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No. 564.

A Further Supplement

To an act to incorporate the Clinton County Coal Company, approved April eighteenth, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three, and changed to the name of the Eagleton Coal Company, by act of March twentyfourth, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represen atives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly me and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the name, style, and title, of the Eagleton Coal Company, Name changed. from and after the passage of this act, is hereby changed to

the Eagleton Coal and Iron Company, with all the powers, Powers and privileges, and authorities, heretofore granted to the Eagleton privileges. Coal Company, by the act of March twenty-fourth, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine, and the several supplements thereto, and subject to all the liabilities, and restrictions, of the same, except as herein otherwise provided.

and construct

lateral roads.

SECTION 2. That the said Eagleton Coal and Iron Company Authorized to are hereby authorized to extend their railroad, to form a con- extend their nection with the railroad of the Farransville company, at such road, make cerpoint as they may determine, and to construct such lateral tain connection branches, to their road, as they may, from time to time, deem necessary, in operating, and developing, the mines of said company; and for the purpose of making said extensions, and constructing said branches, purchasing rolling stock, and erecting improvements, necessary to the successful working of their property, the said Eagleton Coal and Iron Company are hereby authorized, and empowered, to increase their capital stock to any May increase sum, not exceeding thirty-two thousand shares, in the whole, capital stock. in such manner, and at such time, or times, as the board of managers of said company may deem proper: Provided, That Proviso. no such increase shall be made, unless the consent of stockholders, owning two-thirds of the stock of said company, shall be first had and obtained.

SECTION 3. That the board of managers of said company are Board of manhereby authorized to issue a second mortgage, to be signed by agers autho the president, and treasurer, of said company, of one hundred rized to issue a thousand dollars, secured upon the entire road, real and per- second mortsonal property of said company, together with all its corporate gage. rights, and franchises; and they are hereby authorized to issue Bonds. their bonds, secured by said mortgage, in sums of not less than one hundred dollars each, with, or without, interest coupons attached, at such rates of interest, and time, or times, of payment, as they may determine; and sell, and negotiate, the said 37

bonds, at such prices, upon such terms, and in such manner, as they may deem expedient.

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APPROVED-The twenty-fourth day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three.

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Relating to the estate of Rachel Parker.

WHEREAS, Rachel Parker, late of the city of Philadelphia, single woman, departed this life on the fifth day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, leaving no heirs :

And whereas, Immediately before her death, she gave instructions to a conveyancer to prepare her last will and testament, a draft of which was made, and read to her; whereupon, she declared that the same contained, and expressed, what she desired to leave, as her last will and testament; and she thereupon requested that her said will should be engrossed and brought to her, ready to be executed, on the following Monday; but, before that period arrived, she died, suddenly, and unexpect edly, on Sunday morning, without having executed her said will, whereby her estate has escheated to the commonwealth of Pennsylvania:

And whereas, The bequests in said will are chiefly for the benefit of poor, and aged, females, and some charitable, and benevolent, institutions, in Philadelphia, and the informer of the escheat has agreed to relinquish his right; now, therefore,

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represen tatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the register of wills, of the city, and county, of Philadel phia, be and he is hereby empowered, and directed, to admit to probate, certain papers, offered to him for that purpose, and purporting to be the last will, and testament, of the said Rachel Parker, deceased, and to issue letters testamentary thereon, with the like effect, in all respects, as if the said papers had been duly executed, and attested, at least one calendar month before the decease of the said Rachel Parker, and proved, in conformity with the requirements of the several acts of assem

bly, regulating the execution, attestation, and proof of wills; and all, and every, the devises, and bequests, in the said papers contained, are hereby confirmed: Provided, That nothing, herein contained, shall, in any wise, affect, or impair, the rights of any individual, or corporation, or prevent any claim, by such, as if this act had not been passed.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The twenty-fifth day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three.


No. 566.

An Act

To confirm a certain contract between Edwin M. Lewis, of the city of Philadelphia, and the Pennsylvania Coal Company.

