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MOUNDRIDGE, KANS., May 21, 1980.

DEAR SIR: Ever since I received your Washington News Letter I've been wanting to write to you and tell you and your colleagues that your assessment of the "Windfall Oil Tax" and how it affects the small royalty owner is exactly right. I was shocked the last time I received my so called "Oil Check" how much the Federal Government took out.

I live in the old "Hollow Field" district in Harvey County. It's an old oil field and the wells are so called stripper wells, and for years the checks amounted to "cream check" values. As farmers we have been farming around these wells for years, very often wishing they were not there, because of the inconvenience of farming around them.

Of late with the oil prices sky rocketing the monthly checks started to look pretty good. I was even hoping that together with Social Security they might support us in our retiring years. I understand you are having a hearing in our state on May 23. I'll try and come to this hearing if at all possible. I hope you can see this matter through and restore what the tax is now taking out.

As you well know the farming economy is in a bad way any help from whatever source is most welcome.

Supposedly much of this tax money is to go to pay fuel bills for poor people. We have plenty of those bills to pay as farmers too. So let's keep the money where it originates.


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Clarence Scheuerman
Alexander, tan

Senator Dale

Senator Boren


For some time, Are reed & heard about taxing the Fat Cats of the oil luusiness, because they are making large profits. Such as Phillies, Gulf, Mobileter,

On May 19 & get a letter showing the rate of tax on our three strippers. I wouldn't believe it. Shack disbelief and anger, sets in. Sophisticated Rehbery, made ligal by ignorant people. Nationaliane without the expense. Grabling Royality for free. I happened to see a picture of Pres. Carter and fellow democrats in a magazine, all laughing whopping as he signs the windfall profits Bill. Somehow I didn't notice anything to laugh about. To me Then Watergate that

this is more


The largest.

shocking & & devasting Pres. Carter aided by Repremtatis & Seneters noted for this are the quiltizonio. Mafia type operation in history. Langing up against a minorty of people. I wonder if this tay is legal ?

I seems, that somehody needs a miracle. to balance his bridget, so he'll look good in the eyes of the voler's this fall. - Hence Windfall = I hope its his downfall.

ensn't it strange how a person can create so many messes, Then create headlines trying to clean them up.

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