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Organization and Mode of Government

The following extracts from the book of "Regulations" explain the organization and mode of government of the



"1. The President of the College shall have the general command and government of the institution, watching over its administration, discipline and instruction.”

"2. The Commandant of Cadets, under the President of the College, has immediate command and control of the corps of cadets in all that pertains to its organization, drill, military police, discipline and administration. He is charged with the instruction of the cadets in the theoretical military course and in all practical military exercises. He will prescribe the order in which the furniture, bedding, books, clothing, equipments, etc., shall be arranged throughout the barracks, and shall, in person, make a minute and thorough inspection of the rooms, furniture, arms and accoutrements, etc., of the cadets at least once each week, and make a report thereon to the President."

"3. For instruction in tactics and for military police and discipline the corps of cadets will be organized into one or more battalions of two or more companies each, and a band when practicable. In case the number of the cadets will permit of the formation of two or more battalions, the organization will be regimental."

"4. The cadet officers and non-commissioned officers will be appointed by the Commandant of Cadets, subject to the approval of the President of the College. The selection for these positions will be made from those cadets who have been most studious and soldier-like in the performance of their duties and most exemplary in their general deportment. As a rule the cadet captains and lieutenants will be selected. from the senior class; the non-commissioned staff and the sergeants from the junior class; and the corporals from the sophomore class."

"5. The field and staff shall consist of two cadet majors, two cadet lieutenants and adjutants, one cadet captain and

adjutant, one cadet captain and quartermaster. The noncommissioned staff shall consist of one regimental sergeantmajor, one regimental quartermaster-sergeant, two battalion sergeant-majors, and one regimental color sergeant.'

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"6. In each company there shall be one captain, two lieutenants, one first sergeant, one company quartermaster-sergeant, and as many sergeants and corporals as may be required."

". Each of the battalions will be commanded, when on drill, and at such other times as the Commandant of Cadets shall direct, by its Cadet Major."

"S. On the graduation of every class the Commandant of Cadets shall obtain the names of such cadets as shall ave shown special aptitude for military service, and furnish a list thereof to the Adjutant General of the State for his information. A copy of this list will also be sent to the Adjutant General of the United States Army, and the names of the three most distinguished students in military science and tactics, will, when graduated, be inserted in the United States Army Register."

Leave of Absence

Communications from parents, requesting leave of absence from the College for their sons, must be addressed directly to the President and not through the cadets.

The rules governing in cases of permits to visit home during the session of the College require that cadets who have accumulated more than eight demerits in any one term, and who have fallen below grade two in their studies on any report, will not be allowed to leave College during the term except in cases of extreme sickness or death in the family.

No leave of absence or honorary discharge will be granted after May 1st, except for serious causes.

Students who have been granted leaves of absence and who stay over the date allowed, unless for sickness or other good and valid reasons, will be required to pay again the incidental fee of $5.00 before they will be permitted to continue their studies. In case of sickness, a certificate from the attending physician must be submitted to the President.

General Regulations

In addition to the special regulations of the military department, a copy of which is given each cadet, the following general regulations are enforced.

Cadets are subject to military discipline at all times, and are required to take part in drill, guard duty and other military exercises.

All undergraduate students are required to board in the barracks, except those who live with their parents or relatives near enough to attend from their homes.

Each student is required to purchase the prescribed uniform; also a pair of over-shoes and a water-proof coat. Students may provide themselves with such work-clothes as they desire.

Those occupying a room are consulted before another student is assigned to that room. A student not satisfied with his room-mate has the privilege of applying for permission to move to another room, and such applications are granted when practicable.

Cadets must at all times be respectful in their bearing to professors and other officers of the College.

The practice known as hazing is positively forbidden. All cadets, upon matriculation, shall be required to sign a pledge not to indulge in hazing or injuring in any form the person of any cadet or give countenance or encouragement thereto while a member of the corps of cadets. Any cadet indulging in this practice will be dismissed from the College.

Cadets are positively forbidden to use, or have in their possession, intoxicating liquors of any description.

Profanity and gambling are positively forbidden. All combinations of cadets for the purpose of censuring one of their number are prohibited; also all combinations to defeat the purpose of any regulation of the College.

If any cadet shall consider himself wronged by another, or by an officer of the College, he has the right to complain thereof in writing to the President, who will examine into the complaint and take such measures for redressing the wrong as he may deem proper.

Cadets are forbidden to keep and fire-arms or other weapons in their possession not issued by the proper authority. Any cadet receiving 66 demerits during a College term

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