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A person surrendered can in no case be kept in custody or be brought to trial in the State to which the surrender has been made for any other crime or offence, or on account of any other matters, than those for which the extradition shall have taken place, until he has been restored, or has had an opportunity of returning, to the State by which he has been surrendered.

This stipulation does not apply to crimes or offences committed after the extradition.


The requisition for extradition shall be made through the diplomatic agents of the High Contracting Parties respectively.

The requisition for the extradition of an accused person must be accompanied by a warrant of arrest issued by the competent authority of the State requiring the extradition, and by such evidence as, according to the laws of the place where the accused is found, would justify his arrest if the crime or offence had been committed there..

If the requisition relates to a person already convicted, it must be accompanied by the sentence of condemnation passed against the convicted person by the competent court of the State that makes the requisition for extradition.

A sentence passed in contumaciam is not to be deemed a conviction, but a person so sentenced may be dealt with as an accused person.


If the requisition for extradition be in accordance with the


Nji njeri i dorezuar as me ndonji menyre s'mund te mbahet ne burg ose te hiqet ne gjygq ne Shtetin te cilit i u be dorezimi per ndonji krim ose delikt tjeter ose per arsye te tjera, perveç atyreve per te cilat do te jete bere ekstradicjoni gjer sa i dorezuari te jete kethyer prape ose te kete patur rast te kethehet prap ne Shtetin prej te cillit ka qene dorezuar.

Kejo marreveshtje ("stipulation") nuk asht e aplikushme per krimet dhe deliktet qe jane bere pas ekstradicjonit.


Kerkesa per ekstradicjon do te behet respektivisht me anen e agjenteve diplomatike te dy Partive Kontraktuese te Nalta.

Kerkesa e ekstradicjonit per nji person t'akuzuar lypset te jete e shoqeruar prej nji vendimit gjykates ("mandat d'arrêt ") te dalun nga autoritetet kompetente te Shtetit qi kerkon ekstradicjonin dhe ky mandat duhet te jete keshtu qe sikur krimi ose delikti ne fjale t'ishte bere mbrenda ne Shtetin prej te cilit kerkohet ekstradicjoni, te konstituente dhe atje nji krim ose delikt.

Ne qoft se kerkesa i perket nji njerju qi ka qene denuar qe perpara duhet te jete e shoqeruar prej vendimit te denimit qi asht dhene kundra personit te denuar prej autoriteteve kompetente te Shtetit i cili bene kerkesen per ekstradicjon.

Nji vendim i dhane ne mungese ("in contumaciam") nuk do te quhet si nji denim, po nji njeri i denuar keshtu mund te konsiderohet si nji njeri i akuzuar.

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foregoing stipulations, the competent authorities of the State applied to shall proceed to the arrest of the fugitive.


A criminal fugitive may be apprehended under a warrant issued by any police magistrate, justice of the peace, or other competent authority in either State, on such information or complaint and such evidence, or after such proceedings, as would, in the opinion of the authority issuing the warrant, justify the issue of a warrant if the crime or offence had been committed or the person convicted in that part of the dominions of the two Contracting Parties in which the magistrate, justice of the peace, or other competent authority, exercises jurisdiction. He shall, in accordance with this article, be discharged if within the term of thirty days a requisition for extradition shall not have been made by the diplomatic agent of the State claiming his extradition in accordance with the stipulations of this treaty. The same rule shall apply to the cases of persons accused or convicted of any of the crimes or offences specified in this treaty, and committed on the high seas on board any vessel of either State which inay come into a port of the



The extradition shall take place only if the evidence be found sufficient, according to the laws of the State applied to, either to justify the committal of the prisoner for trial, in case the crime or offence had been committed in the territory of the same State, or to prove that the prisoner is the identical person

marreveshtje ("stipulation ") e sipermendum, autoritetet kompetente te Shtetit prej te cillit kerkohet duhet t'arestojne t'aratisunin.


