A dramatic presentation on what radar is and how it works in war and peace. Ernst, Morris L. The First Freedom. New York, Macmillan Co., 1946. A discussion of monopoly, big business and freedom of the press, radio, and the movies. Ewbank, Henry L. and Lawton, Sherman P. Broadcasting: Radio and Television. New York, Harper & Bros., 1952. See page 13. Federal Communications Commission. The Communications Act of 1934. Washington, U. S. Government Printing Office. (Rev. to Jan. 1952) Standards of Good Engineering Practice Concerning Standard Broadcast Stations, 1939. (Rev. to Oct. 30, 1947) Standards of Good Engineering Practice Concerning FM Broadcast Stations, 1945. (Rev. to Jan. 18, 1950) Standards of Good Engineering Practice Concerning TV Broadcast Stations, 1952. Part 3, Rules and Regulations Governing Broadcast Services Over AM, FM, Non-commercial Educational FM, and TV. Dec. 13, 1950. Field, Harry. See Lazarsfeld - The People Look at Radio. Fischer, Henry G. Radio Regulation. Washington, D. C., Pike & Fischer., 1948. Author is executive editor of these three volumes: Vol. I. Relevant statutes, congressional committee reports and court rules; treaties, rules, and regulations of the FCC. Vol. II. Digest of all FCC decisions; Vol. III. FCC decisions since July 1, 1945 and of the courts since Jan, 1948. Friedrich, Carl J., and Sayre, Jeanette. An Analysis of the Radiobroadcasting Activities of the Federal Agencies. Littauer Center; Harvard University, 1941. The third in a series of six studies on the control of radio. A judicious selection of verbatim quotes from testimony, private conversations, and trade comment, with footnotes showing something of the contending forces on a new social frontier. Controlling Broadcasting in Wartime. Littauer Center, Harvard University, 1940. The second in a series of six studies on the control of radio. Since there was no precedent for the control of radio, and radio broadcasting presents technical complications not present in the case of the press, this study deals with four basic tasks to be considered in determining how radio should be operated and controlled during wartime. The Development of the Control of Advertising on the Air. Littauer Center, Harvard University, 1940. The first in a series of six studies on the control of radio. From the viewpoint of the student of Government and politics, the study deals with who has the power to determine what shall be advertised on the air and how. and Smith, Sayre, Jeanette, Radio-broadcasting and Higher Education. Littauer Center, Harvard University, 1942. Gaudet, Hazel. See Daniel - Radio Listener Panels. Gordon, Dorothy. All Children Listen. New York, George W. Stewart, 1942. Stresses the need to draw children's attention to the ideals of our democratic culture through the use of radio. Griswold, Glenn and Griswold, Denny, eds. Your Public Relations. New York, Funk & Wagnalls Co., 1948. A practical working handbook covering the history, principles, and techniques of public relations as written by experts from 32 fields. Harris, Jack. See Kirby-Star Spangled Radio. Hepner, Harry Walker. Effective Advertising. Syracuse, N. Y., Syracuse University, 2d ed., 1951. A standard basic text for first-year course in advertising covering all phases of the subject, including mass media. Heylinger, William. You're on the Air. New York, D. Appleton-Century Co., 1941. The author has written a behind-the-scenes book which gives a vivid picture of the various problems of producing a show for radio. Hill, Frank Ernest. The Groups Tune In. Washington, D. C., Federal Radio Education Committee, U. S. Office of Education, 1940. A study of listening groups. The first part deals with the relative merit of listening in a group as compared with listening alone; the second is a study of the organization, the motivation, and the objectives of listening groups both in the United States and in Europe. and Williams, W. E. Radio's Listening Groups. New York, Columbia University Press, 1941. A pioneering study of listening groups. Several new angles of the subject are discussed. Book is divided into two parts: Listening groups in the United States and Listening groups in Great Britain. Hooper, C. E. See Chappell-Radio Audience Measurement. Hovland, Carl I.; Lumsdaine, Arthur A., and Sheffield, Fred D. Experiments on Mass Communication. Princeton, N. J., Princeton University Press, 1949. Vol. 3 in a series of studies in social psychology in World War II, editorially sponsored by the Social Science Research Council. Huth, Arno G. Communications and Economic Development. New York, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1952. A thought-provoking article in which the author raises some of the complex questions involved in the use of communications as a vitalizing and unifying force in modern civilization. La Radiodiffusion, Puissance Mondiale. Paris, Librairie Gallimard, 1937. (U. S. Distributor, Gregory Lounz, 17 E. 45th St., New York.) Probably the most exhaustive study of radio throughout the world. Its organization in the various countries, its history, and its future as predicted by leaders in various countries are discussed. Appendixes include a chronology license tax listing, by country, over a period of years and other useful data. (In French.) Radio-Heute Und Morgen. (Radio-Today and Tomorrow.) Zurich, Europa Verlag, 1944. (U.S. Distributor, Friedrich Krause, 4716 Broadway, New York City.) Examines the national and international status of broadcasting at the end of World War II, and presents preview of radio developments, including facsimile and television. Contains chapter on clandestine stations. Appendix includes explanation of physical laws of radio, a list of the most powerful transmitters, and the principal short-wave stations of the world. Radio Today. Geneva, Geneva Research Centre, 1942. (U. S. Distributor, Columbia University Press, 2960 Broadway, New York City.) Report on the wartime structure of broadcasting and its status in the different countries at the time when Europe was mainly dominated by Germany, and the Far East by Japan. Shows the suppression of freedom by totalitarian forces. Jones, Charles R. Facsimile. New York, Murray Hill Books, Inc., 1949. A story of modern developments in facsimile and of their usefulness to business, Government, and the public. Also includes technical fundamentals. Jones, Robert W. Copyrights and Trade-Marks. Columbia, Mo., E. W. Stephens Co. While author devotes little attention to specific problems of broadcasters, much of what is written concerning the statutory, judicial, and common-law provisions on copyright applies to radio stations and personnel, Radio and Kaplan, Milton Allen. Poetry. New York, Columbia University Press, 1949. An analysis of the literary and cultural possibilities of poetry as a vital aural art. Keliher, Alice V. Radio Workers. New York, Harper & Bros., 1940. A "picture fact book" (half pictures) on the history of radio, program production, and employees. Kendall, Patricia R. See Lazarsfeld Radio Listening in America. Kirby, Edward M., and Harris, Jack, Star-Spangled Radio. New York, Ziff Davis Publishing Co., 1948. A panoramic picture of radio's triumphs and troubles during the war years, with emphasis on the need for preparation for future exigencies. Klapper, Joseph T. The Effects of Mass Media. New York, Columbia University, 1949. A report to the Director of the Public Library Inquiry of the Social Science Research Council based on an examination of existing studies of the social effects of mass media. Kleppner, Otto. Advertising Procedure. New York, Prentice-Hall, 1941. This "how-to-do-it" handbook of current advertising practice, originally written in 1925, is now in its twenty-first printing. Suitable for use as a textbook in advertising courses, the book includes frequency modulation, television, the NARTB code, and other recent developments in radio. Kris, Ernst, and Speier, Hans. German Radio Propaganda. New York, Oxford University Press, 1944. Presents a comprehensive account of what the Germans at home were told about World War II in official German radio broadcasts. Landry, Robert J. This Fascinating Radio Business. Indianapolis, BobbsMerrill Co., 1946. Covers phases of radio with emphasis on social implications. Larrick, Nancy, and Melcher, Daniel. Printing and Promotion Handbook. New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1949. A guide for the planning and production of printing and advertising materials with significant applications to radio. Lavine, Richard A. See Moser-Radio and the Law. Lawton, Sherman P. See Ewbank. Broadcasting: Radio and Television. Lazarsfeld, Paul F. Communications Research, 1948-1949. New York, Harper & Bros., 1949. A study of the effects and control by a fairly centralized communications industry upon the intellectual and social life of our times. Radio and the Printed Page. New York, Duell, Sloan & Pearce, Inc., 1940. A survey of the educational aspects of radio, their effect on reading, and the potentialities of new and better methods of education by radio. and Field, Harry. The People and Kendall, Patricia R. Radio Listening in America. New York, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1949. An