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How To Make Good Recordings. New
York, Audio-Devices, Inc., 1948.
Up-to-date revision of earlier edition,

New Tools for Learning: About War and Postwar Problems. Raymond C. Lewis, 280 Madison Ave., New York.

An annotated catalog of films, recordings, transcripts of broadcasts, and pamphlets about

war and postwar problems for teachers, speakers, and discussion leaders.

Read, Oliver. The Recording and Reproduction of Sound, 2d Ed. Indianapolis, Ind., Howard W. Sams, 1952.

A technical reference book on the theory and usefulness of different types of recording equipment.

Wolfe, Halley. See Frayne-Elements of Sound Recording.

Records And Transcriptions

American Dental Association, 222 E. Superior Street, Chicago, Ill.

Dr. Lon W. Morrey, Director. Tales From Ivory Towers-A series of stories for children. American Medical Association, 535 N. Dearborn Street, Chicago, Ill.

Health Heroes a series of health programs for children.

Association of Junior Leagues of America.

Local chapters in 10 cities have produced programs on a wide range of subjects. Details can be found in Broderick's list of Sources of Educational Recordings.

Barbour, Harriot Buxton, and Freeman, Warren S. The Children's Record Book. New York, Oliver Durrell, Inc., 1947.

An impartial workable guide to help parents, teachers, and librarians to select records that will give children an appreciation of good music.

Broderick, Gertrude G. Catalog of Radio Recordings. Washington 25, D. C., Federal Radio Education Committee, U. S. Office of Education. An annotated catalog and supplement of some 400 available recorded programs.

Sources of Educational Recordings. Washington 25, D. C., U. S. Office of Education.

A list of producers and distributors of educational programs on recordings and transcriptions. Mimeo.

Chandler Records, Inc., 4221⁄2 West 46th

St., New York City.

Producers and distributors of Books Bring Adventure and many other recorded series for school use.

Children's Reading Service, 106 Beekman St., New York 38.

Distributors of about 1,000 listings of selected recordings,

Eisenberg, Philip, and Krasno, Hecky. A Guide to Children's Records. New York, Crown Publishers, 1948.

An appraisal of the value of records in accordance with acceptable child-psychology

thought; followed by a descriptive listing, by age groups, of available children's records. Enrichment Materials, Inc., 246 Fifth Ave., New York 1. Dramatized recordings based on Landmark


Federal Radio Education Committee, U.S. Office of Education, Washington 25, D. C.

A library of transcribed programs especially selected for school use. Complete catalog available upon request.

Freeman, Warren S. See Barbour-The Children's Record Book.

Institute for Democratic Education, 415 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y. Producers of transcribed programs, under the general title Lest We Forget.

Lewellen's Productions, 8 South Mich

igan Avenue, Chicago 3, III. Producers of series of two programs on The Atomic Bomb.

Masterpiece Reproduction Society, 667 Madison Avenue, New York 21, N. Y. Producers of art series Man Behind the Masterpiece.

Miles, J. Robert. Recordings for School Use-1942: A Catalog of Appraisals. New York, World Book Co., 1942. Presents the results of an extensive evaluative study of available recordings undertaken jointly by the Evaluation of School Broadcasts research project and the Recordings Division of the American Council on Education. Purpose of the catalog is to facilitate the wise purchases and effective use of phonograph records and radio transcriptions by schools.

Moses, Julian Morton. Collector's Guide to American Recordings, 1895-1925. New York, American Record Collector's Exchange, 1949.

A unique collection of data on rare celebrity discs.

National Mental Health Foundation, 1520 Race Street, Philadelphia 2, Pa. Producers of several series of programs dealing with mental illness and related problems.


Advertising Age. Weekly Advertising Publications, Inc., 100 E. Ohio Street, Chicago, Ill.

Advertising and Selling. Monthly. Robbins Publications, Inc., 9 E. 38th St., New York, N. Y.

AER Journal. Monthly. Association for Education by Radio-Television, 228 N. LaSalle Street, Chicago 1, Ill. Audio Record, 444 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y.

Audio-Visual Guide. Published monthly, September to May. Educational and Recreational Guides, Inc., 172 Renner Ave., Newark, N. J.

Broadcasting-Telecasting. Weekly. Broadcasting Publications, Inc., 870 National Press Building, Washington, D. C.

FM and Television. Monthly. FM Company, 240 Madison Ave., New York 17, Ν. Υ.

High Fidelity. Monthly. Radiocom, Inc., 264 Main St., Great Barrington, Mass.

IBS Bulletin. Monthly. Intercollegiate Broadcasting System, Bethany, West Virginia. Olivia Stuart, ed.

Listenables and Lookables. Three times a month. Leon C. Hood, ed., East Orange, N. J.

Movie and Radio Guide. Weekly. The Cecelia Co., 731 Plymouth Court, Chicago, Ill.

The News Letter. Monthly. Bureau of Educational Research, Ohio State University, Columbus 10, Ohio.

Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers. Monthly. Institute of Radio Engineers, Inc., 330 W. 42d St., New York, N. Y.

Q. S. T. Amateur Radio. Monthly. American Radio Relay League, Inc.,

38 La Salle Street, Hartford, Conn. Radio Amateur's Handbook. Yearly. American Radio Relay League, Inc.,

38 La Salle St., Hartford, Conn. Radio and Television Retailing. Monthly. Caldwell-Clement, Inc., Emmett St., Bristol, Conn.

Radio Best. Monthly. Radio Best, Inc., 452 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Radio Communication. Monthly. 264

Main St., Great Barrington, Mass. Radio Daily. Daily. Radio Daily Corp., 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Radio-Electronics. Monthly. Radcroft Publications, Inc., Erie Ave., F to G Sts., Philadelphia, Pa.

