Table 50.-FEDERAL FUNDS FOR COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS IN OTHER AMERICAN REPUBLICS, 1948-49 ΤΟ 1951-52 1 These are budgeted figures for the 1951-52 school year. Actual expenditures will run substantially lower, especially in Brazil. Programs in the Dominican Republic, Honduras, and Nicaragua were initiated late in the 1951-52 school year. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Congress has given the Treasury Department responsibility for the administration of certain educational features which are closely associated with the regular operating programs. These include educational programs to promote the habit of saving, to give the public skills in the recognition of counterfeit money, and to provide specialized in-service training for customs inspectors and law-enforcement officers. Expenditures for these educational services can scarcely be segregated and reported in tabular form. They are parts of budgets for operating divisions within the Treasury Department. One program on which specific amounts can be reported as the cost of education pertains to the educational services for Coast Guard personnel. These educational services are provided through the operation of the Coast Guard Academy and through the payment of tuition for individuals who are assigned to take academic training at specific institutions of higher education. Amounts expended for these educational services are presented in table 51. Data were obtained from the Treasury Department. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA As in other large cities, the public board of education for the District of Columbia operates a complete program of public education. This probably should be regarded as essentially a local program rather than a Federal activity in education since it is supported chiefly by local taxes. However, the Federal Government does provide some funds for its operation. This Federal Table 51.-FEDERAL FUNDS ALLOTTED FOR THE EDUCATION OF COAST GUARD PERSONNEL, 1942-43 ΤΟ 1951-52 contribution is not made directly to the Board of Education, but is appropriated to the government of the District of Columbia. It applies to the total district budget without specifying that a certain amount is for public education. For the past 5 years this Federal contribution has averaged 11.5 percent of the total budget for the District government, including education. In the District of Columbia the educational services operated by the Board of Education include elementary, junior high, senior high, and vocational high schools operating on a segregated basis for white and Negro children. In addition, two institutions for higher education are provided. Wilson's Teachers College is for white students who are preparing to teach in the public schools and Miner Teachers College is for the preparation of Negro teachers. Figures are not reported separately for these institutions, since they are operated as integral parts of the city system of public schools under the direct control of the Board of Education. Expenditures reported for the public schools in the District of Columbia include expenditures for these two colleges. Annual expenditures for public education provided by the public board of education in the District of Columbia are presented in table 52. For the past 5 years it may be assumed that approximately 11.5 percent of these funds were derived from the Federal treasury and that 88.5 percent came from local tax revenues in the District of Columbia. In the school year 1950-51, however, Federal funds amounted to only 9.53 percent of the total appropriations to the government of the District of Columbia, and so it may be assumed that 9.53 percent of the educational expenditures, or $2,697,000, were derived from the Federal treasury. Local revenues are derived chiefly from the property tax and a personal income tax. Data for table 52 were obtained from the Department of Business Administration for the public schools of the District of Columbia. National Training School for Girls. Within the District of Columbia is located the National Training School for Girls which offers a controlled environment for the custody and care of delinquent girls generally between the ages of 14 and 18 years. The annual budget for the school is included as a part of the budget for the Board of Public Welfare of the District of Columbia government. It may be assumed that the Federal Government provides an average of 11.5 percent of these funds as it has provided in recent years for the expenses of government in the District. Data relating to the operating expenses for the National Training School for Girls have been obtained from the Board of Public Welfare and they are presented in table 53. National Training School for Boys. This school, located in the District of Columbia, is a correctional institution operated by the Department of Justice. Expenditures for this school would include amounts for maintenance and subsistence as well as instruction. Figures for these educational programs in the Department of Justice are somewhat difficult to separate from the normal operating budgets and consequently are not presented here in detail. Table 52.-EXPENDITURES FOR PUBLIC EDUCATION IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, 1941-42 ΤΟ 1950-51 Table 53.-FEDERAL FUNDS ALLOTTED BY THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA FOR THE NATIONAL TRAINING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, 1944-45 ΤΟ 1951-52 Total (8 years). $524,866 1947-48- 1944-45- 57,165 1949-50. 1950-51.. $55,987 62,939 69,956 73,495 78,389 SUMMARY Reports prepared by the Hoover Commission and the Legislative Reference Service of the Library of Congress have given reliable evidence concerning the extent that Federal funds are granted for educational activities. They revealed that almost all of the departments, agencies, and offices have educational programs which are in addition to routine in-service training of employees. In this issue of Federal Funds for Education an effort has been made to include as complete a coverage as can be obtained by moderate inquiries. Some programs are omitted because portions of appropriations expended for education can scarcely be separated from funds for other purposes or because the agency considered it inappropriate to present the detailed information. Recent bulletins in this series show a considerable amount of activity in education by Federal agencies. Some of the programs reported are increasing rapidly, while others are declining or being eliminated altogether. Bills presented in Congress indicate that many members are in favor of establishing new programs of Federal assistance for education. Some of them also raise questions concerning the placement of the educational functions. Most of the Federal funds for education have been administered by educational divisions and sections in the several departments, agencies, and offices, but recent enactments have indicated that Congress is interested in centering more of the educational programs and appropriations in the Office of Education. Federally affected areas, 15, 26, 68 Fellowship program, 77 Finnish fellowships, 85 Flat-grant funds, 9, 48 Acquisition values, 43 Adams Act, 49 Adult education, 4, 5 Agricultural Experiment Stations, 3, 4, 6, Agricultural Extension Service, 3, 4, 16, 52 Agricultural Organic Act, 54 Agriculture, Department of, 3, 5, 16, 18, 48 Alaska Station Act, 49 American Printing House for the Blind, 3, 14, 22, 38 Apprentice school, 78 Apprenticeship training, 3 Army Officer training, 12 Army Orientation program, 4 Atomic Energy Commission, 3, 5, 6, 11, 76 Bankhead-Flannagan Law, 54 Buildings transferred, 44 Bureau of Land Management, 65 Bureau of Standards, 80 Canal Zone, 78 Capper-Ketcham Act, 53 Chinese Emergency Aid Program, 85 Coast Guard, 12, 87 Columbia Institution for the Deaf, 12, 38 Counseling, 72 Defense, Department of, 3, 5, 6, 41, 82 District of Columbia, 3, 87 Donable personal property, 41 Economic Cooperation Administration, 3 Education and training, 17, 70 Educational programs, 76 Exchange of Persons Program, 3, 4, 84 Fair value of transfers, 43 Federal interest in education, 6 Federal Security Agency, 3, 12, 14, 18, 22 |