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In a companion volume of Principles, to be issued shortly, the authors of this volume of Sources have elaborated the principles underlying state educational control which have grown out of American experience with the public school systems of the states. These principles, promising, as they do, to become a guide for the solution of the difficult political problem of adapting the form and operation of educational institutions to the changes constantly demanded by the progressive evolution of our civilization, are, we feel, entitled to the serious study of both educationalists and publicists.

The present volume of Sources seeks to make readily accessible to students of educational administration some of the more important material illustrative of the principles of proper state and county school administration. No attempt has been made to include material that would comprehend all of the varied features of educational administration, but rather to parallel the book of Principles with a few of the more pertinent documents, arranged under the same divisions and chapter headings into which the book of Principles will be divided. It is believed that the present volume contains typical records reflecting the ideas and practices that have molded and still continue to influence the form of our educational organization, the manner of our educational administration, and, without question, the ultimate results of the school systems of the United States.

The underlying purpose of the two volumes on State and County School Administration will be to distinguish, in what appears to be a conglomerate mass of hit-and-miss experiments, those fundamental principles of educational organization and administration which American democracy has developed for the operation and control of its systems of public education. The material contained in this volume, as well as the subject

matter of the companion volume, has been collected and tested in class use in the two institutions which the two authors represent. Portions of the material have also been used with summersession classes in other institutions.

The first of the authors of this series has also further elaborated the principles underlying proper state and county school administration in his State and County Educational Reorganization. In this volume the principles set forth in this series have been given concrete expression in the form of a Constitution and detailed School Code for a hypothetical American state. The second of the authors of this series expects to publish in the immediate future a volume of Legal Decisions relating to Education, in which the fundamental questions of public educational policy and of administrative procedure, as interpreted by our highest courts, are set forth. These two volumes may be considered as additional source books, each of a different type, to illustrate the forthcoming volume of Principles.

The authors desire to record their indebtedness to those many educational officers from whose official reports material has been freely taken. It is very appropriate, furthermore, to acknowledge with appreciation the timely assistance given by President Henry S. Pritchett of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, Professor John Dewey of Columbia University, Professor John A. Fairlie of the University of Illinois, Professor W. A. Rawles of the University of Indiana, Professor Thomas H. Reed of the University of California, Honorable Julius A. Schmahl, Secretary of State of Minnesota, Judge Julian W. Mack, formerly judge of the Chicago Juvenile Court, Dr. Leonard P. Ayres of the Russell Sage Foundation and President Charles R. Van Hise of the University of Wisconsin, through their courteous permission to incorporate, in this volume, selections from their writings and public addresses. The publishers of McKechnie's The State and the Individual-James Maclehose and Sons of Glasgow- and of Wilson's The State-D. C. Heath and Company of New York - have generously authorized the reprinting of certain extracts from these works. The editor of Vocational Education, Dr. Charles A. Bennett, and the editor of The Survey,

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