Stryker's American Register and Magazine, Volume 5W.M. Morrison, 1851 - History, Modern |
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Common terms and phrases
30th June acres adopted amendment American amount annual appointed appropriations army Austria authority bill boundary Brazil Britain British California canal cent Central America Chargé d'Affaires claims Clinton coast command commerce commissioners Congress Constitution cotton Department District duty established estimated expenditures exports favor foreign France fugitive slave fugitive slave law gold Governor habeas corpus Honduras House hundred important increase Indians interest Job Mann June 30 King labor Lake Nicaragua Legislature Liberia manufactures measures ment Mexico miles military Mississippi nations naval navy Nicaragua North officers Pacific Pacific ocean party passed persons population port postage present President Prussia public lands purpose received resolution revenue river Secretary Senate session ship silver slavery South South Carolina square miles steamers Sublime Porte territory Texas tion Total trade Treasury treaty troops Union United vessels vote whole number York
Popular passages
Page 564 - But, as they were all in pursuit of nearly the same object, it was necessary, in order to avoid conflicting settlements, and consequent war with each other, to establish a principle, which all should acknowledge as the law by which the right of acquisition, which they all asserted, should be regulated as between themselves. This principle was, that discovery gave title to the government by whose subjects, or by whose authority, it was made, against all other European governments, which title might...
Page 148 - The honour paid to Saints, the claim of infallibility for the Church, the superstitious use of the sign of the Cross, the muttering of the Liturgy so as to disguise the language in which it is written, the recommendation of auricular confession, and the administration of penance and absolution...
Page 31 - Commencing at the point of intersection of the fortysecond degree of north latitude with the one hundred and twentieth degree of longitude west from Greenwich, and running south on the line of said one hundred and twentieth degree of west longitude until it intersects the thirty-ninth degree of north latitude...
Page 540 - An Act proposing to the State of Texas the Establishment of her Northern and Western Boundaries, the Relinquishment by the said State of all Territory claimed by her exterior to said Boundaries, and of all her claims upon the United States, and to establish a territorial Government for New Mexico.
Page 87 - That the State of Texas hereby agrees to and accepts said propositions; and it is hereby declared that the State shall be bound by the terms thereof, according to their true import and meaning.
Page 19 - ... except only that in all cases involving title to slaves, the said writs of error or appeals shall be allowed and decided by the...
Page 566 - His Britannic Majesty shall cause to be demolished all the fortifications which His subjects shall have erected in the Bay of Honduras, and other places of the Territory of Spain in that part of the world...
Page 31 - Colorado, at a point where it intersects the thirtyfifth degree of north latitude; thence down the middle of the channel of said river to the boundary line between the United States and Mexico, as established by the treaty of May thirtieth, one thousand eight hundred and forty-eight...
Page 539 - An act to enable the State of Arkansas and other States to reclaim the 'swamp lands
Page 15 - Greenwich is intersected by the parallel of thirty-six degrees, thirty minutes north latitude, and shall run from said point due west to the meridian of one hundred and three degrees west from Greenwich; thence her boundary shall run due south to the thirty-second degree of north latitude; thence on the said parallel of thirty-two degrees of north latitude to the Rio Bravo del Norte, and thence with the channel of said river to the Gulf of Mexico.