June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety, and an annual increase of the amount of such appropriation thereafter for ten years by an additional sum of one thousand dollars over the preceding year... Bulletin - Page 18by United States. Office of Education - 1953Full view - About this book
 | United States. Bureau of Education - Education - 1912 - 752 pages
...Territory for the purpose indicated in the title the sum of $25,000 for the year ending June 30, 1911, and an annual increase of the amount of such — appropriation thereafter for ten years by an additional sum of one thousand dollars over the preceding year, and the annual amount... | |
 | United States. Bureau of Education - Education - 1908 - 544 pages
...such appropriation thereafter for four years by an additional sum of $5,000 over the preceding year, the annual sum to be paid thereafter to each State and Territory being $50,000. There are now in the several States and Territories 66 institutions receiving aid under... | |
 | Massachusetts Institute of Technology - 1875 - 1736 pages
...sixty-two, the sum of fifteen thousand dollars for the year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and ninety, and an annual increase of the amount of such appropriation thereafter for ten years by an additional sum of one thousand dollars over the preceding year, and the annual amount... | |
 | Education - 1907 - 700 pages
...August 30, 1890, and appropriated to each state and territory $15,000 for the year ending June 30, 1890, and an annual increase of the amount of such appropriation thereafter for ten years by an additional sum of $1,000 over the amount for the preceding year, by which time the... | |
 | Mississippi State University - 1885 - 672 pages
...the sum of fifteen thousand dollars for the year ending June thirteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety, and an annual increase of the amount of such appropriation thereafter for ten years by an additional sum of one thousand dollars over the preceding year, and the annual amount... | |
 | Arizona. Governor - Arizona - 1887 - 960 pages
...each State and Territory, commencing with the year ending June 30, 1890, $15,000 for the first year, ''and an annual increase of the amount of such appropriation thereafter for ten years, by an additional sum of $1,000 over the preceding year, and the annual amount to be paid... | |
 | Purdue University. Agricultural Experiment Station - 1888 - 1196 pages
...addition to the sum named in said Act for the year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and six, and an annual increase of the amount of such appropriation thereafter for five years by an additional sum of two thousand dollars over the preceding year, and the annual amount... | |
 | University of Arizona. Agricultural Experiment Station - Agriculture - 1890 - 192 pages
...colored students would be on an equal footing, the sum of $15,000 for the year ending June 30, 1890, and an annual increase of the amount of such appropriation thereafter for ten years, by the additional sum of one thousand dollars over the preceding year, and the annual amount... | |
 | Minnesota. University - 1890 - 1062 pages
...the sum of fifteen thousand ollars for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety, and an annual increase of the amount of such appropriation thereafter for ten years by an additional sum of one thousand dollars over the preceding year, and the annual amount... | |
 | Nevada. Legislature - 1891 - 1034 pages
...the sum of fifteen thousand dollars for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety, and an annual increase of the amount of such appropriation thereafter for ten years by an additional sum of one thousand dollars over the preceding year, and the annual amount... | |
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