NOTE: Catalogs listing available recordings and giving prices, order numbers, and shipping information may be obtained from the sources given below. Before ordering records from sources other than your local distributor, it is advisable to obtain the most recent catalog information concerning records desired. Order by title and r.p.m. as well as by catalog number. AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, 50 East Huron St., Chicago, 11, Ill. CAPITOL, Hollywood & Vine, Hollywood, Calif. COLUMBIA RECORDS INC., 799 Seventh Avenue,New York 19, N. Y. ("Educational Catalog.") DECCA, Bridgeport, Conn., (See Audio Education, Inc.). EDUCATIONAL SERVICES, 1702 K St., NW, Washington 6, D. C. ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA FILMS, Wilmette, Ill. ENRICHMENT RECORDS, 246 Fifth Avenue, New York 1, N. Y. ETHNIC FOLKWAYS LIBRARY, Folkways Records and Service Corporation, 117 West 46th St., New York, N. Y. FEDERAL RADIO EDUCATION COMMITTEE, Office of Education, Federal Security Agency, Washington 25, D. C. FOLKWAYS RECORD AND SERVICE CORPORATION, 117 West 46th St., New York, N. Y. GLORIA CHANDLER RECORDINGS, INC., 4221⁄2 West 46th St., New York 19, Ν. Υ. GRAMOPHONE SHOP, INC., 18 East 48th St., New York 17, N. Y. HARVARD COLLEGE LIBRARY, Cambridge 38, Mass. (Harvard Vocarium Discs.) INSTITUTE FOR DEMOCRATIC EDUCATION, 212 Fifth Avenue, New York 10, N. Y. ("Lest We Forget Series.") JUNIOR LEAGUE OF PITTSBURGH, INC., Joseph Horne Company, Stanwix St. and Pennsylvania Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, Washington, D. C. ("Folk Music of the U. S. and Latin America," 1948; "Twentieth Century Poetry in English," 1951.) LINGUAPHONE INSTITUTE, 92 RCA Building, New York 20, N. Y. (Record Series in English.) MERCURY RECORD CORPORATION, 522 Fifth Avenue, New York 18, N. Y. ("Mercury Childcraft," "Mercury Classics," "Mercury-Sound Book.") NATIONAL COUNCIL OF TEACHERS OF ENGLISH, 211 W. 68th St., Chicago 21, III. POPULAR SCIENCE PUBLISHING COMPANY, 353 Fourth Avenue, New York, 10, N. Y. RCA VICTOR DIVISION, RADIO CorporatioN OF AMERICA, Camden, N. J. ("The Music America Loves Best," "The Request Catalogue.") TRAINING AIDS, INC., 7414 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles 36, Calif. ("The School Guild Theatre Catalogue.") U. S. RECORDING COMPANY (Panacoustic), 1121 Vermont Ave., Washington, D. C. ("Those Historic Years.") VOX PRODUCTIONS, INC., 236 W. 55th St., New York 19, N. Y. U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1952-212626 |