Table 37.-FEDERAL PAYMENTS FROM RECEIPTS FOR LEASING MINERAL Table 38.-FEDERAL PAYMENTS FROM RECEIPTS FOR LEASING MINERAL LANDS, FOR THE 1949–50 AND 1950-51 SCHOOL YEARS The construction of Federal reclamation projects has required the presence of many workers and their families at points which are remote from public-school facilities or at places where the larger numbers of pupils would burden local educational services. Congress recognized this situation in its enactment of June 29, 1948 (80th Cong.) known as Public Law 835. This law authorized the Secretary of the Interior to make such provision as may be deemed necessary and in the public interest for the education of dependents of persons employed on the actual construction of Federal reclamation projects. Appropriate action is taken when it is found that by reason of such construction activity an undue burden is or will be cast upon the facilities of the public-school district serving the area in which the construction is being undertaken. Assistance under cooperative arrangements may include contributions toward the cost of educational services required, payments for the operation of Government facilities by the school district, or allotments for the expansion of local facilities. The Act of May 14, 1948, referred to as Public Law 528, authorized for the fiscal years 1948, 1949, 1950, and 1951, payments not to exceed $65 per semester per pupil to the Boulder City School District, as reimbursement for the actual cost of instructing pupils who are dependents of any employees of the United States living in the immediate vicinity of Boulder City, Nev. Total amounts made available by the Department of the Interior for educational services are reported in table 39 and amounts for educational facilities are given in table 40. These are reported for the 1948-49, 1949-50, and 1950-51 school years. Data were obtained from the Bureau of Reclamation of the Department of the Interior. Congress has arranged that any further obligations of this kind will be met through the operations of Public Laws 815 and 874 (81st Cong.). Federal assistance for educational services in federally affected areas provided under Public Laws 815 and 874 are reported in this bulletin on pages 26 to 31. Table 39.-FEDERAL FUNDS ALLOTTED FOR THE EDUCATION OF DEPENDENTS OF PERSONS EMPLOYED AT RECLAMATION PROJECTS, FOR THE 1948-49, 1949–50, AND 1950–51 SCHOOL YEARS Table 40.-FEDERAL FUNDS ALLOTTED FOR EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES FOR THE EDUCATION OF DEPENDENTS OF PERSONS EMPLOYED AT RECLAMATION PROJECTS, FOR THE 1948-49, 1949–50, AND 1950-51 SCHOOL YEARS A EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS OF THE FTER WORLD WAR II, the Federal Government was concerned about the restoration of the citizen soldier to his former civilian status. To assist with this re-orientation and to compensate the men and women for the wartime interference with their educational programs, many services were provided by the Veterans Administration. Especially important were those pertaining to the further education and the vocational rehabilitation of the veterans. Other services provided by the Veterans Administration include programs of compensation, pensions, loan guarantees, life insurance, death benefits, and medical care. BASIC LEGISLATION FOR REHABILITATION AND EDUCATION The basic Acts upon which the vocational rehabilitation and education and training programs rest are: (a) Public Law 16, Seventy-eighth Congress, as amended; and, (b) Public Law 346, Seventy-eighth Congress, as amended. Under Public Law 16, as amended, the Veterans Administration prescribes, provides, and supervises a program of vocational rehabilitation for disabled World War II veterans. Its purpose is to restore employability lost by virtue of a handicap due to serviceincurred disability for which wartime rates of compensation are payable. The program covers each step in the rehabilitation process from the veteran's initial application through various courses in the educational preparation, and provides assistance for his placement in suitable employment. Under the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944, Public Law 346, as amended, the Veterans Administration provides a program of education and training which makes it possible for an eligible veteran to pursue a course of his own choice in any approved school or job-training establishment which will accept him, provided that such course was initiated by July 25, 1951, or a date 4 years subsequent to the veteran's discharge from the military service, whichever is the later. RECENT LEGISLATION The following laws affecting education and training under the Servicemen's Readjustment Act and vocational rehabilitation under the Vocational Rehabilitation Act were enacted by the Congress during fiscal year 1951. Public Law 610, Eighty-first Congress, July 13, 1950, amends Veterans Regulation No. 1 (a) as follows: (1) defines the terms "customary cost of tuition" or "customary charges" as "customary tuition charges"; (2) establishes a minimum of 30 clock-hours of attendance for a full-time course in schools below college level offering trade or technical courses which include shop practice as an integral part thereof; (3) provides that over-payments of subsistence allowance to veterans will constitute a liability of the school when caused by willful or negligent failure by the school to promptly notify the Veterans Administration of unauthorized or excessive absences from the course or discontinuance or interruption of the course; (4) prescribes certain conditions under which veterans may be denied a change of course or additional education or training; (5) restricts the pursuit of courses avocational or recreational in character; (6) defines a nonprofit school and prescribes conditions under which a school may elect to be subject to the nonresident tuition rates; (7) provides conditions under which a profit school may secure and retain approval to train veterans when it has fewer than 25 students, or one-fourth of the students enrolled, whichever is larger, paying their own way. Public Law 894, Eighty-first Congress, as amended, extends to veterans who serve in the active military, naval, or air service on or after June 27, 1950, and prior to such date as shall be determined by Presidential proclamation or concurrent resolution of the Congress, the benefits of Public Law 16 needed to overcome the handicap of a disability incurred or aggravated by such service for which compensation is payable or would be payable but for retirement pay. TRAINING FACILITIES AND CONTRACTS The vocational rehabilitation of disabled veterans under Public Law 16 and the education and training of veterans under Public Law 346, administered by the Veterans Administration, are conducted through approved universities and colleges. These include professional and technological schools, private and public trade and vocational schools, business schools, secondary schools, Federal, State, and municipal agencies, and business and industrial establishments. No training facilities or educational institutions have been established by the Veterans Administration. Instead, it has followed the policy of using existing facilities which have been determined qualified and equipped to train veterans. Under Public Law 346, the appropriate approving agencies of the various States determine the adequacy of schools and training establishments and notify the Veterans Administration regional offices of such approvals. The Veterans Administration regional offices determine the adequacy of all facilities utilized for the vocational rehabilitation of disabled veterans under Public Law 16 and may approve additional facilities under Public Law 346, when necessary. Although the Administrator has the authority under Public Law 346 to approve educational facilities, he has exercised this authority only in a few instances concerning job-training establishments. Under Public Law 610, the Administrator is required to disapprove a course in any institution, other than public or other tax-supported institutions, which has been in operation for a period of less than one year immediately prior to August 24, 1949, or any new course in an institution other than a public or tax-supported institution which has been in operation more than one year, where such course completely departs from the whole character of the instruction previously given. Public Law 610 further provides that, should any State approval agency certify that a new or existing institution is essential to meet the training needs of veterans in its State, the Administrator, at his discretion, may approve such an institution notwithstanding the above-stated restrictions. The Administrator has, on some occasions, exercised this approval authority. At the end of June 1951, a total of 82,000 approved job-training establishments had veterans in training under Public Laws 16 and 346, and 16,000 approved educational institutions had veterans enrolled. The Veterans Administration had 9,800 contracts in force or in process on June 30, 1951, for the payment of tuition, fees, books, supplies, and equipment for veterans pursuing courses in educational institutions. In addition, there were 146 contracts in force with institutions offering instruction by correspondence, of which 73 were with colleges and universities and 73 with trade and industrial, business, and professional schools. Relative to institutional on-farm training of veterans, as provided under Public Law 377, Eightieth Congress, contracts have been negotiated with 37 individual States and the Territories of Hawaii and Puerto Rico. The contract with the Territory of Puerto Rico included the program in the Virgin Islands. These contracts provided that the State or Territory administer the program uniformly for each school. Individual contracts have been negotiated with 1,279 schools for institutional on-farm training of veterans. In each instance, the veteran's farm, or the farm |