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Every thing not coming under the denominaon of newspapers or pamphlets, is charged ith letter postage.

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digested, with a proper index to the same, yearly; and it shall be the duty of the said printer, to print the same with the said laws, at the end thereof, that they may be distributed in the same manner as the said laws are distributed, for which the said printer shall be compensated at the same rate, and in the same manner as for printing the laws of this State.”—Revised Laws, 528, Act of March 12, 1806.

Present Reporter-James S. Green.

"That from and after the passage of this act, there shall be appointed by the Joint Meeting of the Council and General Assembly of this State, å fit and proper person skilled in the law, as chancery reporter; who shall hold his office for the term of five years from the date of his appointment, and shall be commissioned accordingly by the Governor of this State, and receive such compensation, for his services as the Legisture shall provide.

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"That it shall be the duty of the said chancery reporter, to collect, arrange, and compile, in regular order, all such cases as have been, or shall be, decided in the Court of Chancery, and in the Prerogative Court of this State, wherein the principles of law and equity, in important or intricate cases, may have been, or shall be, discussed and determined, or rules of proceeding and practice in said Courts, determined, or established, as will tend to promulgate information useful to the citizens of this State; with the opinions of the Chancellor, Ordinary or Surro

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ate-General, or officers sitting with or for the hancellor, Ordinary or Surrogate-General, in id Courts thereon, together with such cases etermined in the Court of Appeals, in the last esort in all causes of law, as shall be importnt and useful, to be generally known and unerstood."-Com. Laws, 400, Act of March 13,

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porated companies of this State, the capital stock of which, now is, or hereafter may be, liable, by law, to be taxed, shall be, and the same are hereby transferred to the fund for the support of free schools.”—Com. Laws, 189, Act of March 5, 1828.

On the first day of April, in every year, the Trustees shall appropriate to, and apportion among, the respective counties, in the ratio of their taxes, the sum of twenty thousand dollars.

Statement of Fund.

Scrip for stock, chargeable to Walnut and Pine street Prison lot, at

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Due from State on loan for construction of new prison,


43,317 29


Loan to Sussex and Hunterdon counties,


16,000 00

used b

Due on bond and mortgage, at 5

shall b

12,000 00


per cent.,

Cumberland and Sussex bank stock,


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Bank tax, annually to be received,

A. D. 1663--4, March 12. King Charles the 2d, granted all that territory, called by the Dutch "New Netherlands," unto his brother, the Duke of York. A. D. 1664, June 24, the Duke granted that part now included within the limits of

Now larger to Lord Porklow of Stratton and

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