Radio Mirror. Monthly. Macfadden Publications, Inc., 205 E. 42d St., New York, N. Y.

Radio News. Monthly. Ziff-Davis Publishing Co., 540 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill.

Sales Management. Semimonthly. Sales Management, Inc., 386 Fourth Ave., New York, N. Y.

Saturday Review. Weekly. 25 West 45th St., New York 19.

Scholastic Teacher. 351 Fourth Ave., New York 10.

School Life. Monthly. Federal Security Agency, Office of Education, Washington, D. C.

See and Hear. Monthly. Audio-Visual Publications, Inc., 812 N. Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill.

Television Digest and FM Reports, 1519 Conn. Ave. NW., Washington, D. C. Tide. Semimonthly. Tide Publishing Co., Inc., 232 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y.

Variety. Weekly. Variety, Inc., 154 W. 46th St., New York, N. Y.

Sources of General Information

American Broadcasting Company, RCA Mutual Broadcasting System, 1440 INDEX

Building, New York, N. Y.

American Library Association, 50 E. Huron Street, Chicago, Ill. Chief, Information and Advisory Services: Mildred L. Bachelder.

Association for Education by RadioTelevision, 228 N. La Salle Street, Chicago 1, Ill. President: John C. Crabbe.

Columbia Broadcasting System, 485 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y.

Educational Radio Script and Transcription Exchange, Federal Security Agency, Office of Education, Washington, D. C. Director: Gertrude G. Broderick.

Federal Radio Education Committee, U.S. Office of Education, Federal Security Agency, Washington, D. C. Executive Secretary: Gertrude G. Broderick.

Intercollegiate Broadcasting System, Office of Public Relations, Bethany, West Virginia.

Joint Committee on Educational Television, 1785 Massachusetts Avenue, NW., Washington, D. C. Executive Director: Ralph W. Steetle.

Lowell Institute Cooperative Broadcasting Council, 28 Newbury St., Boston 16, Mass. Director: Parker Wheatley.

Broadway, New York, N. Y.

National Association of Radio and Television Broadcasters, 1771 N St. NW., Washington 6, D. C. Director of Public Affairs: Robert K. Richards.

National Association of Educational
Broadcasters. President: Seymour
Siegel, Station WNYC, New York
City; Executive Secretary: Jim Miles,
Station WBAA, Purdue University,
Lafayette, Ind.

National Broadcasting Company, RCA
Building, New York, N. Y.
National Congress of Parents and
Teachers, 600 S. Michigan Blvd.,
Chicago, Ill.

National Education Association, 1201
16th St. NW., Washington, D. C.
New Tools For Learning, 280 Madison
Ave., New York, N. Y. Director:
Raymond C. Lewis.

Radio-TV Services, Office of Education, Federal Security Agency, Washington, D. C. Chief: Franklin Dunham.

Rocky Mountain Radio Council, 21 E. 18th Ave., Denver, Colo. Director: Jack W. Lewis.

World Wide Broadcasting Foundation, 630 Fifth Ave., New York 20, N. Y. President: Walter S. Lemmon.

Adolescent Personality and Radio:
Some Exploratory Studies, 6

Adventure in Radio, 24
Advertising Age, 40

Advertising and Business Side
of Radio, The, 6

Advertising and Selling, 40
Advertising Media, 1
Advertising Procedure, 5
AER Journal, 40

Airlanes to English, 21
All About Broadcasting, 6
All Children Listen, 3
Amateur Radio Handbook, 32
American Broadcasting Company, 41
American Dental Association, 39
American Library Association, 41
American Medical Association, 39
American Radio, The, 8

American Scenes, 26
American Scriptures, 28
American Story, The, 26
American Universities and

Colleges That Have Held
Broadcast Licenses, 18

Americans All - Immigrants All:
A Handbook for Listeners, 20
Analysis of the Radio Broadcasting
Activities of Federal Agencies, 3
Announcing for Radio, 15
Article Writing and Marketing, 12
Association for Education by
Radio-Television, 41
Association of Junior Leagues

of America, 26, 39 Attitudes of Rural People Toward Radio Service, 8 Audio Record, 37, 40 Audio-Visual Aids

to Instruction, 19, 21 Audio-Visual Bibliography, The, 21 Audio-Visual Guide, 40

Audio-Visual Materials
and Techniques, 20
Audio Visual Methods in Teaching, 19
Audio-Visual Techniques, 18


Basic Standards for School
Sound Systems, 37

BBC Handbook, 1
BBC Yearbooks, 1928 to Date, 1
Beginning Radio Production, 17
Behind the Microphone, 14
Best Broadcasts of 1938-39, 28
Best Broadcasts of 1939-40, 28
Best Broadcasts of 1940-41, 28
Bibliography on Educational
Broadcasting, 18
British Broadcasting, 2
Broadcast Operators Handbook, 32
Broadcast Receivers and

Phonographs for Classroom Use, 37 Broadcasting: Radio and Television, 3 Broadcasting and Broadcast

Advertising Yearbook, 1 Broadcasting and the Bill of Rights, 1 Broadcasting Music, 15 Broadcasting's Better Moustrap, 36 Broadcasting-Telecasting, 40


Can Radio Listening Be Taught?, 9
Catalog of Radio Recordings, 39
Catholics, Meet the Mike, 16
Central Sound Systems
for Schools, 37
Chandler Records, Inc., 39
Children's Reactions to Radio
Adaptations of Juvenile Books, 21
Children's Reading Service, 39
Children's Record Book, The, 39
Classroom Radio Receivers, 37
Collector's Guide to American
Recordings, 1895-1925, 39
Columbia Broadcasting System, 41

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