analysis of listening habits and of radio as a medium of mass information and entertainment, based on Nation-wide surveys by the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago. and Stanton, Frank. Radio Research, 1941. New York, Duell, Sloan & Pearce, Inc., 1941. The first in a planned series as a supplement to Dr. Lazarsfeld's own study, "Radio and the Printed Page." Contains six reports-three on different types of programs and three on listener reactions. Radio Research, 1942-1943. New York, Duell, Sloan & Pearce, Inc., 1944. The second of the Radio Research annuals, including analysis of daytime serials, radio in wartime, radio in operation, radio and popular music. Concludes with a series of up-to-date technical studies and a report on the use of radio research technique in the fields of the films and the popular magazines. Lesly, Philip, ed. Public Relations Handbook. New York, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1950. A practical reference on the how's, why's, what's, when's, and where's of public relations with contributions from 33 professional experts. Levenson, William B. Steve Sears, Ace Announcer. Chicago, The King Co., 1948. An informative account of radio broadcasting as told through the experiences of a teen-age boy. Loevinger, Lee. The Law of Free Wagnalls Co. A reference for knowing and understanding the basic rules and principles of the American economic system of free enterprise. Lumsdaine, Arthur A. See HovlandExperiments on Mass Communication. Look at Radio. Chapel Hill, N. C., Melcher, Daniel. See Larrick-Printing University of North Carolina Press, 1946. A survey by the National Opinion Center of the University of Denver, as analyzed by Columbia University's Bureau of Applied Social Research. 213289-522 and Promotion Handbook. Mercier, Claude. Low-Cost Radio Reception. Paris, UNESCO, 1950. One in the series of studies dealing with press, film, and radio in the world today. This report describes the results of an attempt to develop low-priced radio receivers for economically backward people; also to examine from the technical point of view the questions of collective and individual listening, looking to the organization of popular radio reception. Reinsch, J. Leonard. Radio Station Management. New York, Harper & Bros., 1948. A source book based on years of practical experience in radio station management. Explores all facets and treats them one by one. Midgley, Ned. The Advertising and The author examines the effect of radio on a typical American family during the past 20 years. Without being too obvious, the author shows how large a part the radio plays in the everyday living of both parents and children. Moser, J. G., and Lavine, Richard A. Radio and the Law. Los Angeles, Calif., Parker and Co., 1947. Examines every available decision in this country and the British Empire. NARTB Standards of Practice. Washington, D. C., National Association of Radio and Television Broadcasters, 1948. Adopted standards of practice for American broadcasters, effective July 1, 1948. The Television Code. Wash ington, D. C., 1952. Adopted standards for maintaining accepted level of television programming. Peet, Creighton. All About Broadcasting. New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1942. A vivid presentation of one of the great achievements of modern science, from the translation of sound waves by a microphone to the latest development of television. Radio Annual. New York, Radio Daily Corporation, 1938 to date. A handbook of directories to American radio stations and networks, and of miscellaneous information relating to many phases of radio. Reck, Franklin M. Radio From Start to Finish. New York, Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1942. A review of radio history from 1895 to present-day developments in television and FM. Radio Broadcasting. New York, Harper & Bros., 1940. An analysis of significant national problems in the field of radio broadcasting, with suggestions for their solution. Sponsored by the National Economic and Social Planning Association. Rowland, J. Howard. Adolescent Personality and Radio: Some Exploratory Studies. Columbus, Ohio, Evaluation of School Broadcasts, Ohio State University, 1943. A comprehensive survey of the influence of radio listening upon young people as a leisure-time activity. How to Build a Radio Audience. Columbus, Ohio, Evaluation of School Broadcasts, Ohio State University, 1943. A description of the results of three audience-building experiments conducted with school and parent groups. Publicity and audience measurement methods are discussed. Tyler, I. Keith and Woelfel, Norman. Criteria for Children's Radio Programs. Columbus, Ohio, Evaluation of School Broadcasts. (Available from: Federal Radio Education Committee, U. S. Office of Education, Washington, D. С.) This guide for program planners, writers, and producers of children's radio programs is a summarization of research findings and interpretations made by members of the staff of the Evaluation of School Broadcasts Project at Ohio State University. Gives 18 specifie criteria in 3 categories-ethics, social development, and entertainment. Sandage, C. H. Radio Advertising for Retailers. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1945. Considers the extent to which retailers and others have used radio, the character of such use, and the factors that made for success or failure. Sayre, Jeanette. See Friedrich-The Development of the Control of Advertising on the Air; Controlling Broadcasting in Wartime; An Analysis of the Radio Broadcasting Activities of Federal Agencies. Schechter, A. A. I Live On Air. New York, Frederick A. Stokes Co., 1941. An "inside" story of how news, special features, and sports broadcasts are produced. Many interesting stories of behind the scenes in radio are told. Schramm, Wilbur. Communications in Modern Society. Urbana, Ill., Uni versity of Illinois Press, 1948. A symposium giving general orientation toward the practical ends which communications can serve. Also contains bibliography. Mass Communications. Urbana, Ill., University of Illinois Press, 1949. A book of readings selected and edited for the Institute of Communications Research at the University of Illinois. Intended as an integrated introduction to mass communications for those interested in studying them through the windows of the social sciences. Schuler, Edgar A. Survey of Radio Listeners. Baton Rouge, La., 1943. Report of a State-wide study of radio listenrs in Louisiana made for the purpose of collecting information for guidance in planning better education programs. Copies of the report are available from the Radio Department, General Extension Division, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge. Seldes, Gilbert. The Great Audience. New York, The Viking Press, 1950. An analysis of what the three popular artsmovies, radio, and television-are doing to our tastes and standards, and to the environment in which we live. Sheffield, Fred D. See Hovland-Experiments on Mass Communication. Shurick, E. P. J. The First QuarterCentury of American Broadcasting. Kansas City, Mo., Midland Publishing Co., 1946. A chronological history of radio by subjects. Siepmann, Charles A. Radio's Second Chance. Boston, Mass., Little, Brown and Co., 1946. A critical analysis of radio's strength and its weakness in the United States with a "Plan for the Future." The Radio Listeners Bill of Rights. Details the responsibilities of the radio listener to contribute his share of thought and effort toward the betterment of radio "in the public interest." Radio, Television and Society. New York, Oxford University Press, 1950. A history of radio and television and a study of their social and psychological effects upon our tastes, opinions, and values. Sill, Jerome. The Radio Station: Management, Functions, Future. New York, George W. Stewart Co., 1946. An analysis of the economic aspects of radio-station management. Smith, Sayre Jeanette. See FreidrichRadio-broadcasting and Higher Edu cation. Solal, Lucien. See Terron-Legislation For Press, Film and Radio. Speier, Hans. See Kris-German Radio Propaganda. Spence, Hartzell. Radio City. New York, The Dial Press, 1941. A presentation, in novel form, of the background of radio entertainment. Primarily a story of a director of the radio division of a large advertising firm and his difficulties in persuading his clients to merchandise their products with some consideration for their listeners' tastes. Spence, Leslie. Radio Listening. Madison, Wis., Joint Committee for Better Listening, 1946. One of the best aids to evaluate radio programs by individual or group listeners. Spot Radio Promotion Handbook. New York Standard Rate & Data Service, Inc., 1949. A handbook based on a first-hand study of the practices, viewpoints, opinions, and experience of spot radio uses. Standards of Practice. See NARTB. Stanton, Frank. See Lazarsfeld-Radio Research, 1941, and Radio Research, 1942-1943. Stokowski, Leopold. Music for All. New York, Simon & Shuster, 1943. A great orchestral conductor presents the full scope of music as he sees it, and shows how the enjoyment of music is a birthright in which all can freely share. |