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ance. But as the State and local contributions usually exceed the amounts required for matching, the Division of Vocational Education has estimated that approximately 110 million dollars of State and local funds will be expended on the vocational education programs which are reimbursed in part from Federal funds. This will make a total expenditure of more than $136,000,000 for all vocational education programs in the 1951-52 school year.


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1 Includes appropriations to Hawaii and Puerto Rico under separate acts.
Includes $40,000 for Virgin Islands not distributed by Division of Vocational Education.



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Three educational institutions, the American Printing House for the Blind, the Columbia Institution for the Deaf, and Howard University, receive special congressional appropriations each year for their operation. These funds are administered by the Federal Security Agency, and reports of operations are made annually to the Administrator of the Agency. However, in operation these institutions are private corporations and the Federal appropriations should be considered as payments for services rendered.


This nonprofit institution sponsored by the Federal Government is located at Louisville, Ky. Its primary purpose is to supply printed materials for schools and classes for the blind throughout the States and Territories. The sponsorship of the Federal Government was established through the Act of 1879, "To Promote the Education of the Blind." This first act appropriated $10,000 per year. In 1919 the appropriation was increased to $50,000. Two other enactments in 1927 and 1937 increased annual appropriations to $75,000 and $125,000, respectively. The latter amount has been provided each year since 1937.

Under the fiscal supervision of the Federal Security Agency the institution provides the individual States with educational materials for their blind populations. In utilizing the Federal appropriation the American Printing House for the Blind expends it only in payment of production costs of books and apparatus for the education of the blind. Allotments of materials to the institutions for the education of the blind are then made on the basis of quotas determined in relation to the numbers of blind students. These State quotas for the 1950-51 school year for the allocation of printed materials and apparatus are listed in column 6 of table 3. Data for this table were obtained from the American Printing House for the Blind, Louisville, Ky.

Institutions for the blind in all States use materials to the extent of these quotas and they also order printed materials needed in addition to quantities that can be provided by the Federal appropriation. These additional materials are supplied to the educational institutions in the States at cost. The annual Federal grant of $125,000 constitutes 12.9 percent of the total income of the American Printing House for the Blind.


This institution was established in 1857 by an Act of Congress. Seven years later, President Lincoln approved an Act authorizing the college to grant degrees in the liberal arts and sciences.

The institution is located in the District of Columbia and is operated primarily for the purpose of affording a higher education to deaf persons. It also serves by providing an educational program from kindergarten through preparation for college entrance for all those who are so deaf as to be unable to progress satisfactorily in schools for hearing students. Educational services are planned under the administration of four departments. They include the Kendall School, Gallaudet College, the Normal Department, and the Research Department.

Kendall School. This school provides instruction in the elementary and secondary grades. It is operated chiefly for the benefit of white deaf children residing in the District of Columbia. These pupils are admitted without charge to the individuals on the basis of a contractual relationship with the board of education of the District of Columbia. Under other arrangements similar pupils from the States may also be admitted. The Kendall School is the center of activity for students enrolled in the Normal Department. Here the student teachers have opportunity to develop teaching methods and skills needed for their later teaching in schools for the deaf in the States and cities.

Gallaudet College. - This college is the only one in the world where deaf students may earn college degrees. The curriculum is similar to those of other American Colleges that offer 4 years of work leading to the Bachelor's degree. Many of the graduates go into the teaching profession and join the staffs of State and local schools for the deaf throughout the Nation.

Normal Department. This department of the Institution was established in 1891 for the preparation of hearing young men and women who wish to teach the deaf. It also serves to increase opportunities for practice in speech and speech reading for all students of the Institution. Students of the Normal Department must be graduates of accredited colleges before they may be admitted for this training course. Graduates of this department teach in schools for the deaf in all parts of the country and many of them are in charge of special classes for the partially deaf children operated as a service of the public schools in many city and county school districts.

Research Department.-A Research Department was established in the Institution in 1937. It helps to foster a keen interest in the problems of the deaf and it has been meeting the needs for a central point where research work can be conducted leading toward the advancement of education for the deaf in the Nation. Research activities pertain to instructional methods, specialized equipment, pupil testing, and both teacher and pupil personnel practices.

The Columbia Institution for the Deaf has provided detailed figures regarding Federal funds appropriated for its operation. These are listed in table 14.


TION FOR THE DEAF, 1942-43 ΤΟ 1951-52

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This institution, established in 1867 and located in the District of Columbia, operates as an undergraduate college, a graduate school offering a master's degree, and eight professional schools, including Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Engineering and Architecture, Music, Social Work, Law, and Religion. The School of Medicine is associated with Freedmen's Hospital which adjoins the University campus. Federal funds may not be used for the School of Religion. Negroes constitute about 90 percent of the student body.

During the 1950-51 school year, the University enrolled approximately 5,200 students coming from 40 States, the District of Columbia, and 24 foreign countries. Students of the University are served by a faculty of 446 instructors of whom 138 are on a part-time basis. More than half of the approximately 17,000 graduates of this institution are teaching in the public schools.

Howard University, in recent years, has been engaged in a program of expansion. This is evident from the amounts appropriated for construction listed in table 15. Figures for this table were obtained from the University. They represent only the portions which are provided by the Federal Government. In addition to these amounts the University expends funds derived from endowments, gifts, student fees, and other sources as is customary in all universities. The total annual budget for current operation is approximately $5,000,000.


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1942-431943-44. 1944-45


0 1948-49

2,350,000 2,771,450

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0 1950-51








Surplus Federal property, suitable for further utilization by educational institutions continued to be available for donation to schools and colleges during the 1949–50 school year. Although the War Assets Administration's discount sales and donation programs and transfers by the Federal Works Administration to colleges, universities, and vocational schools under the Veterans Educational Facilities Program had been discontinued, the Office of Education continued to assist by allocating Federal surplus property for donation to tax-exempt educational institutions.

A suspension of donations by the Department of Defense for a period of several months accompanied the U.N. action in Korea. During this time the defense establishment was required to reevaluate needs and re-survey the property to assure that only property having no further Federal utilization value would be transferred as surplus. As a result of this re-examination, the acquisition value of surplus property made available for transfer in the 1950-51 school year was only 41 percent of the corresponding value for the preceding year.


In September 1950, P. L. 152 (81st Cong) was amended by Public Law 754 to make public health institutions eligible to receive donation of surplus personal property, along with educational institutions. Following this amendment, the Surplus Property Utilization Program was transferred from the Office of Education to a newly created Surplus Property Utilization Division in the Office of the Federal Security Agency. Concurrent with this change, State agencies for the allocation of Surplus Property in the various States were reorganized so that these offices might serve the needs of public health institutions, including hospitals, clinics, and health centers, as well as educational institutions.

These changes have produced some shifts in the allocation of surplus property. The acquisition value of surplus donable property allocated to educational institutions, summarized in table 17, averaged about $9,000,000 per month during the 1949-50 school year. Similar allocations to all institutions, for the following school year, dropped to an average of approximately $4,000,000 per month, of which about 90 percent was donated for educational purposes. Since January 1951, the amount of surplus property available for transfer to educational and health institutions has been gradually increasing. In consideration of the rearmament program, it is anticipated that the average donations for the 1951-52 school year may be approximately $5,000,000 per month, with

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