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Whatever other Agricultural Journals the Farmer may take, the Cheapness and Value of The Cultivator render it indispensable.


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farm, containing 265 acres, situated nine miles from Albany, four miles from Troy, one and a half miles from Cohoes, and one-half mile from New-York Central Railroad. It has on it


CULTIVATOR a large number of BARNS and OUT-HOUSES; a great quantity of

FOR 1 8 6 3.

This Periodical enters upon its thirtieth year, with 1863. It is now made up from the COUNTRY GENTLEMAN-those articles being particularly selected which shall present in each number the greatest variety of brief practical hints and suggestions, calculated to be of the widest interest and most general utility. It has long been the belief of the Editors that what one farmer has done another can do-hence their aim is to transcribe, either themselves or through their correspondents, the exact systems which the best and most successful of our farmers are now practically following, by which they have made money and enriched their soils-to explain the modus operandi, and set others in the way of following the example. We may assert without exaggeration, that it contains scarcely a page, from January to

FRUIT TREES, of different varieties-is well UNDERDRAINED.
and equally divided by a road leading from Coboes. Price per
acre, 125.

Immediate possession can be given.
For further particulars enquire of
Nov. 27-w4tm2t.*



Cohoes, N. Y.



Walden, Orange Co., N. Y., One very choice Berkshire Boar, 2 years old; Nos. 1, 2 or 3 choice pair of Pigs, selected from three litters, and suitable for breeding.

Nov. 20-w&mlt.

December, on which may not be found some Fact from the actual GA

Practice of the writer, of far greater real value to the careful reader than the year's subscription.

ARDENER WANTED.-An unmarried man, competent to raise Vegetables and Fruits for market, may find a good situation in western Massachusetts. If he can also do farm work, and can manufacture rustic garden furniture, he can have employment through the year. Address W. H. P., at this office.

Oct. 80-wltmit.


THE CULTIVATOR has always been FAR LARGER-containing from one to two-thirds more matter-than any contemporary published at the same price. While other papers have advanced their rates, or have been discontinued, we propose to CONTINUE THE CULTIVATOR FOR 1863 ON THE SAME TERMS as heretofore, and it is now not only, as it has always been, THE CHEAPEST, but also, we believe, THE ONLY Agricultural paper published in the United States whose single one year old Feb. 22, 1861, full and pure blood; for sale, cheap, En copy price is FIFTY CENTS A YEAR.

THE CULTIVATOR Is published monthly, all subscriptions beginning with the January number, and forms an annual volume of nearly 400 large 8vo. pages. Single Copies 50 Cents per Annum, Payment strictly in advance. Clubs are presented with the ANNUAL REGISTER OF RURAL AFFAIRS, containing 144 Pages, and 150 Engravings, and thus obtain


quire of


Oct. 30-w&mit.*

Amenia Union, Duchess Co., N. Y.



from different families, at low rates.
Oct, 9-w4t-m2t.



We know of no works which afford so much Practical Information

528 Pages Reading Matter, and more than 200 En- on the subject of American Agriculture, which can be procured for gravings, for Fifty Cents.

WHAT EVERY BODY WANTS!! We have secured what we consider the BEST WAR MAP of the whole Fifteen Southern and Border States, colored and engraved on steel, covering a surface of about FIFTEEN SQUARE FEET, revised and corrected to the latest dates, which we are enabled to CLUB WITH THE CULTIVATOR AND REGISTER on the very favorable terms given below, Such a Map, previous to the late advances in the art of printing. could not have been purchased for less than TEN DOLLARS; but under the following proposition, our subscribers will receive it at a cost of ONLY FIFTEEN CENTS!!

In other words, Ten Copies of THE CULTIVATOR and REGISTER, with TEN MAPS, (and one of each free to the sender of the Club) will be sent for $6.50. and the following will be the

TERMS FOR 1863. Single Copy of THE CULTIVATOR for 1863...

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double the cost, as the Third Series of "THE CULTIVATOR," the 9th
vol. of which is now completed. The price of the Nine volumes,
handsomely bound in muslin, is 75 cents each at this office, or $1.00
each sent by mail, post paid. Either volume from 1 to 9, can be had
separately at the same price. The Nine volumes will be sent per Ex.
press to any part of the country, on receipt of $6.75.
Embracing his history and varieties, breeding and management, and
vices; with the diseases to which he is subject, and the remedies best
adapted to their cure. By Robert Jennings, V. S. To which are add.
ed Rarey's method of taming horses, and the law of warranty as ap
plicable to the purchase and sale of the animal. Illustrated by near-
ly 100 engravings. Price $1.25 by mail, postpaid. For sale by


LUTHER TUCKER & SON, Co. Gent. Office, Albany, N. Y.


With Practical Directions for Laying Out a Farm and Erecting Buildings, Fences, and Farm Gates. Embracing also the Young Far. mer's Workshop: giving full directions for the selection of good Farm and Shop Tools, their Use and Manufacture, with numerous Original Illustrations of Fences, Gates, Tools, etc., and for performing nearly every branch of farming operations. By S. EDWARDS TODD. Price $1.25, by mail post paid. For sale by L. TUCKER & SON, Co. Gent. Office, Albany, N. Y.

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THE COUNTRY GENTLEMAN. and Disease, of Dairy and other Stock; the selection of Milch Cows,

THE COUNTRY GENTLEMAN contains sixteen large pages every week, and forms two volumes per year of 416 pages each-subscription $2 per year, or $2.50 if not paid strictly in advance. The volumes begin with January and July.

FIVE DOLLARS will pay for Six Copies of THE CULTIVATOR and One Copy of the COUNTRY GENTLEMAN for 1863, with a copy of the ANNUAL REGISTER to each of the Seven Subscribers. SIX DOLLARS will also entitle each of the Seven to a copy of the WAR MAP.

Specimen copies and Prospectuses of the COUNTRY GENTLEMAN and the CULTIVATOR will be sent to all who desire them, and Postmasters, and all persons interested in Rural pursuits, are earnestly invited to act as Agents.

Address letters of inquiry, or orders accompanied with the cash, to

with a full explanation of Guenon's Method, the Culture of Forage
Plants, and the production of Milk, Butter and Cheese; embodying
the most recent improvements, and adapted to Farming in the United
States and British Provinces. With a Treatise upon the Dairy Hus
bandry of Holland; to which is added Horsfall's System of Dairy
Management. By CHARLES L. FLINT, Secretary of the Massachu
setts Board of Agriculture; Author of "A Treatise on Grasses and
Forage Plants," &c. Liberally Illustrated.

The above valuable work-the best, we have no hesitation in saying
yet issued upon the subject-is for sale at the office of this paper.
Albany, Jan. 1-w&mtf.

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