8. Federal Appropriations for Instruction at Land-Grant Colleges, for the 1951-52 School Year. 9. Number of Eligible Districts and Entitlements Allotted for Assistance in the Maintenance and Operation of Schools in Federally Affected Areas, for the 1950-51 10. Number of Projects, Federal Funds Reserved, and Amounts Paid through December 31, 1951, for As- sistance in the Construction of School Facilities in 11. Federal Funds Allotted for the State School Facilities 16. Acquisition Value of Donable Personal Property Allot- ted to Educational Institutions, 1946-47 to 1950-51 17. Acquisition Values and Allocations of Donable Per- sonal Property Made Available to Educational In- stitutions, for the 1949-50 School Year 18. Federal Surplus Real Property Transferred to All Educational Institutions, 1946-47 to December 31, 19. Acquisition Cost and Fair Value of Federal Surplus Real Property Allotted, for the 1950-51 School Year 20. Acquisition Cost and Fair Value of Federal Surplus Real Property Allotted, from July 1 to December 31, 1951 45 26. Federal Funds Allotted for Cooperative Extension Work, for the 1951-52 School Year_ 27. Federal Funds Collected from National Forest Rent- als and Available for Distribution for Roads and Schools, for the 1951-52 School Year___ 28. Federal Funds for Schools Paid to Arizona and New Mexico from Income on School Lands Situated with- in the National Forests in these States, 1942-43 to ing the Preceding School Years, 1942-43 to 1951-52 29. Federal Funds for Roads and Schools Paid to the States from Receipts from National Forests, Collected dur- 1951-52 30. Federal Funds Allotted, and Estimated Value of Com- 34. Federal Funds Allotted for Education of Children of 36. Federal Payments from Receipts for Leasing Grazing Lands, for the 1949-50 and 1950-51 School Years__ 37. Federal Payments from Receipts for Leasing Mineral 38. Federal Payments from Receipts for Leasing Mineral Lands, for the 1949-50 and 1950-51 School Years__ 39. Federal Funds Allotted for the Education of Depend- ents of Persons Employed at Reclamation Projects, for the 1948-49, 1949-50, and 1950-51 School Years 40. Federal Funds Allotted for Educational Facilities for the Education of Dependents of Persons Employed 42. Number of Veterans in Training and Expenditures for Vocational Rehabilitation and for Education and Training, 1943-44 to 1950-51 43. Expenditures for Vocational Rehabilitation and for 46. Federal Funds Allotted for Academic Training of Mili- tary Personnel at Civilian Schools and Service Academies, 1946-47 to 1951-52__ 47. Numbers of Participants from Other Countries En- gaged in Educational Exchange Programs, for the 48. Numbers of Participants from the United States En- gaged in Educational Exchange Programs, for the 50. Federal Funds for Cooperative Educational Programs in other American Republics, 1948-49 to 1951-52__ 53. Federal Funds Allotted by the District of Columbia for 89 F Foreword EDERAL AGENCIES are responsible for a variety of educational activities. These vary from operating programs for which specific appropriations are made to others which provide educational services incident to some other Federal purpose. Because of the variable nature of these services having educational significance, it is difficult to secure complete reports of all financial provisions for education made by the Federal Government. Through the years, the Office of Education has gathered figures from the Federal agencies and reported them in the series of publications on Federal Funds for Education. The present publication is the eleventh in the series. Each has been useful in supplying ready and authoritative answers to questions regarding the Federal interest in education. In the collection of these figures, the Office of Education has had the cooperation of officials in many departments, agencies, and offices of the Federal Government. Their assistance in supplying actual appropriation or expenditure data and in making estimates of portions that might be regarded as within the scope of this bulletin on Federal funds for education is appreciated. Chapter I FEDERAL PARTICIPATION IN EDUCATION F UNDS FOR PUBLIC EDUCATION in the United States are almost wholly derived from Federal, State, and local tax revenues. All three provide substantial amounts. Recent figures and estimates indicate that approximately 32 percent1 of all local tax collections are expended for public education. Similarly, 21 percent of the disbursements made by State governments and about 6 percent of the Federal budget are expended for educational purposes. In addition to these funds from public sources, other funds are derived from private sources for educational services. Private funds are used largely for the support of private schools and colleges. For many decades, city, State and Federal reports have presented accurate and comprehensive financial data pertaining to State and local funds expended for education. However, such reports have not given a corresponding amount of detail regarding Federal expenditures for education. The present series of bulletins has been the continuing source of information about the more significant expenditures, but it has been limited to 30 to 40 Federal programs whereas there are more than 200 Federal activities in education for which annual appropriations are made. Widespread interest in Federal funds for education has recently been extended by the growth in school population, the prevalence of school building needs, the movement of teachers away from the profession, and the many congressional bills proposing to solve these critical problems by providing more Federal aid for education. PURPOSE OF THE BULLETIN The presentation of detailed information on several major Federal Government programs providing funds for education, is the purpose of the present bulletin. Data have been gathered from many different Federal offices. Some were obtained from published reports of the agencies. Other information has been secured 1 Derived from estimates based upon local revenues for schools reported in FSA, Office of Education Circular No. 274, Public-School Finance Programs of the Forty-eight States. Total local revenues: U. S. Department of Commerce. Statistical Abstract of the United States, 1951. 350 р. *U. S. Department of Commerce. Statistical Abstract of the United States, 1951. 360 р. Ratio between the Federal expenditures of 44.6 billions for Fiscal 1951 and the $2,543,860,194 reported in table 6. |