WHEREAS, A certain contract, in writing, was, on the eighteenth day of December, one thousand eight hundred and sixtytwo, made, and entered into, by, and between, Edwin M. Lewis, of the city of Philadelphia, and the Pennsylvania Coal Company, a corporation created by the laws of Pennsylvania, for the sale, and purchase, of a body of coal lands, in the township of Plains, and county of Luzerne, containing three hundred and seventeen acres, and one hundred and thirteen and onehalf perches, and the surface right to about five acres additional:

And whereas, A portion of said lands are situate in that portion of said township of Plains, which formerly belonged to Wilkesbarre township:

And whereas, The said Pennsylvania Coal Company has no authority to purchase, and hold, lands, in the said township of Wilkesbarre in consequence whereof, the said contract cannot be carried into full force and effect; for remedy whereof,

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the Pennsylvania Coal Company is hereby authorized, and empowered, to receive a deed of conveyance for, and to hold, and possess, the lands, mentioned in the preamble to this act, as fully, and effectually, as though the power to purchase,

and hold, the same, had been expressly given, before the maiing of the above recited contract.

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APPROVED-The second day of May, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three.


Authorized to

create a capital stock, partly payable in outstanding scrip, and partly in cash.

The outstanding scrip uncon

verted into stock may be consolidated,

No. 567.

An Act

Relative to the Union Mutual Insurance Company of Philadelphia.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represen tatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the Union Mutual Insurance Company, of Philadelphia, is hereby authorized, and empowered, to create a capital stock of three hundred thousand dollars, to consist of fifteen thousand shares, of the par value of twenty dollars per share, and to receive subscriptions therefor, payable as follows: fifteen dollars on each share subscribed, in the outstanding scrip of the said company, and the remaining five dollars, per share, in cash.

SECTION 2. That the outstanding scrip of the said company, which may remain unconverted, by the scrip-holders, into stock, under the first section of this act, may be consolidated, at the option of the scrip-holders, and new certificates be issued and new certifi. therefor, to be called "the consolidated scrip of 1863;" and, when so consolidated, shall be the first scrip redeemed, when the aggregate amount of the stock, and scrip, shall exceed the sum of four hundred thousand dollars.

cates issued


Directors may

SECTION 3. That when the outstanding scrip of the said comredeem out- pany shall exceed the sum of two hundred thousand dollars, standing scrip. the directors may, at any time, pay off, and redeem, such portions of the same, as they may deem expedient, and proper: Provided, That in no case, shall the said scrip be paid off, to such an extent as to reduce the aggregate amount of capital stock, and scrip, below the sum of four hundred thousand dollars.


When dividend may be increased.

SECTION 4. That whenever the profits of the company shall, in any one year, exceed the sum necessary to enable the company to make a cash dividend of eight per cent., on the capital stock, pay six per cent., on the outstanding scrip, and make

a scrip dividend of twenty per cent., on the earned premiums
of the company, it may be lawful for the board of directors to
increase the dividend, on the capital stock, to ten per cent.,
of any such excess of profits.



SECTION 5. That upon the policies of insurance, made after Certificates of the passage of this act, the insured shall not be entitled to re- profits, or scrip, ceive a certificate of profits, or scrip, where the same amounts issued to the insured, relative to less than twenty dollars; and all fractional sums, between the several multiples, of twenty dollars, shall be passed to the contingent fund of the said company; and no certificate, for any sum, shall issue to any person, entitled to receive the same, unless the said certificate shall be claimed, within two years after the declaration of the dividend, for which said certificate is to issue; but the amount thereof shall, at the expiration of that time, belong to the said company: Provided, That due Certain notice notice of the expiration of said period shall be given, by ad- to be given to vertisement, to be published once a week, for. two months, in claimants of two daily newspapers, published in the city of Philadelphia; certificates. the expense of which advertising to be paid by the claimant of

the certificate, where the same is claimed, and issued, before the expiration of the time aforesaid.

SECTION 6. That subscriptions may be received for so much When and how of the capital stock of three hundred thousand dollars, autho- subscriptions rized to be created, and issued, by this act, as shall remain to capital stock unsubscribed for, by the holders of the scrip, after twenty days' may be received notice given, of the time, and place, of making said subscription, by publication, in two daily newspapers, in the city of Philadelphia; such subscriptions to be paid, in cash, and in the scrip, or certificate, of said company, issued for profits, prior to the date of this act, in the manner, at such times, and upon such terms, as the board of directors of said company This section not may determine: Provided, That this section shall not take to take effect affect, until it shall have been accepted by a majority, in amount, until accepted of the holders of the present outstanding scrip of the company. by majority of


Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The second day of May, Anno Domini one thou


sand eight hundred and sixty-three.


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