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Act of June 9, 1930, ch. 416, 46 Stat. 527, 16 U.S.C. 576 et seq.

Chap. 416.-AN ACT Authorizing the Secretary of Agriculture to enlarge treeplanting operations on national forests, and for other purposes

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of Agriculture is hereby authorized to establish forest tree nurseries and do all other things needful in preparation for planting on national forests on the scale possible under the appropriations authorized by this Act: Provided, That nothing in this Act shall be deemed to restrict the authority of the said Secretary under other authority of law.

SEC. 2.1 There is hereby authorized to be appropriated for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1932, not to exceed $250,000; for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1933, not to exceed $300,000; for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1934, not to exceed $400,000; and for each fiscal year thereafter, not to exceed $400,000, to enable the Secretary of Agriculture to establish and operate nurseries, to collect or to purchase tree seed or young trees, to plant trees, and to do all other things necessary for reforestation by planting or secding national forests and for the additional protection, care, and improvement of the resulting plantations or young growth.

SEC. 3.2 The Secretary of Agriculture may, when in his judgment such action will be in the public interest, require any purchaser of national-forest timber to make deposits of money, in addition to the payments for the timber, to cover the cost to the United States of (1) planting (including the production or purchase of young trees), (2) sowing with tree seeds (including the collection or purchase of such seeds), (3) cutting, destroying, or otherwise removing undesirable trees or other growth, on the national-forest land cut over by the purchaser, in order to improve the future stand of timber, or (4) protecting and improving the future productivity of the renewable resources of the forest land on such sale area, including sale area improvement operations maintenance and construction, reforestation and wildlife habitat management. Such deposits shall be covered into the Treasury and shall constitute a special fund, which is hereby appropriated and made available until expended, to cover the cost to the United States of such tree planting, seed sowing, and forest improvement work, as the Secretary of Agriculture may direct: Provided, That any portion of any deposit found to be in excess of the cost of

1 16 U.S.C. 576a.

216 U.S.C. 576b. Amended by the National Forest Management Act of 1976, Public Law 94-588, section 18, 90 Stat. 2962.

doing said work shall, upon the determination that it is so in excess, be transferred to miscellaneous receipts forest reserve fund, as a national-forest receipt of the fiscal year in which such transfer is made: Provided further, That the Secretary of Agriculture is authorized, upon application of the Secretary of the Interior, to furnish seedlings and/or young trees for replanting of burned-over areas in any national park.


Act of April 24, 1950, ch. 97, 64 Stat. 82

AN ACT To facilitate and simplify the work of the Forest Service, and for other purposes

SEC. 20.1 For the purpose of fostering and stimulating participation with the Forest Service in forest, range, and watershed management research through investigations, experiments, tests, or such other means as he may deem advisable, and in order to aid in obtaining the fullest cooperation from States and other public and private agencies, organizations, institutions, and individuals, in effectuating such research the Secretary of Agriculture is authorized in accordance with such regulations as he may issue and when in his judgment such cooperative work will be stimulated or facilitated to make funds available to the cooperators without regard to the provisions of section 3648, Revised Statutes, prohibiting advances of public moneys.

116 U.S.C. 5811-1. Added by the Act of April 6, 1956, ch. 176, 70 Stat. 100.



Act of October 10, 1962, Public Law 87-788, 76 Stat. 806, 16 U.S.C. 582a, et seq.

AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of Agriculture to encourage and assist the several States in carrying on a program of forestry research, and for other purposes

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That it is hereby recognized that research in forestry is the driving force behind progress in developing and utilizing the resources of the Nation's forest and related rangelands. The production, protection, and utilization of the forest resources depend on strong technological advances and continuing development of the knowledge necessary to increase the efficiency of forestry practices and to extend the benefits that flow from forest and related rangelands. It is recognized that the total forestry research efforts of the several State colleges and universities and of the Federal Government are more fully effective if there is close coordination between such programs, and it is further recognized that forestry schools are especially vital in the training of research workers in forestry.

SEC. 2.1 In order to promote research in forestry, the Secretary of Agriculture is hereby authorized to cooperate with the several States for the purpose of encouraging and assisting them in carrying out programs of forestry research.

Such assistance shall be in accordance with plans to be agreed upon in advance by the Secretary and (a) land-grant colleges or agricultural experiment stations established under the Morrill Act of July 2, 1862 (12 Stat. 503), as amended, and the Hatch Act of March 2, 1887 (24 Stat. 440), as amended, and (b) other State-supported colleges and universities offering graduate training in the sciences basic to forestry and having a forestry school; however, an appropriate State representative designated by the State's Governor shall, in any agreement drawn up with the Secretary of Agriculture for the purposes of this Act, certify those eligible institutions of the State which will qualify for assistance and shall determine the proportionate amounts of assistance to be extended these certified institutions.

SEC. 3.2 To enable the Secretary to carry out the provisions of this Act there are hereby authorized to be appropriated such sums as the Congress may from time to time determine to be necessary but not exceeding in any one fiscal year one-half the amount appropriated for Federal forestry research conducted directly by the Department of Agriculture for the fiscal year preceding the year in which the budget is presented for such appropriation. Funds appropriated and

116 U.S.C. 582a-1.

16 U.S.C. 582a-2.

made available to the States under this Act shall be in addition to allotments or grants that may be made under other authorizations.


SEC. 4.3 The amount paid by the Federal Government to any Statecertified institutions eligible for assistance under this Act shall not exceed during any fiscal year the amount available to and budgeted for expenditure by such college or university during the same fiscal year for forestry research from non-Federal sources, except that for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1971, and June 30, 1972, the matching funds requirement hereof shall not be applicable to the Virgin Islands and Guam, and sums authorized for such years for the Virgin Islands and Guam may be used to pay the total cost of programs for forestry research. The Secretary is authorized to make such expenditures on the certificate of the appropriate official of the college or university having charge of the forestry research for which the expenditures as herein provided are to be made. If any or all of the colleges or universities certified for receipt of funds under this Act fails to make available and budget for expenditure for forestry research in any fiscal year sums at least as much as the amount for which it would be eligible for such year under this Act, the difference between the Federal funds available and the funds made available and budgeted for expenditure by the college or university shall be reapportioned by the Secretary to other eligible colleges or universities of the same State if there be any which qualify therefor and, if there be none, the Secretary shall reapportion such differences to the qualifying colleges and universities of other States participating in the forestry research program.

SEC. 5.5 Apportionments among participating States and adminis trative expenses in connection with the program shall be determined by the Secretary after consultation with a national advisory board of not less than seven officials of the forestry schools of the Statecertified eligible colleges and universities chosen by a majority of such schools. In making such apportionments consideration shall be given to pertinent factors including, but not limited to, areas of non-Federal commercial forest land and volume of timber cut annually from growing stock.

SEC. 6. The Secretary is authorized and directed to prescribe such rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act and to furnish such advice and assistance through a cooperative State forestry research unit in the Department of Agriculture as will best promote the purposes of this Act. The Secretary is further authorized and directed to appoint an advisory committee which shall be constituted to give equal representation to Federal-State agencies concerned with developing and utilizing the Nation's forest resources and to the forest industries. The Secretary and the national advisory board shall seek at least once each year the counsel and advice of the advisory committee to accomplish effectively the purposes of this Act.

16 U.S.C. 582a-3.

4 Amended by the Act of June 23, 1972, Public Law 92-318, section 506 (1), 86 Stat. 351. which added the exception for expenditures for the Virgin Islands and Guam for fiscal years 1971 and 1972.

16 U.S.C. 582a-4.

16 U.S.C. 582a-5.

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