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or by one of the judges thereof, in vacation, in the office of the prothonotary of said court; which said bond shall be drawn in the name of said prothonotary, for the use of the owner, or owners, whose land is taken, and used by said company, conditioned for the payment of all damages, which shall be assessed against said company, in the manner provided in the act to which this is a supplement, by reason of the use, or occupancy, of any land aforesaid; and from and after the filing of said bonds, it shall be lawful for said company to use and occupy said land, and use the materials thereon, in the same manner, as in case of persons with whom they can not agree, as to the amount of damages: Provided, That proceedings shall be commenced against said company, by said owner, or owners, within two years from the date of the filing of said bond, and damages shall only be received, by the person, or persons, owning said lands, at the time of filing the bond aforesaid: Provided further, That upon filing of any bonds, or bond, aforesaid, notice shall be given, by publication, for three successive weeks, in one newspaper, published in the said county, that said bond has been filed, and of the time when it will be presented to the court, or judge, as the case may be, for approval.

SECTION 2. That the number of directors of said company election of di- shall, after the next annual election for directors, consist of seven, a majority of whom, together with the president of said company, shall be residents of Pennsylvania, who shall be chosen by the stockholders, in the manner provided by the act to which this is a supplement.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The eleventh day of June, Anno Domini one

thousand eight hundred and sixty-three.




No. 1.

Joint Resolution

Relative to the purchase of Purdon's Digest and Ziegler's Manual.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, That the clerks of the two houses be and they are hereby authorized to purchase a copy of the last edition of Purdon's Digest and Ziegler's Manual, for each member of the Senate and House of Representatives; the accounts for which to be settled and paid in the usual manner, by the auditor general and state treasurer. JOHN CESSNA,

Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The nineteenth day of January Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three.


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No. 2.


To pay the Chief Clerk, Assistant Clerks, and other retiring officers.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, That the state treasurer shall pay the chief clerk, assistant clerk, and the following named transcribing clerks, of the House of Representatives, to wit: C. W. Walker, J. B. Niles, Robert Brown and James L. Connelly; also, to E. D.

Pickett, sergeant-at-arms, each ten days pay and mileage; Jas. Subers and Richard Hutchins, assistant sergeants-at-arms, each ten days pay: Casper Gang, door-keeper, ten days pay and mileage; A. D. Foss, G. W. Gettys, Lewis Frederick, assistant door-keepers, ten days pay; S. G. Blanchard, messenger, ten days pay and mileage; Henry Menold, assistant messenger, ten days pay; James M'Kean, Bernard Gunn, James Freeborn, Charles C. Idell, Mahlon Wanner, Henry Slaymaker and R. H. Krebb, pasters and folders, each ten days pay; and to H. A. Woodhouse, postmaster, fifteen days pay and mileage; and to R. Estworth, Henry Boyer and Henry Geddes, pages, each ten days pay, all of whom are retiring officers of the House of Representatives; and to Frederick L. Hitchcock, transcribing clerk, who was prevented from returning, by a severe wound, in battle received, in the service of his country; to Thomas Dixon and Joseph Moore, assistant sergeants-atarms; D. F. Johnson and J. M. Moorehead, assistant doorkeepers; to M. G. Brower, assistant messenger, and to Jacob Radabaugh and Thomas Ginginker, door-keepers of the rotunda, and to George Swartz, page, all of whom were retiring officers of the Senate, each ten days pay and mileage; said officers being in attendance, and performing their duties, at the opening of the present session, except those detained by illness; and to John F. Cochran, sergeant-at-arms of the Senate, for serving writs, ordering an election to fill a vacancy in the Nineteenth senatorial district, sixty-nine dollars and seventy-five cents, the same being the per diem allowance and mileage, to which he is entitled; and that the state treasurer be authorized, and directed, to pay to each of the firemen having in charge the furnaces in the basement of the capitol, and to the doorkeeper, and assistant door-keepers, of the rotunda, at the last session, the sum of one hundred dollars each, that being the amount appropriated to them at the last session: Provided, Said sum, or any part thereof, has not already been paid to said officers.

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APPROVED-The twenty-second day of January, Anno Domini

one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three.


No. 3.

Joint Resolution

Relative to the establishment of a navy yard at League island.

WHEREAS, The secretary of the navy, having decided to acept, on behalf of the federal government, the donation, by the ty of Philadelphia, of League island, for the establishment of navy yard:

And whereas, Efforts are now being made by congress, to inerfere with the action of the said secretary of the navy in the remises; therefore, be it

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the lommonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, That committee of three members of the Senate, and five members f the House of Representatives, be appointed, in connection with the governor of the commonwealth, to proceed to Washgton, to take such action as will advance the acceptance, by he United States government, of the said League island, for ,navy yard.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The twenty-seventh day of January, Anno Domni one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three.


No. 4.

Joint Resolution

Instructing our Senators, and requesting our Representatives, in Congress, to vote for the repeal of the duty on paper.

WHEREAS, It is alleged, and believed to be true, that a large majority of the manufacturers of paper, have entered into a combination to raise, and demand an exorbitant price for paper, higher than a fair and legitimate profit on its manufacture will warrant; therefore,

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met,

That our senators in congress are hereby instructed, and our representatives requested, to vote for the repeal of the law imposing a duty on paper.

Resolved, That the governor be requested to furnish a copy of this resolution, to each of our senators and representatives in congress.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The ninth day of February, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three.


No. 5.

Joint Resolution

Requesting the Governor to call on the General Government to return sick and wounded soldiers from this State, to Hospitals here.

WHEREAS, There are a great many sick and wounded soldiers in the army of the United States, from the state of Pennsylvania, whom the people of this state earnestly desire should be returned here, where they can be visited by their friends, and receive that care and attention which their situation demands; therefore,

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, That the governor is requested, in the name of this commonwealth, to call immediately on the general government, to order that all the sick and wounded soldiers, from this state, in the army of the United States, be returned to the hospitals here, in order that they may receive that care and attention which their situation may demand.

Resolved, That our senators and representatives in congress be urged to press upon the officers of the general government a compliance with this request.

Resolved, That copies of these resolutions be forwarded to our senators and representatives in congress.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The ninth day of February, Anno Domini one

thousand eight hundred and sixty-three.


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