OF THE LEGISLATURE OF ALABAMA OF Local, Private and Special Character PASSED AT THE SESSION OF 1923 HELD AT THE CAPITOL, IN THE CITY OF MONTGOMERY, Commencing Tuesday, January 9, 1923 WM. W. BRANDON, GOVERNOR. CHARLES S. MCDOWELL, JR., LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR. I, S. H. BLAN, Secretary of State in and for the State of Alabama, do S. H. BLAN, Secretary of State. Montgomery, Ala. BROWN PRINTING COMPANY 1923 No. 19.) LOCAL ACTS PASSED AT REGULAR SESSION, 1923 AN ACT (S. 38. Garth. To create and establish a Board of County Commissioners in and for Madison County, Alabama, in the place and stead of the Board of Revenue of Madison County now existing, in said county and abolishing said Board of Revenue of Madison County; to divide said County of Madison into five districts defining the boundaries thereof; defining the jurisdiction of said Board of County Commissioners; fixing their compensation; conferring upon said Board of County Commissioners all the jurisdiction, powers and authority granted by law to County Commissioners, Boards of Revenue or other governing bodies of like name or authority in this State; authorizing the appointment of said Board of County Commissioners of a Clerk, and a Supervisor of Public Roads; providing of the holding of monthly meetings of said Board of Commissioners and providing for the repeal of all laws in conflict with this Act; providing for the appointment, nomination and election of said Board of Commissioners. Be it enacted by the Legislature of Alabama: Section 1. There is hereby created and established "The Board of County Commissioners of Madison County" to be composed of Five members, one of whom shall be the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, and all of whom shall be qualified voters of said County. Section 2. The "Board of Revenue of Madison County" as now instituted, is hereby abolished from and after the time this act becomes effective and is put into operation, and there is hereby conferred upon the Board of County Commissioners of Madison County, all jurisdiction and powers which are now, or may hereafter by law be vested in the Courts of County Commissioners, Boards of Revenue, or other like governing bodies of the several counties of this State. Section 3. That for the purpose of this Act and the enforcement thereof, the said County of Madison is hereby divided into five Subdivisions, to be known as Districts, and numbered respectively, from one to five both inclusive. District No. 1. shall embrace and be composed of all that territory now constituting beats or precinct numbered Fourteen, Seventeen, Two, Twenty Three, Twelve and Eleven and known respectively as Wells, Plevna, New Market, Sulpher Springs, Hazel Green and Meridianville. District No. 2. shall embrace and be composed of all that 241021 |