Nji kriminal i aratisun mund te zihet me nji mandate te dhene prej çdo gjykatese policore, giykatese paqsore, ose nji tjeter autoritet kompetent ne njerin prej te dy Shteteve, ne qoft se ka te tilla informata ose qarje dhe te tilla prova ose pas asish procedurash, te cillat ne mendjen e autoritetit qi ka nxjere mandaten justifikjon te nxjerit e nji mandate po qe, qe krimi ose delikti t'ish bere ose personi t'ish denuar ne ate pjese te Dominioneve te dy Partive Kontraktuese, ne te cillen gjykatasi, gjykates i paqes ose tjeter autoritet kompetent ka (eksercon) jurisdikcjon. Ne konformitet me kete artikulli i kerkuari do te lirohet sikur se mbrenda ne 30 dite nuk bahet nga ana e nji agjentit diplomatik te Shtetit kerkues ne kerkes per ekstradicjon ne konformitet me stipulacjonet te ketij traktati. Gjith kejo regull do te aplikohet ne rastin e personave t'akuzuar ose te denuar per ndnje nga krimet ose deliktet te specifikuem ne kete traktat kur behet ne det hapet mbi ndonji anie te njerit ose te tjetrit Shtet e cilla anie mund te vije ne nji liman te Shtetit tjeter.

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convicted by the courts of the State which makes the requisition, and that the crime or offence of which he has been convicted is one in respect of which extradition could, at the time of such conviction, have been granted by the State applied to; and no criminal shall be surrendered until after the expiration of fifteen days from the date of his committal to prison to await the warrant for his surrender.


In the examinations which they have to make in accordance with the foregoing stipulations the authorities of the State applied to shall admit as valid evidence the sworn depositions or the affirmations of witnesses taken in the other State, or copies thereof, and likewise the warrants and sentences issued therein, or copies thereof, and certificates of, or judicial documents stating the fact of a conviction, provided the same are authenticated as follows:

1. A warrant, or copy thereof, must purport to be signed by a judge, magistrate, or officer of the other State, or purport to be certified under the hand of a judge, magistrate or officer of the other State to be a true copy thereof, as the case may require.

2. Depositions or affirmations, or the copies thereof, must purport to be certified, under the hand of a judge, magistrate, or officer of the other State, to be the original depositions or affirmations, or to be true copies thereof, as the case may require.

3. A certificate of, or judicial document stating the fact of a conviction must purport to be certified by a judge, magistrate, or officer of the other State.

Shteti qi ka bere kerkesen, dhe se krimi ose delikti per te cillen asht denuar kriminali asht prej atyre per te cillat ekstradicjoni ne kohen e nji denimi te tille mund te akordohet nga ana e Shtetit prej te cillit kerkohet; dhe as ndonji kriminal nuk do te dorezohet pa shkuar 15 dite qe nga data e burgimit te tij per te pritur mandaten per dorezimin e tij.


Ne qyrjen qi do te behet si mbas marreveshtjeve ("stipulation") e sipermendun auktoritetet e Shtetit ku u ba kerkesa do te pranojne si prova te shendoshe deshmimet ose vertetimet e betuara te deshmoreve te berra ne Shtetin tjeter, ose kopjet e tyre, dhe gith keshtu mandatet dhe vendimet qe vine s'andejini, ose kopjet e tyre, dhe certifikatat ose dokumentat gjyqesore duke treguar faktin e nji denimi, me kondita qe te jene authentike si pason:

1. Nji mandat ose kopje e saj duhet te jet e nenshkruar prej nji gjykatesi ose zyrtari te Shtetit tjeter, ose duhet te jete e vertetuar nga ana e nji gjykatesi, ose zyrtari te Shtetit tjeter se asht nji kopje e vertet e mandates si t'a kerkoje rasti.

2. Deshmimet ose pohimet ose kopjet e tyre do te jene te vertetuara nga dor'e nji magistrati, gjykatesi ose zyrtari te Shtetit tjeter se jane deshmimet dhe pohimet origjinale ose qe jane kopjet te verteta te tyre, ashtu si ta kerkoje rasti.

3. Nji certifikate ose dokument gjyqsuar te cillat tregojne faktin e nji denimi duhet te jete e vertetuar nga ana e nji gjykatesi, magistrat, ose zyrtari te Shtetit tjeter.


In every case such warrant, deposition, affirmation, copy, certificate, or judicial document must be authenticated, either by the oath of some witness, or by being sealed with the official seal of the Minister of Justice, or some other minister of the other State, or by any other mode of authentication for the time being permitted by the law of the State to which the application for extradition is made.


If the individual claimed by one of the High Contracting Parties in pursuance of the present treaty should be also claimed by one or several other Powers on account of other crimes or offences committed within their respective jurisdictions, his extradition shall be granted to the State whose claim is earliest in date, unless such claim is waived.


If sufficient evidence for the extradition be not produced within two months from the date of the apprehension of the fugitive, or within such further time as the State applied to, or the proper tribunal thereof, shall direct, the fugitive shall be set at liberty.


