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HELPFUL AIDS to finding information on all new methods and media being introduced in our schools is one of the services which has been extended by the Office of Education over many years. A comprehensive radio bibliography was supplied when radio was first introduced into the classroom. In 1948, television was added to this annotated listing. Now in 1952, the books and articles have markedly increased in relation to these fields and have added greatly to the general area of this service. A wide variety of books on both radio and television as well as published studies which have contributed to the rapid advancement of radio and the electronic arts in the past few years are now included. The compilation has been made by Gertrude G. Broderick, Specialist in Radio-Television Education under the direction of Franklin Dunham, Chief of RadioTelevision Services, Instruction, Organization, and Services Branch. It is hoped that this new edition will be of great value to all those who are carrying on the work of radio and television in education and particularly to those who are contemplating such work at this time.

WAYNE O. REED, Assistant Commissioner,

Division of State and Local School Systems.

GALEN JONES, Director, Instruction,

Organization and Services Branch.




Allport, G. W., and Cantril, Hadley. The Psychology of Radio. New York, Harper & Bros., 1935.

An analysis by leading psychologists of the general psychological and cultural factors that shape radio programs and determine the responses of listeners. Also contains the results of experiments conducted on voice and personality, sex differences in radio voices, speaker vs. loudspeaker, listening vs. reading, and effective conditions for broadcasting.

Brennan, Ed. Advertising Media. New

York, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1951.

A comprehensive text designed to give the student an understanding of the functioning of major forms of advertising media, as well as effective methods and means of buying and selling space and time.

Bridge, Harry P. Practical Advertising. New York, Rinehart & Co., Inc., 1949. A text designed to acquaint the student with an actual working knowledge of every phase of the advertising business.

Practical Advertising - Television Supplement and Workbook. New York, Rinehart & Co., Inc., 1951.

A supplement to the textbook Practical Advertising, designed to acquaint teachers and students with of the problems and techniques of advertising by television.


British Broadcasting Corporation. BBC Handbook. London, Jarrold & Sons, Ltd., 1940.

Reveals the problems which confront the broadcasting service in a country at war; the effects of the war on BBC's plan for an exchange of programs with other countries; and the development of television,

BBC Yearbooks, 1928 to Date. London, The British Broadcasting Corporation, Broadcasting House. (Also available from the British Library, New York 20, N. Y.

Annual reports of the program, technical, and other activities of the British Broadcasting Corporation.

Broadcasting and the Bill of Rights. Washington, D. C. The National Association of Radio and Television Broadcasters, 1947.

A collection of statements presented by representatives of the broadcasting industry during hearings on the White Bill (S. 1333) to amend the Communications Act of 1934.

Broadcasting and Broadcast Advertising Yearbook. Washington, D. C., Broadcasting Publications, Inc. (Issued every year.)

Comprehensive reference handbook of directories and information relating to all phases of radio.

Bryson, Lyman, Ed. The Communication of Ideas. New York, Harper & Bros., 1948.

A volume of lectures emphasizing the philosophical orientation of mass communication by pioneering experts, as presented before the Institute for Religious and Social Studies of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, and moderated by the Editor.

Time For Reason. New York, George W. Stewart Pub., Inc., 1948.

A concise discussion of the general organization and philosophy of American radio based on a series of CBS broadcasts dealing with the problems and potentialities of radio broadcasters and with criticisms and opinions of listeners.

Caldwell, Louis G. Developments in Federal Regulation of Broadcasting. New York, Variety, Inc., 1941.

Covers Federal regulation and hearing procedures.

Carver, Robert I. Successful Radio Advertising. New York, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1949.

A detailed analysis of facts and figures, plans and policies relating to the enormous field of radio sponsor-participation programs.

CBS Radio and Television Bibliography. Revised to December 1944.

Chappell, Mathew N., and Hooper, C. E. Radio Audience Measurement. New York, Stephen Daye, Publishers, 1944.

Principles of measurement by which listener reaction can be gaged. Combines observations in the technical, professional, and commercial fields.

Chase, Francis. Sound and Fury. New York, Harper & Bros., 1942.

A detailed informal history of broadcasting in all its aspects from the early days of the wireless to present-day radio.

Clausse, Roger. Education by RadioSchool Broadcasting. Paris, UNESCO, 1949.

One of a series of UNESCO studies on specific problems of mass communications. This booklet examines radio as an instrument and points up its merits and its limitations as a means of expression and education.

Coase, R. H. British Broadcasting. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1950..

A study in monopoly published for the London School of Economics and Political Science.

Connah, Douglas Duff. How To Build the Radio Audience. New York, Harper & Bros., 1938.

A study of audience building from the point of view of program promotion. The author discusses the public relations factor in commercial broadcasting-tells what makes people listen, how we know they are listening, and the specific techniques to follow in the process of building an audience. The appendixes include a program promotion checklist and sample publicity campaigns.

Curtis, Alberta. Listeners Appraise a College Station. Washington, D. C., Federal Radio Education Committee, U. S. Office of Education, 1940.

A report of the reactions of the listening audience to the programs of radio station WOI, Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. The author devoted a full year to her study of the WOΙ audience, under the guidance of Paul F. Lazarsfeld, director of the Princeton Radio Project.

Daniel, Cuthbert, and Gaudet, Hazel. Radio Listener Panels. Washington, D. C., Federal Radio Education Committee, U. S. Office of Education, 1941.

Intended to serve as a practical guide in the use of repeated interviews for audience building and program improvement, and in studying the effects and influence of programs on listeners, this report analyzes the radio listener panel. Describing a listener panel as a "cross between a poll and a case study," this study presents the collective observations of the Office of Radio Research on this method of audience measurement.

Day, Enid. Radio Broadcasting for Retailers. New York, Fairchild Publishing Co., 1947.

A guide for the sponsor and the radio salesman.

Digges, I. W. The Modern Law of Advertising and Marketing. New York, Funk & Wagnalls, 1948.

A concise, comprehensive, and authoritative handbook of the legal aspects of advertising. Includes 16 pages on radio broadcasting and television.

Dill, Clarence C. Radio Law: Practice and Procedure. Washington, D. C., National Law Book Co., 1938.

Gives the background of radio law, including the Radio Act of 1927 and the Communications Act of 1934.

Dryer, Sherman H. Radio in Wartime. New York, Greenberg Publishers, Inc., 1942.

The purpose of this book is to provoke discussion about radio's part in the war. In addition to other material, the book contains transcripts of several programs and scripts of radio plays by Arch Oboler and Norman Corwin.

Dunlap, Orrin E., Jr. Dunlap's Radio and Television Almanac. New York, Harper & Bros., 1951.

A reference book on men, events, inventions and dates that made history in electronics from the dawn of electricity to radar and television. Radar. New York, Harper

Bros., 1946.

A popularly written story of a miracle in radio, written so the layman can understand. Radar. New York, Harper

Bros., 1948.

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