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" ... as shall become due to any state before the adjournment of the regular session of its legislature meeting next after the passage of this act shall be made upon the assent of the governor thereof duly certified to the secretary of the treasury. "
Bulletin - Page 17
by United States. Office of Education - 1953
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Annual Report of the Secretary of the Connecticut Board of ..., Volume 22

Connecticut. State Board of Agriculture - Agriculture - 1888 - 648 pages
...assent of the several States and Territories to the purposes of said grants: JProvided, That payment of such installments of the appropriation herein made...State before the adjournment of the regular session of its legislative meeting next after the passage of this act shall be made upon the assent of the governor...
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Report of the Commissioner of Education Made to the Secretary of the ...

United States. Bureau of Education - Education - 1889 - 1242 pages
...several States and Territories to the purpose of said grants: Provided, That payments of snch instalments of the appropriation herein made as shall become due...State before the adjournment of the regular session of its Legislature meeting next after the passage of this act shall be made upon the assent of the Governor...
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Report of the Commissioner of Education Made to the Secretary of ..., Volume 2

United States. Bureau of Education - Education - 1895 - 976 pages
...subject to the legislative assent of the several States and Territories to the purpose of said graiits: Provided, That payments of such installments of the appropriation herein made as shall become duo to. auy State before the adjourumeut of the regular .session of the legislature meeting next after...
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Report, Volume 17

New Hampshire. Department of Agriculture - Agriculture - 1888 - 476 pages
...States and territories to the purposes of said grants ; provided, that payment of such instalments of the appropriation herein made as shall become due...State before the adjournment of the regular session of its Legislature meeting next after the passage of this act shall be made upon the assent of the governor...
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Biennial Report of the Trustees, President and Other Officers

Mississippi State University - 1885 - 672 pages
...authorized by this Act or made subject to the legislative assent of the several States and Territories to the purpose of said grants: Provided, that payments...appropriation herein made as shall become due to any State belore the adjournment of the regular session of Legislature meeting next after the passage of this...
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Transactions of the American Horticultural Society, Volume 4

American Horticultural Society - Fruit-culture - 1886 - 254 pages
...authorized by this act are made subject to the legislative assent of the several States and Territories to the purpose of said grants : Provided, That payments...State before the adjournment of the regular session of its Legislature meeting next after the passage of this act shall be made upon the assent of the Governor...
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American Horticultural Society - Fruit-culture - 1886 - 252 pages
...nuthorized by this act are made subject to the legislative assent of the several States and Territories to the purpose of said grants : Provided, That' payments...State before the adjournment of the regular session of its Legislature meeting next after the passage of this act shall be made upon the assent of the Governor...
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Rutgers University. College of Agriculture - 1887 - 222 pages
...authorized by this act are made subject to the legislative assent of the several states and territories to the purpose of said grants ; provided, that payments...state before the adjournment of the regular session of its legislature meeting next after the passage of this act shall be made upon the assent of the governor...
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Session Laws

North Dakota - Session laws - 1887 - 492 pages
...assent of the several states and territories to the purposes of said grants ; Provided, That payment of such installments of the appropriation herein made...state before the adjournment of the regular session of its legislature meeting next after the passage of this act shall be made upon the assent of the governor...
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Report of the Director, Issues 9-16

North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station - 1887 - 880 pages
...assent of the several States and Territories to the purposes of sai d grants; Provided, That payment of such installments of the appropriation herein made...State before the adjournment of the regular session of its legislature meeting next after the passage of this act, shall be made upon the assent of the Governor...
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