All articles seized which were in the possession of the person to be surrendered at the time of his apprehension, and any articles that may serve as a proof of the crime or offence shall be given up when the extradition takes place, in so far as this may be permitted by the law of the State granting the extradition.

Ne çdo mandate, deshmim, pohim, kopje, certifikate ose dokument gjyqesor te ketije duhet te jene authentikuar qoft me bem e do nji deshmori, qoft me vulen zyrtare te Ministrise se Drejtesise a ndonji Ministrite tjeter te Shtetit tjeter ose me ndonji menyre tjeter authentifikimi qe pranohen aso kohe prej nomit te Shtetit, te cillit i eshte bere kerkesa per ekstradicjon.


Ne qoft se nje njeri qe kerkohet nga njera e Partive Kontraktuese te Larta ne baze te keti traktati, kerkohet edhe prej nji ose ma shume fuqive per shkak te krimeve ose delikteve te tjera te bera mbrenda ne jurisdikcjonin e tyne; ekstradicjoni i tij do t'akordohet Shtetit i cili ka dhene kerkesen me pare se te tjerat perveç se ky ne paste hequr dore nga kejo kerkes.


Ne qoft se nuk sillen prova te mjafta per ekstradicjon me dy muaj e siper prej dates se zenit t'aratisunit, ose mbrenda ne nji kohe me te gjate qe asht caktuar prej Shtetit prej te cillit kerkohet ose prej gjykatores se ketij, i aratisuni do te lehet i lire.


Te gjith sendet e zena te cillat i kish ne posesion te vet njerju qe dorezohet ne kohen e zenjes se tij dhe ç'do send qe mund te sherbej per prove per krimin ose deliktin, do te dorezohet kur te behet ekstradicjoni gjer ne ate mase qe jep leje nomi i Shtetit qe ben dorezimin.


Each of the High Contracting Parties shall defray the expenses occasioned by the arrest within its territories, the detention, and the conveyance to its frontier, of the persons whom it may have consented to surrender in pursuance of the present treaty.


The stipulations of the present treaty shall be applicable, so far as the laws permit, to all His Britannic Majesty's Dominions, except to the self-governing Dominions hereinafter namedthat is to say, the Dominion of Canada, the Commonwealth of Australia (including for this purpose Papua and Norfolk Island), the Dominion of New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, the Irish Free State, and Newfoundland-and India, provided always that the said stipulations shall be applicable to any of the abovenamed Dominions or India in respect of which notice to that effect shall have been given on behalf of the Government of such Dominion or India by His Britannic Majesty's Representative at Durazzo, and provided also that it shall be competent for either of the High Contracting Parties to terminate separately the application of this treaty any of of the above-named Dominions or India by a notice to that effect not exceeding one year and not less than six months.



The requisition for the surrender of a fugitive criminal, who has taken refuge in any of His Britannic Majesty's selfgoverning Dominions, Colonies,


Ç'do Ane Kontraktuese e Larte do te heqe shpenzimet e shkaktuara nga te zenit ne token e vet nga burgimi dhe nga te shpenit gjer ne kufi te vet te njerzvet te cillet mund te kete pranuar te dorezoje si mbas ketij traktati.


Marreveshtjet ("stipulations ") e ketij traktati do te jene te zbatueshme deri ku japin leje nomet, ne te gjith Dominionet e Madhenis Tij Britanike perveç Dominioneve te vet-qeverisura te shenuara ketu ma posht Dominioni i Kanades, Kommonvelth i Australise (zihen mbrenda Papua edhe Norfolk Island), Dominioni i Zelandes se Re, Bashkimi i Afrikes se Juges, Shtet'i Lire i Irlandes dhe Newfoundlandes dhe Ihdia, me kondite gjithnji qe marreveshtjet (“stipulations") e sipershenuara do te jene te aplikushme ne çdo Dominion te sipershenuar ose ne Indie, per te cillat perfaqesonjesi i Madhenis Tij Britanike ne Durres do te jape nje note per Qeverin e Dominionit ose te Indies, me qellim te aplikimit te ketij traktati edhe prap me konditen qi te jene kompetent qe te dy Partit Kontraktuese te perfundojne veç e veç aplikimin e ketij traktati ne çdo Dominion te sipershenuar ose ne Indie me anen e nji note me kete qellim e cilla te mos kaperxeje nji vit dhe te mos jete ma pak se gjasht muaj.


Kerkesa per dorezimin e kriminalit t'aratisun, i cili ka gjet refugjin ne ndonje prej Dominioneve, Kolonive ose Posesioneve te vet - qeveruese te

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