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19. Wrote Miss Armstrong. Dr. Bancroft absent on a journey to Deerfield.

20. Went to Church twice-Mr. Packard preached. Visited my Tomb in Worcester with my Grand daughter Frances.

21. Rode out with Frances. Mowed the Grass in the Front & back yards. Purchased a Brussells Carpet for the parlour-had it made in Boston-cost of the whole 130 dollars. Received it June 21st, 1819.

22. Rode out with Frances. Hired Mr. Reed to examine the Stock from Walpole, which came 2 years since.

24. Went to Grafton to celebrate the Festival of St. John. My nephew's daughter rode with me. About 250 brethren were present in the Procession--they were from 5 or 6 Lodges. I was requested by the Brethren to preside and finally did so. Received the Thanks of the Brethren. About 150 Ladies joined the procession to and from the Church. We dined in a long booth, 2 rows of Tables 6 Clergymen were present. The Rev. Brother Clarke of Princeton delivered an Address in Public to a very crowded audience. The Ladies dined in Woods's hall; after dined the Ladies, the whole body formed in procession and visited the brethren at the booth, accompanied by Musick, took a seat with us, reciprocated a toastafter which and several Songs, they retired as did most of the brethren soon after. Moses Thomas & daughter visited us yesterday and tarried till this morning.

25. My Son died, aged 45 years, occasioned by the wounds he received by a fall the Evening before.


26. Went to Boston, in consequence of my Son's death, accompanied by his daughter Frances, went by way of Northboro and took his two sons Isaiah and William with me to Boston.

27. My sons remains were deposited in my tomb in the north burying ground, this morning at 8 °Clock-Prayers by Dr. Freeman at the house of Mr. Eben'. T. Andrews-from whence the corpse was carried to the burying ground.

29. Returned home, accompanied by the Children I took with me to Boston. Left my two Grandsons at Northborough where I had previously placed them, for their Education, with Rev. Mr. Allen.

30. Funeral of Mrs. Hubbard; by request her remains were deposited in my Tomb, with an intention of removing them to Cambridge next Autumn or Winter.

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