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May borrow money and issue



dends and


porating the Lackawanna Coal and Iron Company, approved the fifth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three: Provided, That no stockholder shall be held individually liable, for any such debts, unless the same shall be sued for within one year after the same shall become due.

SECTION 8. That it shall, and may, be lawful, for said company, to borrow, at a rate of interest, not exceeding eight per cent., for the purposes of said improvements, and the development of said lands and estates, as aforesaid, a sum, not exceeding one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and to issue their coupon bonds therefor, in sums not less than one hundred dollars each, and, to secure the same, by a mortgage, or mortgages, of all their lands, estates, buildings, improvements, and corporate franchises.

SECTION 9. That said company may make semi-annual dividends of the net profits and receipts of the same, to, and among, all the stockholders, whether for stock issued, for capital paid in, for improvements, as aforesaid, or distributed, as herein before prescribed, for lands, or estates, as aforesaid.

SECTION 10. That the dividends of said company shall be Tax upon divi- subject to such taxation, as is imposed upon other corporations, by the general laws of this commonwealth; and that the lands of said company shall be subject to state, and county, and local municipal taxes, according to the assessors' valuation thereof, as the lands of individuals are assessable, and taxable, and that the payment of such taxes shall exempt said corporation, and the stockholders therein, from any tax upon the capital stock, issued for lands, or estates, as aforesaid.




SECTION 11. That it shall be lawful for the said directors, or a majority of them, and of whom a majority shall constitute a quorum, to adopt a common seal, with appropriate device, for the use of said corporation; and the certificates of stock, and other official acts of the corporation, shall be authenticated, by affixing the same; and to enact such by-laws, and regulations, as may be expedient, for conducting and regulating the affairs of the corporation: Provided, That the same shall not be inconsistent with the constitution and laws of this commonwealth.

SECTION 12. That the legislature reserves the right to amend, or repeal, this act, if the same shall, hereafter, be considered as incompatible with the general good of the commonwealth; but, in such wise, nevertheless, as to do no injustice to stockholders, purchasers, and lessees, of the said lands.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The twenty-seventh day of March, Anno Domini

one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two.


No. 604.

A Supplement

To the act, entitled "An Act authorizing the Governor to incorporate the
Columbia Water Company."

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represen tatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same,

That the president and managers of the Columbia Water Com- Increase of capipany be and they are, hereby, authorized, and empowered, to tal stock auincrease the capital stock of the said company, from time to thorized. time, and in such sum, or sums, as they may deem advisable, to the amount of fifty thousand dollars, and no more; and that

they have full power, and authority, to enter into, and upon, May enter upon all lands and enclosures, necessary to obtain any additional lands, &c., for supply of water, from all springs, or streams, whatever, and supply of water. to appropriate the same to their use; and thence, by means of pipes, trunks, aqueducts, dams, reservoirs, or other devices, conduct such water to the reservoir, or reservoirs, of said company, doing as little damage as possible to private property, and paying for whatever injury shall be done, by them; such damages to be assessed by three disinterested freeholders, ap- Damages. pointed on the application of the said president and managers, or the party who shall be aggrieved, to the court of common pleas of Lancaster county, as is directed by the seventh section of the act of assembly, entitled "An Act to authorize the Governor to incorporate the Columbia Water Company," approved twenty-ninth March, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-three.

SECTION 2. That it shall, or may, be lawful for the said presi- Authorized to dent, and managers, to purchase, and hold, any number of purchase acres of ground, not exceeding fifty, upon which any spring, ground. or stream, of water, may be found, and which they shall deem necessary for the purpose of increasing their supply of water for public, or domestic, use.

SECTION 3. That on, and after, the first Monday of January, Number of one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, the number of managers. managers of the said Columbia Water Company, shall not exceed seven.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The twenty-seventh day of March, Anno Domini

one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two.


No. 605.

An Act

To incorporate the Northern Iron Company.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represen tatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That M. H. Horn, junior, John Thomas, Jonas Biery, Doctor Abraham Stout, James M. Porter, junior, and such other persons as shall be associated with them, or a majority of them, and their successors, be and the same are hereby erected into a body corporate and politic, under the name, and style, of the Northern Iron Company, for the purpose of manufacturing iron, from the crude state, into any shape, in the counties of Lehigh, Carbon and Northampton, with a capital stock of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, with the power to increase the same to five hundred thousand dollars, to be divided into shares of fifty dollars each; the said company to be subject to all the limitations and restrictions, and to have all the powers, rights and privileges, contained in an act, entitled "An Act to incorporate the Eastern Iron Company," passed the ninth day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine, and the supplement thereto, entitled "A supplement to the act to incorporate the Eastern Iron Company," approved the twenty-second day of February, Amo Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The twenty-seventh day of March, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two.


No. 606.

A Further Supplement

To an act incorporating the Erie and Pittsburg Railroad Company.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represen tatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assem bly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same,

That the Erie and Pittsburg Railroad Company be and they are hereby authorized, to construct such branch railroads as they may deem expedient, each not exceeding ten miles in length, on the same terms and conditions, as in the act to which this is a supplement: Provided, That the provisions of this supplement shall not extend to that part of the Erie and Pittsburg railroad, proposed to be located in the county of Law



Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Speaker of the Senate pro tem.

APPROVED-The twenty-seventh day of March, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two.


No. 607.

A Supplement

To an act to incorporate the Sullivan County Coal Company, passed March twenty-sixth, one thousand eight hundred and sixty.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same That the Sullivan County Coal Company are hereby authorized to extend their railroad, when made, to the Barclay railroad, or the North Branch canal; and that the proviso, contained in the first section of the act to which this is a supplement, is hereby repealed: Provided, That that the real estate held by said company, for mining purposes, shall lie in the county of Sullivan: Provided further, That said company shall not enjoy manufacturing privileges.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Speaker of the Senate pro tem.

APPROVED The twenty-seventh day of March, Anno Domini

one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two.


No. 608.

In Act

To authorize the Pittston Baptist Church to sell certain Real Estate.

WHEREAS, Doctor Nathaniel Giddings, late of the borough of Pittston, Luzerne county, did, by his last will and testament, devise, in trust, for the use of the Pittston Baptist church, a certain lot of land, situate in said borough, and more particularly described in said will:

And whereas, The business of the place has since drawn off, from the vicinity of said lot, nearly all the population, so that it is no longer eligible, as a site for a place of meeting, for public worship; therefore,

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represen tatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the trustees of said church be, and they are hereby, authorized and empowered, to sell and convey, by public or private sale, as may be deemed advisable, all the right, title and interest of the said church, in and to the said lot of land, and invest the proceeds of sale thereof, in the purchase of such other more eligible lot, for the purposes aforesaid, as may be agreed upon by the trustees, aforesaid.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The twenty-seventh day of March, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two.


No. 609.

An Act

To incorporate the North American Shaft Company.

SPOTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represen tatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same,

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