAW of tenures and conveyances of land, of highways, of cattle, of fences, of noxious weeds, etc. Veterinary surgery and medieine. Landscape gardening, and laying out of large farming estates. Rural Architecture and Engineering, Foreign Agriculture, History and Literature of Agricul


COLLATERAL STUDIES.-Geology, Meteorology, Physical Geography, Inductive Logic, Political Economy, History and Civil Polity, English Literature.


The studies of this course will also occupy three years, and will embrace the following branches and topics:

MATHEMATICS-Trigonometry, plain and spherical. Descriptive Geometry and geometrical drawing. Analytical Geometry, Conic Sections, and Differential Calculus.

PHYSICS -Properties of Matter, Laws of Motion, Forces, Mechanics of Solids, Liquids, and Gases. Laws of sound, of light, of heat.

ANALYTIC AND APPLIED MECHANICS.-Strength of materials. Theory of machines, and principles of Mechanism. Estimates of rigidity and friction, and of the useful

effect of Machines. Construction and Calculation of Strength and Proportion of Parts of Machines, Hand Machinery, Hydraulic Motors, Steam Engines, Horse powers, Hot Air and Gas Engines. Construction and arrangement of machinery in Mills for various manufactures.

CHEMISTRY-Elementary, and applied.

Botany, Zoology, Geology, Mineralogy, Meteorology.

English, French and German languages. History, Philosophy, etc.

DRAWING.-Elementary, geometrical, and free hand. Drawing of Machines. Principles of Perspective. Lights and Shadows. Coloring and Theory of Colors. Architectural drawing, plans, elevations, perspective views, working plans, etc. ARCHITECTURE.-Its principles and styles. Principles and modes of warming, ventilation, etc.

Carpentery, and principles involved in the several trades.

The University already has one shop; and students, during the past term, have been employed to some extent in practical mechanics. It is hoped that other buildings and facilities for practical instruction will soon be added, so that students may be enabled to acquire some skill in the use of tools, in the construction of models, and in the management of motor powers.

The candidates for this course must be prepared to sustain an examination in the branches required by law, and in Algebra and Geometry.


The course of instruction in this department will embrace the study of Tactics in the various arms, both of the Company and Battalion, Grand Tactics, and Military Engineering, including principles of fortifications, siege works, and gunnery. The studies of the course, and the collateral studies, will be arranged as fast as the wants of the department shall require it.

All of the students wear a uniform, and a military drill is held three times a week, or oftener.

Candidates for the course in Military Engineering must sustain the same examinations as those required in the Mechanical Department.

The Departments of Mining and Metallurgy, and of Civil Engineering, will embrace the studies usual in such departments, and these studies will be arranged in courses as soon as they shall be required. The instruction will comprehend a full set of field exercises with instruments, and excursions to mines, public works, etc.

The Department of Analytical and Applied Chemistry will embrace a full course of instruction in Analytical Chemistry, both qualitative and quantitative, analysis of soils, of animal and vegetable substances, and of minerals, together with the study of chem istry applied to the arts. It will include also a full course of laboratory practice, and such collateral branches of knowledge as may be important or useful.

The Department of Natural History and Practical Geology will embrace such courses of instruction as will fit students to become explorers, and collectors or curators of scientific collections, to conduct geological explorations and surveys, or to serve as teachers, or experts, in these departments of knowledge. The course will include practical excursions and surveys, the collection and preservation of specimens, the practical work in the laboratory and cabinets, and the drawing, sketching, etc., necessary for illustrations.


The course in this department is designed to fit students to become practical accountants, and successful agents and managers of commercial enterprises. It will embrace a full course of instruction in Book-keeping in its various books and most improved forms, equal in every respect to that given in the best Commercial Colleges. It will also include a thorough study of all such branches of knowledge as will cast light upon the great phenomena and laws of business and traffic, domestic and foreign; upon the laws of production, exchange, markets, and currency; and commercial law, commercial usages and history, together with such other scientific, literary, and philosophical studies as may be useful to develop the mind and practical talent. It is hoped that at an early day this Department of the University may be fully developed, and an institution of solid worth, rather than of mere splendid pretension, may be opened to young men who wish to fit themselves for the arduous and riskful responsibilities of the merchant and business man.

The course in Book-keeping will be opened at once, and the full course will be developed as soon as the wants of students shall demand it.


It is a part of the plan of the University to provide courses of lectures in special departments of knowledge and art. These lectures will be given by regular members of the Faculty, or by eminent scholars and authors whose services may be secured for this purpose. Dr. John A. Warder, the eminent American pomologist, has already accepted an appointment, and will deliver, during the winter term, a course of lectures on fruit growing, etc. Rev. Edward Eggleston, an eminent writer and editor, is also under appointment as lecturer on English Literature, and negotiations are in progress to secure other lecturers.

A weekly lecture is delivered to all the students, on manners, formation of habits and character; on the conditions of health, happiness, and success in life; on the general duties and affairs of life; on methods of study, courses of reading, etc.


It is also in contemplation to hold at the University, during the winter, a lecture session of two weeks, for several courses of lectures on the several branches of Agricultural and Horticultural science, to be delivered by gentlemen of eminent acquirements and experience in these departments. Due notice of the time of this course will be given. It is hoped and expected that these lectures will bring together a large number of the practical farmers and fruit growers of this and adjoining States, and that discussions of great value will follow the several lectures. Arrangements will be made to provide board at reasonable rates, and comfortable quarters, for as many as may attend.


A costly set of philosophical and chemical apparatus has just been received from the celebrated manufactory of E. S. Richie & Son, Boston, and large additions will be made at an early day. Rooms are set apart for a good working laboratory for the students in analytical chemistry, which will be fitted up under the direction of the Professor in Chemistry.

Valuable collections have already been secured for cabinets, in Mineralogy, Botany, Conchology, Geology, Paleontology, and in

several departments in Zoology; and Prof. Powell, of the Chair of Natural History, is now absent in charge of a scientific expedition to the region of the Colorado of the North, making additional collections.

The illustrative apparatus in the Departments of Agriculture is designed to be very full and complete. The University owns over one thousand acres of improved farming lands, equal to any in the State. Forty acres are set apart for gardens, nurseries, and specimen orchards. The remainder are to be used for experimental and stock farms, orchards, arboretums, etc. Through the liberality of manufacturers, the University is rapidly accumulating a collection of agricultural implements; and cabinets and drawings of speciinen fruits, vegetables, etc., will be added as fast as practicable. The ornamental grounds around the building already contain a large variety of evergreens and flowering plants.

A collection of maps, charts, models, and engravings, is also begun, and is being steadily increased by donation or purchase.


Practice in some form, and to some extent, is indispensable to a practical education. It is the divorcement of the theoretical and practical which renders so much of education mere "book learning." To guard against this fatal defect, the trustees have directed that the manual labor system shall be thoroughly tried, and all students who are not excused on account of physical inability are required to labor from one to three hours each day, except Saturday and Sunday. During the Spring term the labor occupied two During the Autumn it will occupy less rather

hours each day.

than more time.

The students go out in squads, under their military officers, and under the general supervision of members of the Faculty.

The labor is designed to be educational, and to exhibit the practical applications of the theories taught by the text books and in the lecture room. Thus far it has been popular among the students, several attributing to it the preservation of their health through a long term of severe study. They accomplished, altogether, a large amount of valuable work, and were proud to point to the grounds, fenced, planted with trees, and ornamented by their own labor. It was found to facilitate, rather than hinder

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